The Storm Which Brought Us Peace

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Pretty much everyone knows it. Gas, fire and a car. You do the maths. Equals an explosion. Firefighters know it better than anyone. But there is somthing in you mind telling you to do exaxtly what you know you're not supposed to.

"Maya call Andy!" yelled Carina as she grabbed her phone calling Andrew but it send her to the voice mail every single time. Maya was trying to play it cool, deeply you could see she was turning upside down. How could something be wrong, it's usual you start thinking something is wrong and you get scared, at the end you realise, why did I make such a scene.

Those were the two different thoughts in Italy, but at Grey Sloan, everyone wished it was a matter of hopping and thinking. There were seconds, seconds of hesitating, should we go? Go save them both? Get the truck? The hoses? Andy and Jack were determined to make any of those calls, the problem was, they ran out of time. Those thoughts were interrupted by the noise nobody wanted to listen, the noise that made the whole tent stand up, the noise which broke at least 10 hearts inside the tent and hospitals. It hit some people stronger than others, but it reached everyone. The explosion.

Jake was kneeling down, under the pouring rain which fell on his shoulders, covered and washed his tears away. The weight of Jack's hand on his shoulder said everything. When you don't know what to say, but you want to say it all.

Vic and Dean just looked at each other, didn't understand what had just happen, how they let that happen. They both crossed looks with Ben and Kepner, they all had the same lost and miserable look on their faces.

Andy still standing on the top of the truck, had seen everything, she wished she hadn't, but she did and felt something buzzing in her pant, her phone. Like a call from heaven, except this call was from Maya. She felt her heart sinking, her throat chocking and her lungs being squeezed till her last breath.

"Jake" said Jack unable to look at him in the eyes, still looking at what looked as the car

"It's not fair" those were the only words which came out Jake's mouth, he could only stare at the floor and at his hands and the only thought was "how couldn't I stop her. I should have got up again, chase after her. Now she is gone".

"Call again Maya" cried Carina as she texted every person who crossed her mind.

"Carina! Carina! Look at me please" said Maya "What are you afraid of?" she asked

Carina looked at Maya and took a deep breath "I'm afraid of everything nowadays, I'm afraid of freaking everything. I've been kicked out of the country where I got married, the country where I had my daughter, just kicked out of my country. It's been almost two months since I don't see my daughter and I don't know if I'll be able to see her again over there since I might not be able to go back Maya. You know you'll be back. I don't."
"Carina we'll fix it" said Maya calmly
"The world falls apart Maya. Takes seconds, Just seconds. But it does, it falls apart, it breaks families apart I've seen it, you've seen it. There's a storm over there, a huge one, accidents happen, you know that." cried Carina
"Carina, accidents happen of course they do. I have a feeling, of course I do. You think it's easy for me to run into fires together with Kate. My one responsibility in this world is to keep her safe and I run into burning buildings with her. So I've learned to live with this fear. Now I'm asking you. How strong is this feeling?"
Carina looked seriously at Maya and said "please, call chief Bailey. That's how strong this feeling is"

All of a sudden there was a yell coming from the ER "INCOMING!" yelled Amelia

It was like listening to God's voice, the last silver lining. Everyone turned around, looked at the entrance where they saw an ambulance coming in. Sirens, lights, red, blue. Last hope, car had exploded a mile away, what if an ambulance somehow found her and she was alive. Faces began to lit up, Jake got up and looked at the doors of the ambulance opening, Jack and Andy rushed to push the paramedics out, they wanted to be the first ones to see. But, did they really wanted to see that?

Vic remained on her knees, praying, just holding her hands together.

Jake tried to look away, he didn't want to see what he thought he would, he prayed so hard that it hurt, also there was a voice in his head eating him up. What if she had survived and he didn't even go looking for her. How could he look at her in the eye after that? But, curiosity killed the cat didn't it?

Jack's and Andy's faces were the first ones to fall apart. Andy, the first one to drop a tear and Jack just had lost every single hope there was still standing.

Everything was like a slow motion camera, like a nightmare, you want to wake up but you can't. Jake's hope's were crushed when he dared to look at both lieutenant face's, and his heart sank when he heard the paramedics

"50 year old man, fell down from roof trying to hold....."

That was the only part everyone could listen. Basically listening to their hopes crushing under the voices of the paramedics.

Jake, back again on his knees. Not knowing what to say, how to move or how to breath again. How would he explain Maya and Carina her daughter died and he could have stopped her. How can you destroy someone's life like that.

"Miranda pick up damn" Maya said on her phone as Carina was sitting down on the bed. "She's not picking up" said Maya
"Call again" said carina seriously
"Andrew?" Asked Maya
"Not picking up" said Carina "call again Maya"

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