Late Fees

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"Need a hand, Tails?" Penny hummed as she leaned over the table, eyeing her little brother figure as he never left his eyes off his work.

"Nah, nothing yet. Why don't you go see what Sonic and the others are doing?" Tails suggested, finally lifting his safety mask and giving the human girl a smile.

"Nah, I got bored with what they were talking about so I went to see you." Penny said.

Tails hummed, pulling the mask down and returning to his work. "Sounds reasonable."

Penny was about to ask another question when Sonic zoomed in. "Tails, I need jumper cables."

Tails, not looking from his work, reached into his tool box and handed Sonic a jumper cable. Sonic zoomed out and zoomed back in again. "You got any duct tape?"

"Right here." Penny said, tossing Sonic duck tape. Sonic winked at the human girl and zoomed out, and returned yet again.

"Geez, what is it this time?!" Penny asked.

"How about a battery?" Sonic asked.

"Antimatter or self-generating?" Tails asked, not looking from his work. Sonic shrugged. "I don't know. Something with a lot of juice."

"Antimatter's on the top shelf, behind the video games."

"Thanks." Sonic said. He darted over to the shelf and grabbed the antimatter battery, and zoomed out.

Tails and Penny glanced at each other, and hurried outside to see what the other boys were doing. Penny's mouth dropped open when she saw that they were using Tails' mobile as a miniature merry-go-round. Knuckles was sitting on a bucket and taped securely to the propellers (that explains the duck tape) and Sonic stood next to the battery, holding the jumper cables.

"Ha! Initiate "Spinning Blades of Death"!" Sonic laughed, raising the jumper cables.

Knuckles turned to him. "Spinning Blades of Death"? I guess that sounds safe."

Sonic connected the jumper cables to the battery, and right at that moment Knuckles started spinning around and around, so fast that Penny started feeling sick just watching him.

" Whoo-hoo-hoo!" Knuckle cheered.

Sonic smirked. "Activating Hyper Mode." He flipped a switch and Knuckles started rolling faster and faster, cheering, "Yeaaaaah!"

Sonic's communicator beeped, and he pressed it. "Sonic here."

Amy answered, sounding annoyed. "Sonic, did you return the book I lent you to the library?"

Sonic paused uneasily. "Um... not... yet?"

Knuckles let out a yell as the duck tape went loose, and the force of the wind pushed him backwards, and he landed with a crash.

"Knuckles!" Penny cried, quickly leaving the scenery and running to help the echidna.

Amy sounded distressed. " It's due today! If you don't return it on time, I'll have to pay late fees, Sonic! Late fees!"

Sonic cringed. "Slam on your worry brakes, Amy. I'm all over this! Not a problem!" He turned off his communicator and winced. "Problem."

"C'mon, Knux, you're almost there." Penny told the Echidna reassuringly as she walked up with him, helping the dizzy Echidna sit down. Sonic glanced at Penny, Knuckles, and Tails with wide eyes. "I can't remember where the book is."

"When I can't find something, I retrace my steps." Tails said.

Sonic hummed. "Okay. What did I do yesterday?"

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