Stand By You

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FALSHBACK 20 years back
"Morning Bishop" waved Jack as he poured coffee "Bishop? Calling earth lieutenant Bishop?"
"What?" Answered maya unfocused
"Morning?" Said Jack smiling
"Morning. Where's Andy?" Asked Maya looking everywhere
"She's at the Gym I guess. You okay?" Asked Jack
"I'm. I'm okay" said Maya walking over to the gym and opening the door to find Andy running on the tape
"Morning gorgeous!" Waved Andy from the tape "morning?" She asked again
"Carina is pregnant" said Maya "IVF worked and we are having a baby. And carina is pregnant"
Andy paused the tape and walked over to Maya with her hands on her mouth "Carina is pregnant?" She asked "she is pregnant as in you two are having a baby?"
"As in we're going to be parents" said Maya still looking at the floor
"Oh my god congratulations!!" Yelled Andy as she hugged her
"Just, carina is pregnant" said Maya again
"Maya, hey hey. Maya. Hey. Look at me" said Andy as they both sat down on the bench "you two are having a baby maya it's amazing"
"Yeah just. The baby is having me" said Maya
"What are you talking about maya" asked Andy
"Carina, carina is the person with more mother instincts I've known. She's made to be a mom. She's caring she always knows what to say and she's meant to be a mom" said Maya
"Maya youre..." said Andy being cut off
"And I'm me Andy. I'm the more unsuitable person for motherhood Andy." Said Maya
"Maya. That's just so not true and you know it" said Andy holding her hands
"Andy I was just so so excited to know we were having a baby until I realised, this baby is having me" said Maya
"Okay. Come here" said Andy "here" she said as she handed her the bar and spotted her
"Andy this is ridiculous" said Maya as she grabbed the bar
"Shut it. Just, lift and listen" said andy as maya began to list up the bar and back again at her chest "okay just listen to me." Said andy "you're the most responsible, more hardworking person I've known. This baby. This baby is the most lucky baby ever" said Andy
"Andy. You know my father and I'm.." said Maya
"Shut up listen to me" said Andy "you're father is your father. You are you"
"Andy he's the worst father ever what if I turn out to be like him?" Said Maya as she sat back again
"Maya. You won't be your father." Said Andy
"What if I am. What if I'm him. What if I do what he did to my baby." Said Maya
"You won't. I know you won't. Okay look. You'll be promoted to captain in 6 months. Why do you think that's happening" said Andy
"Andy I don't understand where you're trying to..." began Maya
"You're being trusted with each and everyone in this station. You'll be in charge of a unit that turns out 5 alarm fires. You're in charge of everything Maya. You, could handle a baby with your eyes closed" said Andy
"Andy. I've got not clue on how to even change a dipper. Less alone how to handle parent topics" said Maya
"Okay the dipper thingy not hard stuff to learn and you. You're the best role model to anyone. You're afraid of becoming your father right? You know what he did cause you were there maya. You know how not to do it then." Said Andy
"But carina she's just" began maya
"Okay so what? Yes carina may know know everything about babies but Maya that's her job, it's like if there was a competition on turning out fires. You can't compete on that." Said Andy
"She knows how to be caring and dealing with broken hearts and that kinda stuff" said Maya
"Okay. Broken hearts? If he's a guy you probably won't even notice that. And if she's a girl you'll have to deal with that in what? 15 years? Come on maya. You're looking at unrelated things." Said Andy "being a parent and I tell you cause I had the best of all. Just means being there for this little baby and you will be there."
"I ran into fires Andy. I've got no clue when to realise something is dangerous. How am I supposed to take care of a baby" sarcastically laughed Maya
"Maya. You don't know how to measure danger with yourself. When you see that tiny little baby, you'll realise how dangerous things look with parents eyes" said Andy
"You're just the best friend ever. You know that right?" Smiled maya
"I know that" said Andy smiling "the same way I'll know you'll be the best mom ever"
"You know, you were supposed to receive an invitation for dinner tomorrow night but, just let me say. You'll be the best godmother ever" smiled maya and Andy stood up
"NO. No no no no. No way" said Andy with her hands on her mouth
"Who else?" Said Maya
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!!" Yelled Andy hugging maya tightly "oh my god. This baby? This baby Maya I swear to god, to you and to carina. They'll gonna have to kill me to get to this baby" said Andy
"You're the best Andy" said Maya hugging her back

"Maya? Maya? Maya!?" Said carina shaking maya slightly
"Yeah? Sorry babe." Said Maya looking at her
"Everything okay?" Asked carina smiling
"Yeah, yeah. Everything okay" said Maya
"I was saying. When are we planning on breaking the news to Kate?" Asked carina
"I was thinking. Are we telling teddy and everyone together or telling Kate first?" Asked Maya
"As in teddy, Andrea and Andy?" Asked Carina
"Carina please" said Maya calmly
"I was planning on telling Kate first and then breaking the news and maya you need to get over this" said carina
"I don't see a way of getting over "this" as you're calling it. But okay. Yes, we should tell Kate first. Also, I was thinking about godparents?" Said Maya
"You're changing subjects" said carina
"I am. Indeed" smiled Maya
"She's your best friend" said carina "she's been here in the good ones and in the bad ones. Always on our side."
"Yeah. The bad ones" said Maya
"Maya. She's Andy" said carina
"She's Andy" said Maya

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now