The Biggest Fan

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"I still can't believe they asked you to speak at Career Day," Amy told Sonic as they made their way to the stage. Sonic nodded at the human girl. "And I still can't believe they didn't ask you to speak at "Snide Comment Day"."

Penny let out a giggle.

"Great to be here at..." Comedy Chip began, and pulled out a card, read it, and slumped. Then he brightened up again and continued. "Being a comedian is great. I get to travel all over the island, rub elbows with the cultural elite, and get my face on lunch boxes. Of course, I haven't seen a dime on those stupid things. Remember kids, don't negotiate your own deals."

"Have you ever considered a career in the postal arts?" Leroy asked.

"My advice for Career Day is don't work at all. Simply descend from a long line of wealthy aristocrats. I'm surprised more of you peasants don't try it." Lady Walrus said.

Finally, it was Sonic's turn. The blue hedgehog stood on top of the stage, grinning excitedly at the crowd. " He had us cornered. All hope was lost. That's when I leaped off the wall with a 360 flip," He grinned as he did a backflip to demonstrate, "Drop kicked his robot minions, and spin-dashed Eggman's Bash-Up Bot!"

The audience cheered, however, Penny and Amy looked annoyed as the blue hedgehog smirked, lazily dropping the mic to the ground.

"Oh boy! There he is! Sonic the Hedgehog!!!"

Sonic turned around to see a tapir running up to him with excitement on his face. Sonic frowned, turning to Mark. "Aren't you a bit old for Career Day?"

"I am not a student, actually." The tapir said. "I just wanted to meet you. Mark the Tapir. Hi, I'm your biggest fan."

He held out his hand to Sonic, who took it. The two shook for a while, but Sonic felt a little weird at how Mark was going a little too crazy about the handshake. "Okay, that's enough handshaking."

"Yeah, right, sorry." Mark apologized, tapping his fingers. He grinned at Sonic. "Hey, seeing that your hand is now free, can I get your autograph?"

"Mm, sure. Got any paper?" Sonic asked with a sigh.

Mark frowned as he patted his pockets for paper, and then looked panicked. "Forgot the paper." He moaned, slapping his head a couple of times. "Stupid, stupid!"

"It's okay, really. Maybe next time." Sonic said with a smile.

Mark grinned evilly as he watched Sonic walk off with Penny. "Yeah, next time. I'll see you real soon, Sonic."

At Meh Burger...

Sonic was about to head over to their normal table when Mark popped out of nowhere. Sonic let out a yelp as Mark eyed him a little too close.

"Told ya I'd see you real soon! Isn't that funny?" Mark asked with a laugh. "Hey, wanna sit with me?"

"Uh... I was going to sit with my buds," Sonic said, pointing over to their table. Penny had an empty chair next to her, waiting patiently for Sonic to join.

Mark nodded. "I totally understand."

Sonic eagerly sat down next to Penny.

"What was that all about?" Penny asked.

"Eh, biggest fan, he says," Sonic said.

Penny yelped and covered her ears as a screeching noise filled the air. Sonic turned around and his eyes widened to see Mark pulling up a table. He sat next to the group, and Penny felt a chill going through her spine at the eerie grin he was giving them.

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