Part 1

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It was 1am in the morning and Carina was woken by the lights in the living room. At first she thought it was Maya who came back form her call. But it had only been an hour so it couldn't be possible. She put her robe on top of her pijamas and walked to the leaving room, where she saw Kate, sitting down on the table with her laptop opened in a school document. She was holding her head with her eyes closed. Probably asleep.

Carina's heart melted over Kate just like Maya's did. She walked over to her and silently turned off her laptop making sure she had saved the document and wrapped Kate in her arms waking her up. Kate jumped awake, but she was kinda still half as sleep

"The document computer. I worked school!" She said sleepy as she saw the computer closed.

"Hey, hey, Bambina easy, easy" she said rubbing Kate's back who seemed to be quite asleep. "It's late, go to bed."

"Is mom home?" She asked stretching her arms and cracking her neck sideways.

"Don't do that with your neck!" Said Carina holding Kate's neck "I made that neck from scratch. Not for you to crack it like a toy" she laughed. "Mom's not home yet. She'll come soon. Go get to bed"

Kate looked at her watch and said "I'm studying, I'll go sleep when mom comes"

"You're not studying. You're sleeping, come on get to bed Bambina" said Carina pulling her away form the laptop.

Kate got up and walked to her room and into the bed, carina stood by the doorframe and said "buonanotte amore mio"

"Buonanotte" said Kate and before placing her head on the pillow said "wait! When mom comes, tell her tomorrow..." she slowly forgot what she was going to say and fell asleep.

Carina just laughed sweetly and headed to bed.
Half an hour later a the door of the penthouse unlocked and Maya exhausted came in. She had a shower and climbed into bed kissing Carina's cheek

"Tesoro" said Carina turning around and grabbing Maya's waist. "How did that mission go?"

"Quite fine" said Maya "no one injured"

"That's great. Oh, Kate she somehow got up when you were called and decided she was studying until you came back"laughed carina

"What? She is up?" Said Maya worried

"No no no, I send her back to her room like half an hour ago. " laughed carina

"My god" laughed Maya

They both cuddled up and fall asleep instantly.

6:30 next morning

Kate was already up and reading some notes over coffee. She was dressed ready to go for a run before school. She looked so much like Carina but, acted so much like Maya.

Around 6:45am Maya's alarm went off and so did Carina's. After some minutes Maya walked out of the room still in her pijamas. She walked over to Kate who was facing the other way and hugged her kissing her cheek

"Morning Bug" said Maya

"Morning mom." Said Kate turning around "and do not bug me" she laughed.

"I'll bug your whole life. Since you're my lovebug" teased Maya sitting next to her checking her notes.

"What are we studying?" She asked

"Oh just, biology" said Kate.

"Yeah, that's mamas turn" Maya laughed

Usually carina would help Kate study biology since she was a doctor and knew everything about it. And Maya would help her with physics and Chemistry since as a firefighter those subjects were quite important

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now