Vector Detector

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Amy chuckled as she danced around her house, saying good morning to everyday things. "Good morning, world. Good morning, chair. Good morning, plant." She twirled over to where she kept her hammer, patting its now empty space. "Good morning, hammer!"


Empty space?

Amy's green eyes widened with shock as she scanned the spot where her hammer was supposed to be. "Hammer? Hammer! HAMMER!!!" She screamed, causing a flock of birds to fly off.

Later, Amy was still upset about the loss of her hammer. She clearly showed it as she walked with the gang through town that same day. Penny glanced at Amy in sympathy as the pink hedgehog fretted about her prized possession being missing. "I can't believe my hammer's gone. It's... it's who I am! It's like Sonic without his speed."

Knuckles nodded. "Or me without my fists." He thought for a moment and shrieked in fright. "Aah! Where are they?"

Sticks glared at him. "They're on your hands."

Knuckles glanced at his fists and sighed in relief. "Oh, thank goodness. For a moment there, I was as useless as Amy without her hammer."

Sonic frowned in confusion. "Who would want to steal you hammer anyway?"

"That is something to think about." Penny frowned. "I mean, there could be a lot of reasons to steal Amy's hammer, but..."

She was interrupted by whistling. The gang turned around to see Eggman walking up with a bag of vegetables. "Good morning, Losers!"

Amy glared at him threateningly. "Eggman, you stole my hammer!"

Eggman glared back. "If I wanted a hammer, I'd make one myself." He growled in annoyance. "I was having such a lovely morning, and now I got all worked up."

Sonic smirked at Eggman. " So, what are you gonna do about it, attack us?"

And just like that, Eggman launched an attack on the gang. Penny let out a yell as she smashed a robot with her staff. Tails smirked at Sonic. " What are you gonna do about it, attack us? Nice calling, Sonic."

Amy had been so used to battling with her hammer that she tried attacking the robot, but realized she didn't have her hammer this time. She let out a yell as she fell to the ground.

"Amy!" Penny cried, smashing a bot and running over to the pink hedgehog's aid. "You okay?"

Amy nodded. She glanced at her hands, which looked like they were curled around something. She groaned. "What am I supposed to do with my hands?!"

Penny sighed. She wished she could comfort the pink hedgehog, but she never had anything precious stolen from her like that. I mean, if you count Bea, then fine, but it was nothing compared to a lost hammer, and Penny confirmed that when she glanced at Amy's sad expression.

The two turned to see the rest of the gang finishing the fight, and Amy glanced at her hands with a sad sigh. " Knuckles was right, I am useless!" She ran off, crying.

"Knuckles..." Penny growled at him. Sure, he didn't know what he was saying about him being useless, but still, he shouldn't talk like that around Amy...

Knuckles glanced down at the human girl. "What? I can't help that I'm insightful."

Sonic sighed and turned to Eggman, preparing for a spin attack. "Well, I guess I need to deal with this. Sorry Egghead, need to make this a quick one." He curled up in a ball and slammed his body against Eggman's mobile, and the doctor flew off, screaming, "I completely understand!"

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