I Can See Sonic's Fear From Here

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Penny relaxed on the beach with her friends. Tails was teaching Sticks how to play chess. He picked up a pawn. "Alright. Let's start with the basics. This is a pawn."

"Don't kick yourself," Sticks hissed, snatching the pawn from him. "We're all pawns in the great chessboard of life!"

The ground started rumbling.

"What's happening?!" Penny asked nervously. She let out a startled yelp as an octopus landed on Tails' head. Sticks grinned. "I'm starting to like this game!"

A fish splattered on the ground next to Penny, and the human girl raised her eyes. This was new. She looked up and a whole bunch of fish came raining down on them.

"Holy mackerel. It's raining minnow!" Amy gasped.

"Hallelujah." Tails sighed from inside the octopus.

"Quick, collect as many fish as you can in this bucket!" Penny gasped, filling a bucket of water and handing it to Sonic. Sonic nodded, catching the rest of the falling fish. The two stared in the bucket together, puzzled.

"Well. That was random." That was all Sonic could say.

"I agree. Tails, I think we should check this out." Penny told the fox. "I mean, since when do fish randomly fall from the sky?"

The gang decided to take Tails' plane out to the ocean to investigate the quakes. Knuckles rode on the back, attached to the plane, and was lifted in the air by a parachute. "This must be what birds feel like!" Knuckles grinned. The echidna started flapping his arms. "Look at me! I'm a penguin!"

"That's the opposite of a bird!" Penny yelled to him over the wind.

"Say what? A penguin's not a bird?!" Knuckles gasped.

"We're closing in on the source." Tails said, and he moved his plane down towards the water and set it to autopilot. That sudden jolt caused Knuckles to slam against the plane and smash into a periscope that had just happened to rise out of the water.

Penny and the others let out a yelp as a blaring noise came from the periscope, and they covered their ears.

Eggman's voice soon came afterward. "Uh, test. 1212. Looks like you found me, Sonic, and just as I was about to create a giant wave to flood the entire Village, destroying everything. Guess you'll have to come down here and stop me."

Penny frowned, glancing at Sonic worriedly. Water was Sonic's biggest fear. Just where was Eggman going with this?

"What did he say?" Knuckles called.

"Let's get him!" Amy said, ready to hop off the plane, but Sonic stopped her, stuttering nervously. "Ah-ha. N-Now Amy... W-We don't want to get ahead of ourselves. He might be bluffing."

"Who's making stuff?" Knuckles called again.

Tails' device beeped again, and Tails gasped. "I'm detecting some unusual seismic activity. It'll lead to a devastating tidal wave in less than eight hours."

"A tidal wave?!" Penny whimpered.

"We gotta do something!" Sticks yelped.

"Whoa, whoa! Where's the fire?" Sonic asked in a rush. We got eight hours. Say why don't we hit up Meh Burger for some munchies, huh? Don't want to fight on an empty stomach, am I right?" He chuckled nervously. "Am I right?"

"Okay..." Tails shot Sonic a worried look and flew off. Penny could hear Eggman yelling, "Hey. Where are you goin'? Evil plan over here. Need some thwarting!"

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