Safe Inside

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"I'm dizzy" murmured Kate
"Hey you" a familiar voice said "look who decided to wake up" laughed Amelia as she moved her torch through Kate's eyes
"How long was I out?" Asked Kate
"Just the night. Let's say 10 hours? You were quite exhausted?" Laughed Amelia
"10 hours?" Said Kate worried "I need to, I need to go" she said trying to get up
"No no no. You're not leaving supergirl." Said Amelia making her lay down again
The door opened and Jake came in
"Morning princess." He said smiling
"Where were you?" Asked Kate as Jake pecked her lips
"That chair" said Jake pointing the chair next to her bed
"He refused to move despite he was blocking me" laughed Amelia
"Am I?" Asked Kate
"Okay?" Said teddy coming into the room "you have a fracture on your shoulder. Quite an interesting one. Link is coming talk to you in a while. Despite that fracture and an interesting hematoma on your ribs which seems you love to destroy. You're made of iron" said teddy
"You're really extremely lucky" said Amelia "I mean it. God was with you"
"Why does my head feel like it's pounding?" Asked Kate
"You have a concussion. I ran a CT" said Amelia
Kate got worried "is there? there's a ble..." she said and Amelia stopped her
"No no. No bleed. 100% sure. No bleed. You will have an interesting bed rest but seems you have good company" she said looking at Jake
"My moms? Do they?" Asked Kate
"I spoke to them" said Jake
"Kate I know you have a million questions we'll clear them all out but you do need to get rest and sleep." Said Amelia "I want to discharge you so please. Lights out" she said
Kate nodded and as she closed her eyes she instantly fell asleep
"How did you do that?" Said Jake
"Called IV meds" laughed Amelia "they are really, really efficient especially on patients who refuse on resting"
"Give me 20" laughed Jake
The three of them walked out of the room and teddy said "you spoke to Maya and carina this morning?"
Jake nodded "they were. I can't even explain"
"I know" said teddy and rubbed Jake's shoulder "how are you?"
"I'm indebted with god for life" said Jake
"She's okay Jake. She's alive. She's okay. It's a miracle. But she is okay. I mean look at her there. She's okay" said Amelia
Jake nodded and said "I know. I know. Thank you so much"
"Always" said teddy "I spoke to Carina last night" she said making a mad face
"Mad at you?" Asked Jake
"Not me." Said teddy
"Maya's coming for pretty much everyone's head I guess" said Amelia
"You saw what happened with Andy?" Said teddy "I mean. I get it tho. If she had"
"She didn't" said Amelia
"She didn't" reassured himself Jake

~Last night at Italy~
"When did you think it was a good idea to tell me?" Asked Maya still in shock
"I don't know Maya I don't know okay?" Said carina
"You don't know?" Said Maya
"I didn't expected everything to happen Maya. I didn't! We said we would tell Kate together and now" said carina
"Don't you even dare think about it carina" said Maya seriously
"I'm not. I'm not. I just. I need things to be back again. Okay. I need things to be okay again. We're close to getting the visa thing and now things are just" she said lifting her arms
"Carina stop. You're waiting for the worst and that's not fair. Andy is there she was taking care of Kate she's with her carina" said Maya
"Maya I can't go over and over this again and again picturing the worst case *phone buzzing* scenario" said carina shockingly looking at the phone "I can't" she said handing the phone over to Maya
"It's Andrew" said Maya
"I can't Maya. I cant" she said
Maya answered the phone
~ Maya: Andrew?
~Andrew: Maya. Hey
~ Maya: Andrew we, we need you to tell us. Please you need to tell us something. Andrew *maya put the speaker on so carina could listen*
~A: Maya, there's been an accident.
Carinas face fell down
~M: Andrew please. Andrew I need you to
~A: Kate, she was in an explosion. She saved a little girl. She saved her life. Torres and Robbins daughter. Kate saved her
~M: Andrew. Where is Kate exactly
~A: she came running with the little girl in her arms. She was conscious and okay.
Carina rushed to the phone and said
~C: Andrea it's me. My daughter. How is she right now. Where is she Andrea
~A: she was okay in the ER. Just a broken shoulder. She collapsed then on teddy's arms she, just collapsed. Amelia said it's not neurological. They are running each and every single exam there is. Carina we've got her. I'm here and I've got her
Carina was speechless. Tears coming down her cheeks and as she turned to look at Maya she realised Maya was the same as her.
*phone call ends*
"Carina, carina what are you doing?" Asked Maya
"I'm leaving. I'm going back to the US" she said as she packed her clothes
"Carina." Said Maya
"No no no, do not Carina me! Do not Maya!" She yelled
"I'm not going to. You just can't go" said Maya
"Our daughter. Our baby. She is hurt. She's hurt and we're not even in the same continent Maya." Said carina
"Carina! You don't have your VISA. you literally can't go!" Said Maya
"Then you go" said carina "you go! You go Maya you go over there" said carina
"Carina you're pregnant" said Maya
"And she is injured Maya! She needs us!" Yelled carina
"I know" said Maya cleaning a tear.
"Please. Please go Maya. Go" said carina crying

*back in Seattle that night*
"Jack I yelled at her. I yelled things that" said Andy "then she collapsed and now what would I do"
"Andy. If there's someone who can beat this, if there's someone who can beat the hell out of this. It's Kate" said Jack
"How can I look at Maya again? How can I look at Maya and carina again?" She said
"Andy don't do this to yourself" said Vic
"How can I not" said Andy "how can I not"
"We were all responsible Andy. We were all in charge" said Jack
"Yeah. But I was in charge of her safety and I failed" she said and got up from the waiting room
**That same night in Kate's room**
Kate was fast asleep due to medication
"You saved her life Kate you saved her" said Jake "but now Kate. I need you to save yourself. You need to just. Just get better. Avery fixed that cut on your face, we have the same scar now. The one in our forehead. We have the same one." Said Jake as he squeezed one of Kate's hand "link said for at least two to three months you won't be able to do gym kinda glad he said it while you were out. Or that could have been interesting"
"Hey" said Andrew coming into the room
"Dr. Deluca" said Jake
"Andrew" said Andrew "it's Andrew Jake"
Jake nodded and Andrew sat down on Kate's other side
"She saved her life" said Andrew
"She did" said Jake
"Mom" muttered Kate "mom where's mom"
"Kate Kate. It's okay. We're here" said Andrew "Maya and carina. They both thought" said Andrew
"I can't even think about it" said Jake
"They are in another continent and know their child is hospitalised. I'm trying to think or even imagine what they'll do. Cause knowing both of them." Said Andrew
"They'll come swimming" said Jake

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