Alone Again, Unnaturally

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Sonic groaned. He woke up, his head spinning.

"Whoa. What happened?" He asked. "I haven't felt this horrible since I accidentally saw Comedy Chip's swimsuit calendar!" He grunted in disgust. "November."

He stood up and realized what he was wearing. "Why am I dressed like some action figure?" Sonic zoomed around stopped. "Hello? Everyone here? Penny?"

He stopped and frowned. "This place is deserted and depressing. It's Amy's poetry slam all over again!" He began imitating Amy's poetry slam, and realized something. "Oh. Wait."

"Maybe Tails knows what's going on." Sonic swooped over to Tails's house. "Tails? You here?"

No answer.

"Maybe he's with Penny and Amy. Well, I guess it's my own fault. You snooze, you loose." Sonic dashed over to Amy's.

"Tails? Penny? Amy?" He looked around. "Oh, phew. They're not here." He realized something and panicked slightly. "I-I mean, "Oh no, they're not here!"

He zoomed over to Meh Burger. "Nobody at Meh Burger either. Think, Sonic. How could this happen...."


"Sonic speed boost experiment take one: Slingshot mode! Ready?" Tails smiled. He turned to Amy, Sticks, and Penny.

"READY!" They cheered.

Knuckles raised his thumbs up. "Ready!"

In the sling, Sonic glanced at us nervously. "Guys, are you sure this is safe?"

"Right. Almost forgot!" He pulled down his goggles for safety. So did Amy, Sticks, and Penny. He turned to the badger. "Hit it, Sticks!"

Sticks smiled and cut the rope to the slingshot with her boomerang. Sonic screamed at the sudden force of the slingshot and smacked into a tree.

"Sonic!" Penny cried, running over to him. "Are you ok?" She helped him up.

Sonic's response was a groan of pain.


"Sonic's Speed Boost Experiment take two: Operation: Rocket skates!" The camera moved over to Sonic, who was wrapped up in bandages, and being aided by Sticks and Amy. Penny watched nervously from a corner.

"Hang on, my head's still pounding from the last go." the poor hedgehog said.

"He said go!" Knuckles cried. Tails pressed a button, and Sonic zoomed off, screaming.

"YOU IDIOTS, THAT'S NOT WHAT HE MEANT!!" Penny cried, dashing off after Sonic with a first aid kit.

Sonic screamed as he crashed into a wall, and fell on his back. "Sonic! Say something!" Penny cried, clutching his hand and started treating his wounds. Sonic groaned in response. "ooo... Something...." before he passed out.

"Oh, no. Sonic!" Amy cried. "You ruined my skates!"

Sonic groaned.

Penny frowned at Amy. "Seriously Amy?"


"Sonic Speed boost Experiment take three: Moving sidewalk!" Tails smiled, and the camera moved over to a moving sidewalk. Sonic and Penny stood on one side of it, while Amy and Sticks stood on the other. Someone else was already testing the sidewalk. Sticks and Amy ooed in interest.

"Since Sonic's super fast on solid ground, and if the ground is moving, he'd be even faster!"

Sonic left Penny's side and hopped onto the sidewalk. "This actually isn't too bad." Sonic began running again, but this time, running on a moving machine wasn't such a good idea. Sonic screamed as the machine tossed him off, and he landed over at the nearest ice cream stand. Sonic groaned in pain as Penny ran up to him.

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