Is it just me?

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"I really like the idea of keeping you here another night so I can monitor you personally here" said Amelia as she signed the discharge papers
"I really don't" laughed Kate
"I mean it. You have to..." she said being cut
"Remain on my bed. Not to move and just lay down." Said Kate
"Okay but, you need to follow that." Laughed Amelia
"And you can't move your shoulder" said link
"I will. Promise" said Kate
"And I should believe you?" Laughed Link
"Yeah you totally should" said Kate
"Okay then. I'll go see you in the morning then and you ask each and every thing you want to this guy over here" she said pointing at Jake "I mean it. Want your nails done? Jake. Want water? Jake"
"Okay okay. We get it. I'm the princess slave" laughed Jake
"How's Sofia doing?" Asked Kate "Arizona and Callie?"
"Callie is still kinda weak. Arizona is supposed to be discharged tomorrow and Sofia is recovering nicely from surgery"
Kate nodded
"And how are you doing?" Asked teddy
"Teddy. I'm fine I promise I am" said Kate
"I know. I know. Need a ride or have your car here?" She asked
"Got my car and my chofer" laughed Kate

"Okay we are here" said Jake as he opened the door into Kate's house
"Let's watch a movie" said Kate as she walked in
"Right right. You're going directly to bed." Laughed Jake
"Come on Jake"
"You're high on painkillers now. Once they start loosing effect you'll notice. Bed now" he said as he help her over to her bed.
"You're boring" she said as she got into bed
"And you're about to fall asleep" said Jake as he got changed and laid down next to her wrapping his arm around
"I'm calling my moms" said Kate as she grabbed her phone
"Okay then" laughed Jake "I'm taking a shower and you remain there, clear?"
"yes sir" laughed Kate as she placed her phone on her ear.
~K: good morning is there a Maya Bishop?
~M: oh my gosh bug! You already got home?
~K: here I am in my comfy bed
~M: okay okay. Whose with you?
~K: Jake, he's showering now and gonna make dinner, mamma?
~M: right now coming out of the shower *from behind* it's Kate?! Yeah she is.
Carinas voice appeared instantly. Mi Amore! How are you feeling?
~K: hey mamma. Feeling okay.
~C: pain? If you're in pain I'll let Andrea know. I'll call him so he can go over give you
~K: mamma. Mamma. Hey hey. No, no pain *laughing* how are you doing?
~M: I guess at this moment and time we are the ones asking that question Kate.
~K: I'm really really okay.
~M: Kate is almost 10pm over there
~K: you're right?
~C: Amelia said sleeping
~K: you phoned Amelia?!
~C: and teddy
~M: and link!
~K: what?
~C: you can't judge me. I'm literally in another continent. I just wanted to see the CT and the X-ray
~K: you violated my results! Bishop control your wife
~M: despite she's crazy. I'm on board on this one.
~K: psychos
~M: mothers
~K: same thing
~C: we can talk in the morning but you lady really need to get sleep. That massive concussion needs testing
~K: okay you're a stalker
~M: we love you.
~K: love you too. I miss you.
*phone call ends*
Jake came walking out of the bathroom with his towel wrapped in his waist and found Kate standing next to her closet looking for a blanket
"Hey no no. Kate what are you doing?!" He said rushing to her
"I'm just cold I wanted a blanket" said Kate
"Let me do that. Kate you should be laying down!" He said helping her over to the bed
"Look at this arms, back and abs where have you been?" She said laughing
"Shut it mrs abs. Lay down I mean it" said Jake as he tucked her into bed. "Amelia said tomorrow morning you could get showered depending on how you were feeling but now you lay down"
"Fine" said Kate
Jake walked into the bathroom again to get changed and Kate's head began to think. It's been three months. They said 2 months top. Carina isn't coming back.
"Before you yell at me. I did use your shampoo. I just couldn't find mine." Said Jake as he walked out in pijamas and saw Kate curled up in the bed and rushed over "hey, hey. Kate. Is it your ribs? Kate Kate. Let me see"
"Doesn't hurt" said Kate looking up at Jake
"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He asked
"It's been... been three months" said Kate between sobs and tears "she's not coming back Jake"
He instantly jumped into bed with her wrapping his arms around her. Kissing her cheek
"She's not coming back Jake" she said crying harder "If she doesn't.."
"Kate. Kate. Hey no. I'm here, breath. Just breath with me" he said holding close to his chest "listen to me"
"It's just" she began
"Listen to me Kate. Just listen to me." He said and placed a kiss on her head. "You're doing amazing. They are doing everything in their power over there and both of them are as powerful as you are okay?" Said Jake
"Stay here. Please" said Kate as she laid into Jake
"I'm not going anywhere" he said as he stroke her hair

Next morning around 6am Kate was up.
"You're awake" said Jake closing up q book with a sleepy voice
"You studying?" Kate asked
"Yeah. Just a bit" he said as he pecked her lips
"How are you feeling. You turned like a 100 times last night what happened? Asked Jake "got dizzy?"
"Kinda. Just for a moment tho" said Kate as she laid her head on his chest "I'll get showered" she said
"Wow wow hold" laughed Jake
"Amelia said I could" said Kate
"If you were feeling okay" said Jake
"And I am" laughed Kate as she got up "I just need help to take off this dumb shirt"
"Don't! Don't move your shoulder. Kate I mean it. Let me help" he said jumping off the bed "you need to let people help you I mean it"
"I know I know" she said as she pulled off her shirt "I just Arghh god that hurts like a bitch" she said as she leaned into Jake
"You gonna let me help now?" Asked Jake
"Fine" said Kate

"You suck at washing hair" laughed Kate
"I'm the best at this. I could be a hairstylist if I wanted to" said Jake
"Right sure. And you asked me how to use conditioner because??" She laughed
"Shut it" he laughed and his phone rang
~J: Jake Railling. Whose talking?
~J: oh sure coming. Coming Thank you
*phone call ends*
"What was that?" Asked Kate
"Pharmacy. It's downstairs, but I can finish helping..." said Jake
"Go go. Jake I can handle getting out of the shower. My other arm is still working" said Kate
"Do not get out of the shower alone you know Amelia said about changing temperatures so quickly and" he said being interrupted
"Jake." She looking at him "if you go I promise I'll wait. I won't faint just for standing here"
"Counting on that" said Jake and rushed downstairs as fast as he could

Oh God no kidding, dizziness. Not even compared to being drunk. More like not even able to hold on your feet.
"Jake?" asked Kate as she heard the front door closing. Okay he is here hold the fainting. "Jake can you..." she said swallowing again "hand me a towel?" those were the last words she said before listening to the bathroom door. Okay few more seconds don't pass. Don't pass. Yess hand with towel. What? Jake's hand isn't...
"ti ho tesoro, eco qua mi amore "
What the...

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