Part 9

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Teddy and Arizona walked over to the waiting room but found no one. Just the 19 team except for Maya and Carina.
"They were going crazy here" said Bailey
"Where are they?" Said Teddy
"We managed to get Carina into the attending's lounge. She is with Andrew. She was about to brake into your OR" said Ben.
"I've got her." Said Arizona and left to the attending room
"She is in the Truck. Sitting there" said Andy to teddy who immediately headed outside.
"Wait! Is Kate?" Asked Gibson
"She's out of the woods" said teddy
"That's lord" said Andy and Bailey
Teddy walked outside to see Maya sitting down with and O2 masks just looking at nowhere, as soon as she saw teddy she stood up.
"She's out of the woods" said Teddy holdings Maya's arms, as she sat down again in the truck breathing again.
"Bishop, she is fine." Said teddy.
"She's okey?" Said Maya hiperventilating
"She is. She is okey" said teddy.
At the attending's lounge Carina was hugging Arizona tightly and broke into tears
"Clean your tears, wash your face and come see your child" said Arizona and left to Kate's room where she found Amelia.
"Is she?" Asked Arizona
"Up? She'll be really soon." Said Amelia
"They are coming." Said Arizona "Avery did a nice work here"
"He really did" said teddy who came through the door. "Maya is getting changed, so Kate doesn't smell more smoke"
After the word smoke Kate's eyes opened up and her first reaction exactly as in the trauma room was to get up. As she lifted her head she saw teddy, Arizona and Amelia looking down at her
"Easy, easy. Kate easy." Said Amelia holding her forehead so her head wouldn't move.
"Kate, Kate. Sweetie look at me please." Said Arizona holding Kate's chest
Kate looked at teddy and said "you need to get out. It's exploding, falling, it's burning you need to get out." She said as she began to cry
"Okey let's give her a sedative" said teddy to Arizona and now it was teddy who was holding Kate down
"we are leaving. Okey? We are leaving. We are safe, the fire is out" said teddy calmly
"It's out?" Asked Kate as her eyes started closing as Arizona gave her a sedative
"It's out. Sleep." Said Teddy
Amelia checked her pupils and everything seemed fine.
"What was that?" Said the intern
"Temporal lobe concussion, makes the trauma real" said Amelia
"It's real, just. It makes her relive it" said teddy
Carina and Maya walked through the doors and they both paralysed seeing Kate like that.
"She's probably going to be in and out. We gave her a sedative" said Arizona
"She could wake up confused. It's because of the concussion." Said Amelia
"Thank you" said Maya but she couldn't take her eyes off Kate.
"We'll be back shortly" said Arizona and the three of them left the room
"You saved her life" said Carina as she hugged maya
"She saved life's. If only I had been there..." said Maya and carina interrupted her "she is alive Maya." She said.
They both sat down next to Kate's bed and just looked at her breath as they both cleaned their tears.
Callie came in and explained them all about her hand
"But she'll move it again?" Said Maya worried
"She will, I took my time there, she'll have 100% mobility" said Callie
"Thank you Callie" said carina
Kate's eyes slowly opened but due to the sedative she wasn't able to even try to her up. As she saw, Carina who was standing next to Callie she only managed to say.
"Mamma? What is?" She said looking down at herself and seeing she was in a hospital gown.
Carina rushed to her side to see that Kate's eyes were now filled with tears.
"Amore." Said carina as she strokes Kate's cheek. "Stay still my love"
"What? Where?" She said confused
Maya held her good hand and said "hey, you're okey, Kate you're safe. Lay back."
"Mom?" She asked confused
"We're here Kate. We are not going anywhere" said Maya
Carina cleaned a tear and said "non sei solo"
Kate's eyes slowly shut down again.
Carina and Maya looked at each other and sighted as they knew Kate was out of the woods.
"She's probably going to sleep it off today." Said Callie "she shouldn't have pain, since her meds are quite up. If she does you call us right away"
"Thank you" said Maya.
Kate was in and out of conscious the whole night but the only thing she looked when she woke up was to see she wasn't alone.
At 6:30 am Amelia walked into the room with Arizona.
"Has she been up?" Asked Amelia getting to Kate's side
"Three times, she hasn't spoken tho the last two times" said Maya
"Just wakes up, opens and close her eyes" said Carina
"Okay then" said Arizona. "Has she said anything about pain during the night?"
Carina shook her head. And teddy and Callie walked into the room
"Morning" said teddy.
"She's up?" Asked Callie
"I'm going to wake her now" said Amelia
Teddy who realised, said "Maybe Callie and Arizona you can explain some post ops to both of you so we don't overwhelm Kate."
"We've got her" said Amelia
Four of them walked outside the room.
Teddy slightly reduced Kate's sedation and she immediately started waking up
"Welcome back supergirl" said Amelia
Kate looked at both of them in panic until we realised she wasn't alone.
"Kate breath" said teddy "you are safe"
Kate swallowed, and just laid back before saying "what happened after the explosion?"
Teddy and Amelia looked at each other and teddy sat down on her bed
"You are okey, you had some injuries we fixed them. You need to focus in recovering." Said as she held her hand
"My moms" she asked
"They'll be right back" said Amelia passing a torch through Kate's eyes
Maya and carina came an and they moved right to Kate's side
"Bambina" said carina as she kissed her forehead.
"Hey" she said softly.
Maya cleaned a tear and squeezed her hand and Kate said "I'm okay"
"Yes, you are" said Maya
"But, why does my head feels like I have the worst headache ever" said Kate softly
"We had to do some burr holes" said Amelia "but everything seems going beautifully"
"When do I get to go home" she said
Arizona got closer and said "it's going to take some time honey."
Kate nodded and her eyes slowly shut down again.

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