Part 18

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"Drink! Drink! Drink!" Yelled Kim as she poured tequila into Kate's mouth
"Oh gosh that burned" laughed Kate
"That's ma girl!!" Yelled Kim who was drunk as hell and hugged Kate
Kate who was already drunk was now standing on the bar and yelling "tequila and vodka pair competition!"
"Yeahh!!" Yelled Kim
Their first opponent was a couple of boys 5 shots each. Girls won.
Next couple another two boys
"We win you buy the next round" said Kim
"We win and you kiss me" said one of the boys to Kate
"She's got a boyfriend. Sorry" said Kim and began to pour the drinks
"Well I don't see him" said the guy and moved closer to Kate
"Ah ah ah sorry" said Kate and she moves away
"Come on!" Said the guy and tried to grab Kate's waist
"Hey! She said no" jumped a guy from a table who was Jake's friend
"Charlie?" Asked Kate
"Back the hell off" said Charlie to that guy
"You her boyfriend?" Asked the guy
"I'm not. But I'm telling you to back the hell off" said Charlie placing himself in the middle of Kate and the guy
"Move" said the guy
"Hey!" Said a low voice from behind "you touch her, and I'll brake your face in two" said Jake who was standing now next to Charlie
"Did he do something?" Asked Jake to Kate
Kate shook her head and Jake grabbed her hand.
"You better leave" said Charlie
"I did nothing" said the guy "not my fault she is as drunk as hell" said the guy pointing at Kate
Jake exploded and threw himself on top of the guy punching him. When Jake had punched him at least three or four times Charlie got him up.
"Jake! Jake!" Said Charlie as Jake's blood was boiling
"Yea" said Jake grabbing looking at grabbing his hand which was bleeding
Charlie looked at the guy in the floor and said "get the hall away"
"Jake" said Kate
"Hey, hey. I'm fine. Promise." Said Jake "let's get you home" he said again
They both walked out of de bar and into Jake's car.
"Why did you came here?" Asked Kate
"Charlie phoned me. He said you were drunk." Said Jake
"You didn't have to..." said Kate
"Kate. I did. And I'm happy I did. I just want a reason. Please, can you tell me what's going on with you? This is not you Kate." Said Jake
"Jake... I just" said Kate and leaned forward towards Jake and kissed him deeply.
"Kate.. please talk to me" said Jake
"Please, please Jake. Please" said Kate softly
"I don't want to hurt you please" said Jake
"You won't. Please" said Kate
Jake pulled his sit backwards and Kate sat on top of him.
She slowly pulled off his shirt and kissed his neck as he couldn't resist any more and pulled off her shirt an unbuckled her bra
"Jake... Jake?" Said Kate catching her breath
"Mmm yeah?" Asked Jake struggling to catch his breath
"Thank you" said Kate as she kissed his neck
Jake covered Kate with his jacket "you don't have to thank me" he said and kissed her top head
"They'll kill me at home" said Kate as she got dressed
"Why?" Asked Jake
"Being drunk, leaving the house, quitting medication and probably for yelling" said Kate
"What? What did you just say?" Said Jake
"I said, being drunk, leaving the.." said Kate
"You quitted medication?" Said Jake "Kate that's not something you quit" he said
"Don't start please" said Kate
"No no, don't tell me not to start. You quitted medication and now you came here to get drunk? Kate what the hell is going on?" He said
"I'll just go into the bar.." said Kate
"You're not going in there again. You're going home" said Jake.
"Gosh you're so, Jake." She said smiling now
"You're drunk and you're going home" said Jake.
They drove home and he walked her into the driveway
"Kate I need you to talk to me please." Said Jake "can you please tell me what's wrong"
"Jake I'm pretty sure I'm drunk. So I rather talk when I'm not" said Kate
"I'll call you in the morning." Said Jake and kissed Kate's cheek
Kate walked into the house and silently tried to hit her room.
She placed foot on the stair and she was half way when she heard a noise upstairs which made her jump and fall down to the first floor
"Okay that's nice" said Kate half laughing since she was drunk
Carina and Maya rushed downstairs and as they realised it was Kate they looked at each other and that's were both of them lost their stirrups.
"Get up immediately" said Carina
Maya headed to the kitchen and brought a bottle of water
"Drink it all and you sit there" said Maya sharply
"Look it's late. I'm gonna hit my bed" said Kate
"You sit down right now. I'm not repeating myself" said Maya harshly.
Kate reluctantly sat down on the couch
"What the hell are you trying to do with your life?" Asked Maya
"Cause I had some drinks. Chill out Captain" said Kate as she took off her boots
"You're trying to throw your life through the board? Fine with me. But I'm not going to be pulling you to the other side. You're off probation at the station effect of immediate Are we clear?" Said Maya
"Off probation? You've gone crazy cap. I can't go into fire acad. with out a probation record." Said Kate standing up
"You are throwing your career off the board!" Yelled maya
"For having a drink?!" Yelled Kate back
"You don't realise Kate you don't don't you?" Said Maya "you have a chance in a million you're 17! You're already doing the probation at the station. You know how many people get to do that? None Kate none. And you're throwing it to threw the board. So yes you are off probation until you find out what the hell is wrong with you." She said
"You're cancelling my probation over a drink? Yeah sure cap" said Kate as she was taking off her jacket
"I'm not arguing this any more. Are we clear?" Said Maya "and I don't wanna listen a word about it again"
Carina looked at Kate again who was now taking off her top and laid on the couch
"Get dressed" said carina
"You too?" Said Kate looking at her
"You immediately get dressed and quit that tone with me" she said sharply
"Right Dr." Said Kate laughing as she pulled on her shirt
"Non Capisco. Non capisco!" Said carina lifting her arms "Can't you see it?"
"What part?" She said not understanding
"Guarda il tuo stato!" Yelled carina
"Please in English? Non parlo italiano" laughed Kate
"How the hell would you think you could quit a medication cause you just felt like it?!" Said carina
"Shh, shh keep it down" said Kate grabbing her head
"Cause you are drunk? That's not they way thinks work are we clear?! Not the way! You can't quit medication cause you feel like it." Said carina
"My body, my choice." Said Kate.
"You've got not clue of what choice you're making. You keep on telling us to treat you like a grownup and look how you behave. Treat you like a grownup? You're behaving like a dumb child"
"Ahh so true." Said Kate "it's my decision to decide what I'm putting into my body Italian. My choice" she said and walked towards the stairs
Carina grabbed her by her arm and said "you're not able to make any kind of choice. You've got no clue what you're playing with" said carina she stood in front of her and said "No more drinking, no more night activities" said carina
"No more activities?" Laughed Kate "dr. I think some chilling out would be good for you"
"Catherine you watch your tone are we clear?" Said Maya coming back
"Hey the captain is back!" Said Kate
"You quit that tone" repeated maya with a harsh look
Kate's alcohol levels had probably gone down since she nodded and tried to contain her laugh
Maya took out of her pocket the bottle of pills "Take them" she said
"Yeah right" said Kate and tried to walk away being stopped by carina
"Take the pill." She said seriously.
"Thanks, no" she repeated harshly and walked into her room and closed her door
Maya just looked at carina and said "is she like still there?"
"She's in abstinence" said carina "she is sleep deprived, it's not Kate it's just something Kate created".

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