Don't Judge Me

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It was nighttime in Bygone Island. Everything was peaceful until Penny was woken up by the loud sound of buzzing robotic wings flapping in the air. Grumbling, she climbed out of her cozy bed and hurried outside of Sonic's shack to see the biggest moth robot in the world, and Eggman was driving it. The other thing which caught her eye was Sonic running after it with a giant fly swatter.

"That moth bot is no match for my swat-a-pult!" Sonic smirked, chasing after Eggman's moth mobile and swatting it with everything he got. Penny's eyes widened a little bit in amusement.

"Knuckles. We're on code green for moth bait!" Sonic called to the echidna.

"Look at me, I'm having an idea!" Knuckles called, running into the scene carrying a gigantic lightbulb over his head. Okay, Penny couldn't help but laugh at that scene. Adding more to her amusement, Eggman's moth bot got so distracted by the light that it started following it.

"I'd have to remodel my robots into something that's not easily distracted!" Eggman complained, trying to control his robot.

Up in the air, Sticks called to Knuckles. "KNUCKLES!" She cried. "YOU GOT A MOTH ON YOUR TAIL!" She shook her head. "You can't trust moths! They read minds! TURN LEFT!" She screamed at Knuckles.

Penny winced as Knuckles banged into a wall and fell on his rear.

"NO! MY LEFT!" Sticks screamed. She sighed. "Oh, well, he's under the moth's mind control. I guess we have no choice but to destroy him."

"I'll release the mothballs!" Tails said.

"All right, we have a choice." Sticks said with a sigh.

Tails released the mothballs, and they landed on the moth, destroying it in several explosions later. Sonic did the finishing touches to swatting the moth until it crashed to the ground. Sonic smirked, zooming over to check up on Eggman to see his reaction to the latest defeat.

Eggman looked around his now broken ship and felt his neck in pain. "OW! MY NECK!" He whined. He glared at Sonic. "You CHEATED, hedgehog!"

"How do you cheat in a fight?" Sonic asked, his eyes raised a little.

"Fight's over, cheater," Eggman growled. He motioned to his robots. "Pull me out of this piece of junk! Be careful, I'm injured!" Eggman grumbled as Orbot and Cubot grabbed him by the arms and flew off with their boss in tow.

"Yes!" Sonic smirked. "Victory is mine!"

"IT'S A TAINTED VICTORY!" Eggman roared back at Sonic.

"Yes!" Sonic smirked. "Tainted victory is mine!"

Penny sighed, shaking her head and walking back into the shack. "Now, that was interesting..." She hummed to herself before falling back on her bed and into a deep slumber.


The next day, Penny sat in between Sonic and Tails, sharing a comedically large sandwich. A villager walked up, frowning. "Excuse me, are you Sonic the Hedgehog?"

Penny looked a bit worried. This kid sounded serious.

"Hah!" Sonic smirked. "Guilty as charged! So what will it be, kid? Autograph? You want your picture taken with me? Maybe a bit of this comedically large sandwich?"

"You've been served. Dr. Eggman is suing you." The boy handed Sonic a letter.

Penny's eyes widened.

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