Part 12

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Warning: PTSD episodes coming up
A week and a half had past and Kate was now literally in home recovery. Her head CT's had gone beautifully well, Amelia even discharged her as a neuro observation patient and now she only had to her some neuro checks every week. Arizona said her ribs were healing perfectly well so now she was allowed to walk inside the house. Teddy said her lungs looked amazing, smoke hadn't damaged them permanently. Her wrist, Callie said it was doing great, she even removed a screw so her nerves received more stimulation.
Kate was really on the perfect track.
Her nightmares had actually faded away. She was able to sleep during the whole night.
Jake had come visit. He met carina and maya and both of them loved him. He really made Kate feel so much better even tho they were never alone since always carina or maya were at the apartment they would just talk and Jake always brought her something delicious to eat.

Next week it was Kate's birthday, 17 years. She thought it would be better not to celebrate but of course that was not going to happen. Kate accepted for just the family who involved station 19 and hospital friends, despite she hid it. She was actually thrilled about her birthday.

She was now just laying in the couch as Jake massaged her feet and they were watching a movie.
"So birthday girl, what are the plans?" He asked
Kate tried to sit up on her own but had some struggle, Jake immediately jumped up form the couch and helped her up.
"Hey, let me help" he said and sat down next to her putting his arm around her
"Thanks, just not so much plans you know, family, moms friends and you" said Kate
"That sounds perfect" he said and pecked her lips.
Kate looked at her watch and said "oh bae you're going to be late for your collage meeting"
Jake kissed her head and said "do I have to go?"
Kate laughed and said "go!!"
He got up and kissed her on her cheek and left. He stopped by the kitchen and said goodbye to both of Kate's moms

After dinner Kate slowly got up from the table and slowly walked started walking to form the dinning room to the living room.
"Come here Bambina" said carina and helped Kate to the living room couch. As she laid down both maya and carina sat down close to her as they were drinking wine.
"Why are you two looking at me like that?" She laughed.
"Just, you look better day by day" said Maya
"Those Jakes visits seem to really get you up" said carina
Kate laughed and said "oh there it is, come on ask me" she said
"Ask what?" Said Maya
"I know you want to know everything about it, so come on ask" said Kate
"The only thing I wanna know is if you are happy" said carina
Kate looked at both of them and said "I am happy"
After saying that carina sat on Kate's couch and placed Kate's head on her lap as she stroked her hair while Maya spoke to Kate about the probation she could do at the station.
After some minutes of talking and just laying there, Kate fell asleep and was woken by maya helping her get up and to bed.
"No no no, the movie" Kate said half asleep as she walked to her room
"Shh shh, here you are" said Maya as she laid her on the bed. She instantly fell asleep and Maya turned off the lights and headed to her room where carina was already in the bed.
"She's out" said Maya and got into bed with her
"Great, tomorrow you can leave early, Callie phoned she wants to see Kate's wrist and see if she can remove another screw. I'm driving Kate with me" said carina
"Shoot I have a meeting at 6:30 with the chief at the station I have to be there by 6:00" said Maya
"No worries, I'll be there with Kate and she loves Callie" said carina
"Call me a soon as they are done" said Maya
Around 4am carina woken by someone coughing and seemed like crying. When she was about to her up she realised Maya was already heading out of the room.
Maya rapidly headed to Kate's room. She was sitting up, her eyes were wide opened and she was hiperventilating and coughing like crazy. She was looking straight forward at a wall. Maya instantly got to her side and realised she es actually talking.
She was soaked in sweat, shivering and now her words were more understandable.
"No, please no. I'm here please" she said between breaths
"Kate, Kate! It's me" said Maya as she sat next to her grabbing her arm
She was asleep, completely asleep.
"Don't leave me! I'm here please! Don't! It's gonna explode! Please!" Kate was now yelling and had started crying.
Maya rushed to her carina up. As they rushed to her room Maya said "I don't know what to do we are not supposed to wake them"
They both entered the room and she was standing up by the bathroom door yelling "It's gonna explode!! Get the stairs! MOM PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME" she yelled and her breathing was interrupted by her crying and coughing. She basically chocking now.
Kate tried to get out of the room and bumped into Maya. Who got her and said "Kate! I'm here Kate in here. I'm never leaving you." Despite Kate's struggles Maya got to get her back into bed.
Carina immediately got into Kate's bed and laid behind her making Kate lay on top of her she held her and said "Kate, Kate it's okey. It's okey. we are here"
Kate's yells were now only sobs and she kept on saying "please don't leave me alone please"
Maya's and carina's heart was broken into hundreds of pieces after seeing that. But Carina knew Kate's lungs were way too weak to tolerate that so they had to get her to breath.
She was still asleep since she kept on crying into carina chest about the fire.
"She is soaked in sweat, hand me a shirt" said carina to Maya
Maya handed carina a new shirt and grabbed Kate's strong hand and said "you are safe Kate. No fire. I'm here, there is no fire"
Kate kept on shaking her head and saying stuff about fire. Until Maya firmly shook Kate's body and said "Kate!"
It took a while but, Kate's eyes closed and opened again but this time she looked back and said "momma?" Then she looked forward and said "'mom?" Maya breathed out in relief and saw that carina made her a sign to bring her her stethoscope. She rushed to carinas book shelf and got it.
Kate was confused and didn't understand how carina was in her bed. "Momma?" She said and realised her own breathing was hard to catch
"Sh sh sh sh. Okay. It's okay Kate." Said carina and rubbed Kate's sweaty back
Maya came back and handed it to carina.
"I'm sweating?" Asked Kate confused coughing.
They both got Kate changed out of the sweaty shirt and into a new one.
"Kate breath for me. Deep breaths" said carina who had her stethoscope on Kate's back
Kate was just staring at her hands and falling asleep
"Kay, I need you to breath for me" said carina and laid Kate into her "breath. Slow deep breaths" she said as she stroked her cheek and hair. "I'm not going anywhere, I need you to breath."
Maya knew what she had seen. She had been scared to even think Kate could have it. But she did. PTSD

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