Our memories

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"You know I know your moms? Both of them actually. They both helped me so so so much. Thanks to them I'm here."
"I'm scared"
"I know. I know. So am I."
"You can help me?"
"Course I will"
"No answer" Maya said starting to get more and more worked up
"Maya call again please call again" said carina with her eyes filled with tears "Maya I think something is wrong. Something is wrong"
"Carina breath" said Maya as she placed her phone next to her ear
"I can't. I can't breath cause I feel it Maya." Cried Carina
"I know. I know. Breath anyway. I'm calling every single person I know" said Maya
"Station nine..." said Maya laughing
"Nine" said baby Kate laughing playing with a firefighter teddy on Maya's desk sitting on Maya's lap
"Ninete..." encouraged Maya
"Nine" said baby Kate again
"Nineteen" said Maya and tickled Kate's tummy
"Nineteen" said Kate
"Yey! High five!" Said Maya
There was a knock on the door and Andy came in
"Adyy!" Cheered baby Kate clapping her hands
"Oh my!! Did she just!?" Said Andy
"Hahaha whose that bug?" Asked Maya to Kate
"Ady!" Cheered Kate
"Oh my oh my oh my!' Clapped Andy and rushed to pick up Kate in her arms "you're the cutest girl I've ever seen. Whose my perfect goddaughter?" Asked Andy and kissed Kate's cheek.
"Your mamma can say it all she wants. But, I'm the better cook of the family" laughed Andrew as she held Kate on his arms while cooking
"Eggs!" Laughed Kate pointing at the eggs
"Yeah! Eggs!" Said Andrew with a smile on his face "want to crack them?" He asked
Kate clapped and cracked one egg after the other.
The door opened and Carina came in and a smile popped to her face as she saw his brother cooking with her perfect daughter
"Look whose here!" Said Andrew pointing at carina and Kate's face lit up
"Mamma!!" She said and she jumped to carina's arms
"Hey my love" said Carina as she kissed Kate's cheek "I missed you"
"Kay. Whose the better cook?" Asked Andrew smiling
"Andw!" Said Kate pointing at Andrew
"What!?" Laughed Carina and Andrew broke into laughter "you're banded from babysitting Andrea"
"I'm the best sitter ever" laughed Andrew "and seems someone is quite exhausted" he said looking at Kate who had her head on Carina's chest closing her eyes
"Wow you're a miracle worker" said carina kissing Kate's head "what did you do? Took her out for a run?" She laughed "and covered her in flour?"
"Hahah yeah there was a small flour war" said Andrew as he headed towards the door
"Funny tho since I don't see you covered up in flour" laughed carina "let's give you a bath and take you to bed"
"I'm tired" said Kate
"You look like a tired flour cupcake" said carina as she walked towards the bathroom with tiny Kate in her arms
"Heyy I'm home" said Maya as she walked into the house.
"We're here!" Said carina as she was drying Kate's hair in Carina's and Maya's bathroom
"Ohh you bug are using my hairdryer? In my bathroom?" Said Maya as she tickled Kate's tummy
Kate laughed and asked amazed "you drove the truck?"
"I drove the truck with Andy!" Said Maya and kissed her cheek
"Picture picture!" Said Kate clapping
Carina laughed and said "bambina let me finish drying your hair and then your mommy can get you dressed and show you all the truck pictures you want"
"My moms said you're a firefighter"
"I'm not, yet. But I'm training to be one."
"Are you brave?"
"I try to. But, I know you're braver than me"
"I'm scared now"
"We're all scared at some point. Being scared is something good sometimes. Means we still care about something"
"Oh my gosh she's just too small" said Maya scared "I'm scared I'll... she's too tiny"
"Okay okay you weren't the one who brought her to the word so do not use the word "tiny" please" laughed carina
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just I don't know how to" said Maya and was interrupted by the crying baby in her arms "ahh carina help me please"
"Oh come on you put out fires everyday. Think about it as a fire Maya" laughed Carina
"I can't! I shoot fires with strong flow hoses!" Laughed Maya "help me please"
"Are you going to make me get up? Captain Bishop can't handle a 6.6 pound baby?" Laughed carina getting up and standing next to maya "hey baby" she said smiling
"No no, I've got it" said Maya seriously
"Let's see, let's see" laughed carina
After some seconds Kate stopped crying and fell asleep on Maya's arms
"Boom. Dr. Deluca. Captain Bishop has this more than under control. No need of being a super class OBGYN" laughed Maya
A knock on the door and teddy came into the room
"Oh my" she said walking towards Maya and saw the asleep baby in her arms "hey Mrss. 11 hours." She laughed
"Oh boy" said carina from the bed
"Say hey to aunty Teddy" said Maya and handed the baby over to teddy
"Wow, what a hand grip she has" said teddy amazed on the strong grip she had with her tiny hands "Catherine Bishop DeLuca you can't be more cute"
"Carina breath" said Maya as she kneeled in front of her
"Why isn't anyone picking up the phone. We've called 20 times" said carina crying
"Okay okay, let's calm down. Let's breath. Okay? There's a storm. People aren't pending on their phones. They are working. Being busy" said Maya "they are helping people, Kate. Kate is helping people. She's being a first responder over there and she is with Andy and Andrew and all the people that love her"
Carina breathed in and out a couple times before saying "we're not there cause of me."
"Carina don't. Don't you even think about blaming this on you. This is not your fault. Don't you even think that" said Maya seriously
"I need to talk to her. I need to listen to her. I need to know this is just a feeling I'm having cause I haven't seen her and I just don't want to be okay. I need to know this is just my mind playing around with me" said carina
"Maya come here!" Yelled carina from their bedroom
Maya walked into the bedroom and said "you better tell me you're cooking an amazing dinner cause so hungry I could cook you and eat you"
"Maya" said carina again
"Babe what's up?" Said Maya confused
Carina brought up a pregnancy test from her back and hand it over to Maya.
"Captain Mommy?" Said carina
Maya's face was shocked. Stuck with a huge smile on her face. No words coming just her cheeks began to hurt after a while of smiling
"You're pregnant? We are having a baby?" Said Maya
"We are having a baby" said carina and they both hugged and kissed deeply
"We'll be moms" said Maya
They were having a baby

Kinda sad chapter. Sorry for that.
If there's any clue on how the story will proceed you can always hit me with your ideas!

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now