Bro Down Show Down

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Hearing a knock on her door, Amy stopped cleaning her hammer and went to open it. Leroy stood there, holding a telegram. "Telegram; for Amy Rose. You won the "most selfless award"."

"MINE!" Amy squealed, snatching the telegram from Leroy's hands. Leroy fell on his shell, startled by the sudden force of movement.

"Hey, Amy, what's up?" Penny asked as she, Knuckles, and Sonic walked up to her.

"What is it?" Sonic asked as well, curious.

Amy had stars in her eyes when she turned to them. "A few weeks ago I submitted myself for this year's most selfless award, and I just found out that I won!"

"Uh, you submitted yourself? Can you do that?" Knuckles asked.

"Apparently." Penny told the echidna. He grinned. "Cool!"

"In this life, you gotta look out for number one!" Amy grinned.

"I deserve this..." Leroy muttered.

Amy ran into her house to pack a few things, and Sonic, Knuckles, and Penny walked in. Sonic glanced at Amy. "So, umm, while you're gone, you're gonna need a house-sitter huh?"

"Last time I left you two here, I came back to find a family of skunks living in the crawlspace." Amy said with a frown.

"Skunks?" Penny asked, grimacing. Amy turned to her. "I'll tell you later."

" You should be flattered, skunks are veerryy picky." Knuckles said.

Amy groaned.

" Come on Amy, let us stay here! I need a change of scenery, and it gets boring watching a majestic sunset of an endless tranquil sea of blue outside my beachfront paradise every day." Sonic pleaded.

"And I want to watch cable!" Knuckles added enthusiastically.

"Come on, guys. It's not..." Penny began, but Sonic and Knuckles got on their knees in front of Amy, pleading their hearts out. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!"

"Can we stay?!" Sonic pleaded.

"Be a guy!" Knuckles added.

Amy groaned. "UGH! Fine! But only because I am extremely selfless. BUT if you two do anything foolish I promise you will face MY WRATH! Ta-ta!" She turned to Penny and placed both hands on the human girl's shoulders. "Penny, it is your job to make sure that the boys don't do something stupid while I'm gone."

"You can count on me, Amy." Penny said, giving the hedgehog a salute. Amy giggled and grabbed her bag. "See you soon!" She called, walking out.

"All right, guys. No horsing around." Penny told them, and both boys groaned.

Sonic grinned. " Wanna do somethin' foolish?"

Knuckles grinned back. "Did you even have to ask?"

"Guys, that's exactly what Amy said not..." Penny began, but the sight in front of her caused her to gape in shock. Knuckles was holding a stone, and on top of the stone was Sonic.

"Guys, stop...!"

Too late. Knuckles threw Sonic into the air, and Sonic rode around the house using the stone as a surfboard, knocking over some of Amy's possessions. Penny gasped and caught as many as she could, and placed them back where they were. She glared at Sonic and Knuckles.

"Suck it!" Sonic grinned, landing on the couch.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Knuckles grinned.

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