Eggman's Anti Gravity Ray

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Eggman hummed to himself as he walked out of his layer, cup of tea in his hand and bundled up in his red and yellow robe. "Nothing like a lazy Sunday morning. Got a cup of tea, a stack of Yacht rock albums on vinyl, and a brand new loofah just waiting to be made unreturnable. Now all I need is my morning paper."

He bent down to pick up the paper, but the wind swept it away, much to his annoyance. Eggman followed the paper into his lab, trying to collect the paper, only to spill his tea in the process.

He grumbled in annoyance. "Every Sunday, that lousy draught ruins my morning routine. Mother nature's gotten real smug ever since my factories gave her the power to rain acid. It's time I take her down a peg."

When he got dressed, he started planning his "revenge" on Mother Nature's wind. "Once I rotate my layer sixteen degrees, I will have beaten Mother Nature at her own game."

Orbot and Cubot rolled in, holding a tray of food. "Breakfast is served. We worked all morning on this bountiful feast, but it was a labor of love." Orbot announced.

Angrily, Eggman bumped into them as he walked off, causing the food to slide to the ground. He glared angrily at his robots. "Oh, look what you did! Clean that mess up while I go get my Gravity Boots, and don't touch anything!"

He stomped off, leaving Orbot and Cubot sulking. 

While that was happening, Penny, Sonic, and the rest of the team were playing kickball together. Penny grinned as she kicked the ball towards the goalie. "All right, almo-WAUGH!"

She let out a startled yelp as the ground gave way underneath her, and she groaned. "Wha-"

Knuckles popped up, wincing. "Er...woops."

Sonic growled in annoyance at Knuckles as he helped Penny out of the hole. "Knuckles. How many times do we have to tell you not to dig tunnels everywhere?"

"But digging is what I dig!" Knuckles protested. "You dig?"

Sonic crossed his arms, glaring at the echidna. "Well, not anymore it's not."

Knuckles grumpily stood up and kicked the ball, and it smacked on Tails' head, landing in the net.

"Touchdown..." Knuckles sighed glumly.

"You know. Sometimes I think Eggman doesn't appreciate us." Cubot said when he and Orbot started cleaning the breakfast mess. Orbot looked at his friend. "What makes you say that?"

"The way he kicks us when we're down, calls us names, and always says, "I don't appreciate you"." Cubot angrily knocked over the pillar to the anti gravity ray with his mop, and the gravity ray rose into the air, picking up the mess with its rays as it floated.

Orbot nodded in understanding as he inspected the sight in front of him. " Now I see why Dr. Eggman wanted his Gravity Boots."

"Because Fashion Week's just around the corner?"

"No! To counteract the effects of this Anti Gravity Ray!" Orbot snapped. He pulled the ray to the trash and turned it off, and the contents fell into the trash. Orbot stared at the machine in wonder. "This new invention could revolutionize the world as we know it!"

Cubot grinned as he took the ray and placed it on his head. "And it makes a sweet hat too."

"Give me that..." Orbot grumbled, trying to pry the ray off Cubot's head. Instead, he accidentally napped off the off switch, and Cubot yelped and started twitching. He collided with the chalkboard and pretty soon began floating in the air.

"I think I'm finally getting my growth spurt!" He yelled as he began to malfunction.

"Hang on, Cubot! I'll get you down!"

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