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"Excuse me?" Asked Kate "excuse me ma'am?" She asked again as she tapped the women's shoulder "ma'am!" She said a bit louder
The women turned around and Kate's eyes opened wildly
"Grandma?" Asked Kate confused
"Catherine" smiled the women getting closer "what are you doing here?" She smiled
"What am I doing here?" Asked Kate
"You didn't get to meet me" smiled the women
"No. I didn't" said Kate confused looking at her watch. Which was gone.
"I've seen you grow up. Threw all this years" she smiled
"Have you?" Asked Kate getting closer but as she got closer her grandma somehow walked away.
"Course I have. Since the day you were born. I'm so proud of you Kate" she said "the women you've become."
"I didn't get to meet you" said Kate "I've heard stories about you.From mamma and Andrea. Mamma said you're the best mother who ever walked on earth" Kate said trying to get closer again
Grandma laughed and smiled "that's not true. The best mother I have ever seen on this planet is your momma" she said
"Grandma?" Asked Kate
"Yes my love" she answered
"I don't understand. Where are we?" Asked Kate
"I guess you've got no clue what had just happened right?" Asked grandma
"Yeah. The storm, and the baby the baby is not okay. I'm having a sister" she smiled
"A baby girl" smile Grandma "she looks so much like you when you were born" said grandma
"Yeah. A baby girl" smiled Kate "why can't I see her?" She asked
"I'm in heaven" said grandma smiling "come sit down" she said pointing at a bench
"Heaven?" Asked Kate confused
"I've been here for sometime already" laughed Grandma "but you already knew that"
Kate nodded "I don't understand how can I be talking to you" she said
"Honey I've been in heaven for some years now" she smiled
"Will I be with you?" Asked Kate as she sat down
"Course you will my love" she said "just not right now"
"What do you mean. I can't understand" said Kate
"You've got so much more to learn, so much more to know so much more honey." Grandma said with a smile on her face
"Grandma what I'm I doing here?" Asked Kate
"That man, Jake? He loves you more than words can ever tell." She smiled
"You know Jake?" Asked Kate
Grandma laughed and whispered "I close my eyes when you two kiss don't worry"
Kate laughed and said "I want to get to know you"
"You will my baby. You will." Said grandma "but you've gotta go back"
"I've screwed up. I've been a mess" said Kate
"And who hasn't?" Laughed grandma
"I mean. My sister, how can I be sure I won't screw her up." Asked Kate
"When your momma found out she was pregnant with you, she was scared to death from you" smiled grandma "about everything about you"
"Momma?" Asked Kate surprised
"Oh yes" laughed Grandma "that fear disappeared the second she saw you. But yeah. She was scared to death and she's the best mother I've ever seen. Being scared Kate. Means you still care" said grandma
"You know I've always tried to picture you, I mean apart from photos. I've always tried to picture you in my mind" said Kate with a smile "I just wish I could stay with you"
"Kate honey, you don't understand. I'm always with you. Always. There's not a day where I don't look down and you. And there's not even a day when you don't make me the proudest grandma ever" she smiled "I'm always going to be with you. Always. And I promise to you we'll see each other again. We will" said grandma
"I can't stay here?" Asked Kate
"You can" said grandma "you can make that choice, if that's what you want to. But you won't" she smiled "you'll be back here when it's your time. Not now"
"Is it too late to go back?" Asked Kate
"No it's not." Said grandma  "you just need to want to go back"
"Did you get the choice of deciding?" Asked Kate
"I as young as you are. You've got your whole life ahead. Babies, marriage, family, friends, work. So, so many things" grandma said
"You think I should go back?" Asked Kate
"I know you have to" smiled Grandma as she got up from the bench and Kate followed her
"Can you see my moms now? As in right now?" Asked Kate
"Yes" smiled Grandma "I can"
"They are.." said Kate
"Yes" nodded grandma "correcting that, it's in your hands" said grandma
"I tried to do what I thought was right. I really tried to" said Kate
"I know" said grandma "you did it. You saved your sister. You literally put her life in front of yours"
"Will she get to meet you?" Asked Kate
"She will. When her time comes. Now girls I don't wanna have to see you visiting me here" she laughed "I rather be the one checking up not the other way around"
"I'll do my very, very best" smiled Kate "I wished I could hug you"
"I'll be hugging you from here. Always. Whenever you're scared, you're sad, or you're on your very best moments. Remember. Im with you" smiled grandma "now, go. You've got some things pending down there"
Kate laughed and said "I love you"
"I love you my love" said grandma "Kate?" She asked
"Yeah?" Asked Kate
"You're a powerful women. A gorgeous and intelligent person. Don't ever let anyone make you doubt about it" said grandma
"I won't" said Kate "ever"
"Tell your momma I love her. I miss her" smiled grandma
"She loves you, very very much" said Kate "any messages for her?"
Grandma thought and said "tell her: you and Andrea are one half of a whole" said grandma
"I will" nodded Kate. "Thanks. Thank you grandma"
"That's what grandmas are for. Maybe not physically, but always with you" said grandma as she smiled at Kate. "They're waiting for you"

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