Fuzzy Puppy Buddies

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Penny sat on the other side of the table, focusing on their game. Amy grinned, holding up her poodle. "Thought you were pretty slick, playing Warrior Beagle against Pugnacious Pug." She said, pushing one of Penny's puppy pieces forward. "Didn't see that comin', did ya?"

"Honestly, I didn't." Penny said with a grin. "Now, pass me that dice."

Amy handed Penny the dice, and she shook it and rolled it out on the table. Penny grinned. "Bam! Slobbering Sheepdog is marking his territory!"

Amy smirked. "Good. But can you do this?" Amy knocked over Penny's piece, and Penny gasped. "What-how-that's impossible!"

Amy started doing a victory dance. " Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. Whoop. Whoop. Whoop..."

Penny looked up to see the rest of Team Sonic standing, watching. "Uh, Amy?"

"What?" Amy asked, and she turned face to face with the rest of the gang. Sonic frowned. "Uh...what are you two girls doing?"

"Nothing embarrassing. I'll tell you that right now." Amy said nervously.

"Yeah." Penny said.

Sonic reached down and picked up one of the pieces. "Ah! Cute doggie doll."

Amy frowned. "They're not dolls, they're playing pieces. Part of a very sophisticated battle game that requires strategy, cunning, and merciless aggression! It's called Fuzzy Puppies!"

"It's the greatest game yet! Besides Kingdom Hearts." Penny said.

And at that, the rest of the game burst out laughing.

"That sounds pretty lame, Penny, Amy." Tails said, catching his breath.

"It's not lame!" Amy hissed. "It's the coolest new game around!"


" If it's so cool, why are you two playing it all by yourselves?" Sticks asked.

"Amy and I are just preparing our skills before the Fuzzy Puppy meet-up at Meh Burger." Penny said. Amy nodded. "All the best, most popular players in town will be there."

Meh Burger....

Penny and Amy walked up. Amy held the case to the game in her hands as she scoped the area for the game table.

"That looks like the table." Penny whispered to Amy. Amy glanced over to a table where a group sat, and she nodded. "Yeah. Just to make sure, let's ask."

The two walked up. Amy was the first to speak. "Excuse me, can you tell me where the cool, popular Fuzzy Puppy fan group is?"

"Duh!" Dave said. "It's right here at this table."

"Noob!" Fastidious said.

Hearing footsteps, Penny looked up and her eyes widened to see Eggman standing there, holding the game in his hand.

"Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late! I was polishing my schnauzer and--"

" Eggman! You're into Fuzzy Puppies?" Amy asked.

Eggman shook his head quickly. "Me? Oh... No, no, never! I'm the evil and powerful Eggman. I wouldn't... " He sighed, giving up. "Ah, who am I kidding? Of course I collect Fuzzy Puppies. They're adorable!"

"I know, right?" Amy said.

Eggman leaned in towards the girls with a uneasy look on his face. "So, if you could do me a solid and not tell Sonic and those guys, OK? They'll just make fun of me."

"Tell us about it." Amy grumbled.

Penny grinned at Eggman. "Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me. So, who's your favorite Fuzzy Puppy?"

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