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Kate walked into the apartment thinking she'd had to get everything sorted, cleaning up, dinner etc etc.
As she walked in she found Jake sitting on the couch already in his pijamas, everything cleaned up and an amazing smell coming out of the kitchen
"I smell smoke" laughed Jake as he walked over to peck her lips
"You're the best husband in the whole world" smiled Kate
"Yeah I know" he laughed "get showered I'll serve dinner" he smiled

"This smells so amazing" said Maya as she walked into the apartment
"Buonna noite" smiled Carina from the couch "it's quite late"
"Yeah I know. The meeting took longer than what we thought. Seems there's a lot of budget stuff to take care of" said Maya as she sat on carina's lap and kissed her deeply "quite happy Grace asleep" she whispered as she pulled out of the kiss
"Yeah me too" said Carina kissing her back "glad you came back smoke smell free" she smiled as she unbuttoned Maya's shirt
"Enjoy it while it lasts" said Maya as she laid carina back on the couch

"Kate?" Asked Jake as he walked into their room "food is ready" he said
"Coming" said Kate who was still wrapped in her towel as she was looking down at her phone "Amazing. Dixon wants to have a talk with us all. Just amazing" she said as she angrily got dressed
Jake walked over and wrapped his arms around her
"Honey I'm getting dressed" said Kate as she tried to pull on her shirt
"Come here" said Jake as he pulled her in for a hug and seconds later he noticed something that hadn't happen in quite a long long long time. Kate was crying. Not crying out loud but yeah. Like an upset kinda crying.
"Hey is everything okay?" He asked as he looked down at her and she nodded "Kate what's wrong?" He asked
"Nothing. Nothing" she said as she cleaned her tears "not even sure why I'm even crying" she said
"What's going on?" He asked as he placed a kiss on her head
She shrugged her shoulders and said "I don't know" as she made her way to the kitchen

"Maya!" Said carina in the kitchen and maya jogged over
"Yeah?" Asked Maya
"Grace has a consult with Pierce tomorrow morning I need you to drop her I've got a surgery scheduled first thing tomorrow" she said
"I'll move a meeting" said Maya
"I don't wanna ask Kate, don't wanna cause trouble with this Dixon" laughed Carina
"No worries I've got it" said Maya "I'll go pick up some files over to the station and be back for dinner she said "Grace is fast asleep we should wake her or this will be an interesting night" she laughed
"Everything okay she asked?"
Carina nodded and said "yeah just, have kinda weird feeling" she said
"What does that mean?" Asked Maya laughing
"I don't know" smiled Carina "something good tho" Carina chuckled and said "go I've got it here" as Maya rushed through the door
Carina woke up Grace and both of them worked on dinner as they listened to music and waited for Maya to come back.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Asked Jake as he placed the plates on the table and Jake walked into the leaving room with her bag in her hand. "Where you going?" He asked
"Station" she said as she grabbed her keys
"You just came back from the station" he said as he got closer
"I just need to go pick up a file" she said and Jake grabbed her hand
"What's going on here?" He asked
"Just... please" said Kate as she made her way through the door leaving Jake standing on the middle of the leaving room.

"Flour" said Grace as she pointed towards the bowl where Carina was cracking the eggs
"Yes!" Laughed Carina "this is flower" she said
Maya walked in and jumped into the kitchen
"Look at you two. Seems like the Italian has some cooking competition" said Maya laughing as she kissed Grace's baby cheek "let's give this flour baby ball a bath and we'll have some dinner" she said as she picked Grace up and walked tickling her tummy towards Grace bathroom.

Carina was standing in the kitchen looking in the oven as she heard a key on the door trying to come. She walked over to the door and opened up with the key which was locking on the inside.
"Sorry. I figured the key was inside I Just thought you'd be upstairs and in case Grave was sleeping I didn't wanted to ring the bell and..." muttered Kate as she bit her own words and a Carina stared at her completely confused
"Bella.. Bella. Kate. My love kate" she said as she almost shook her out of that state
"Come here" she said as she grabbed her and brought her in as she closed the door behind her "hey hey look at me" she said "what's going on?" She asked
"I... I don't know" answered Kate as she walked into the kitchen to pour water
"Did you and Jake had a fight?" Asked Carina trying to find out what was happening but Kate shook her head and Carina saw her red puffy eyes. She grabbed her hand and walked her over to the leaving room as both of them sat down on the couch
"Bella what's going on?" She asked her
Kate shrugged her shoulders and said "I just... got no clue" she said "I just I feel like this and I just got no clue why"
"You don't?" Smiled Carina warmly as she tilted her head
"What?" Asked Kate confused as she looked at carina's face again
"You've just been quite sensitive and exhausted this few days" she said
"Yeah" she said as she looked at Carina and said " oh god no" as she rested her head on her hands
"How sure can you be?" Asked Carina as she placed her hand on Kate's back
"I'm just.... I know okay?" She said
"Do you?" Asked Carina
"I do" said Kate as she lifted her head and after reasoning for a second buried her head on her hands again "or I don't" she muttered
Carina smiled and asked "are you lat..." she began
"No no don't" interrupted Kate "don't finish that sentence"
"Are you?" Asked Carina and Kate thought for a moment and nodded as she looked at Carina
"Let's figure out then" smiled warmly Carina
"No no no" said Kate "I can't" she said
"No?" Smiled Carina
Kate stood up and said "I'm not I'm not figuring out anything I don't I can't" she said "I can't"
Carina stood up behind her and wrapped her arms around her "everything will be okay I promise"
"I can't" she said
"We'll do it together" said Carina as she extended her hand and both of them walked upstairs towards Carina's room
"Ready?" Asked Carina
"No" answered Kate as she sat down on the floor
Carina sat down next to her and kissed her head "we'll sit here till you're ready"she said
Kate nodded and breathed in as she laid her head against the wall as Carina squeezed her hand
After some minutes Kate stood up breathed in and walked into the bathroom.
Carina's head was spinning a thousand miles per hour. She wanted to rush over to call Maya but didn't wanted to freak Kate out. She couldn't believe it could be happening.
After some minutes Kate came out and sat down again next to Carina as she held her knees tight to her chest
"I can't look at it" she said as her nerves ate her up "you do it. Please" she said as Carina nodded and stood up and kneeled in front of her and said "let's figure out"
She stood up and walked into the bathroom and after a minute she stood in the door looking at Kate who picked up her eyes to meet hers.
"Kate" she said

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