Chain Letter

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Eggman smirked as he played a videogame on his console. " I'll admit you've got some smooth moves, but wait till you see the scope of my wrath. Take that!"

His game was going swell until something on his screen beeped. Eggman groaned in annoyance. "Oh man. This pop-up ad totes interrupted my pawnage."

Orbot glanced at it closely, and turned to the doctor. " That's not an ad. It's a message on your FriendSpace account."

Eggman's angry expression turned to excitement. "Ooh! Somebody wrote me!" He pressed a button and read a message. ""If you do not forward this message to three friends, you will be cursed with bad luck forever." I'll just send it to three friends and kiss bad luck goodbye." He frowned in realization. "Wait a sec. I don't have any friends. Orbot, Cubot. I command you to FriendSpace me!"

Orbot and Cubot both pulled out their iPod and pressed a button. The computer dinged. Eggman glanced at it and grinned and clapped his hands happily. "Ooh! I have two friend requests."

He pressed two buttons and his smile faded when he read the message. "That awkward moment when your boss tears apart the lair searching for the remote, only to realize it was stuck to his butt the whole time." He glared at Orbot.

"That could've been about any boss?" Orbot said nervously.

"Hashtag Eggman problems?" Eggman grumbled. He glared at Orbot, who shuddered.

Cubot laughed. " That's a good one. I gotta share that." He pressed a button on his ipod.

Eggman scowled in annoyance. "Oh, now it's trending! I'll deal with you two later. Right now, I gotta get me a third friend."


"Be my friend? Just looking for some web-buddies. You like chat rooms?" Eggman asked the people, but they ran off in response.

Eggman grumbled in annoyance. "Why is it so hard for an evil villain to win the trust of the people he victimizes?"

Hearing someone struggle, Eggman turned to see Redd Heron struggling with some heavy boxes. Eggman grinned and ran over. "Need help moving, friend?"

Redd Heron stared at him.

When they finally got the last boxes in Redd Heron's shack, the bird smiled. "The people in this town are so nice. What was it you said you do again?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough." Eggman said. HE grunted as he stood up, straightening his back as he did so. When he was finished, he turned to Redd Heron. "Hey. We should stay in touch. Let's link up on FriendSpace."

Redd laughed. "I'll be delighted. Of course, it might take me a bit. My computer is buried in one of these boxes, and besides, I probably won't have internet hooked up for a few weeks..."

Eggman growled in annoyance, dropping the box on Redd's foot and walking off.

His next target was a rabbit girl, who was resting her back on a pole, looking bored as she texted on her cell phone. Eggman cleared his throat. "What's shaking, girlfriend? Snapping some selfies to you BFFs? That sounds fleek!"

The girl cringed. "Ew. You sound like my mom when she tries to relate to me."

" Parents right? They're so quack." Eggman laughed. He glanced at her hopefully. "Hey, since we have so much in common, how about being my friend on FriendSpace?"

The girl rolled her eyes. "FriendSpace? That is so two weeks ago."

Eggman felt a little stunned but did his best to hide it. "Oh. Tell me about it. Boresville! So, uh, what should I be using?"

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