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"Surgical complications" said Jo as she walked out of Carinas room "there's some internal bleeding. We're waiting to see if it resolves on it's own or we need to go back in." She explained
"Oh boy" sighted Callie with her hands on her head "Jesus be with her" she muttered
"We..- we need to let Maya know" said Jo
"Didn't you see Maya?" Said teddy "didn't you see her when carina collapsed? Her world just fell apart in front of her. I mean, making possible scenarios in likely 75% of them. Maya's word is gone" said teddy

"Maya?" Asked Andy as she knocked on the door "Maya please. I just need to listen to your voice. Please" said Andy
No answer
"Maya" she began as she could begin to listen to sobs on the other side of the door. Uncontrollable sobs.

"How's she holding?" Asked Callie walking into Kate's room
"Carina is on close observation, deciding weather to operate or not" said Amelia turning to Kate's monitor "Kate is holding" she said
Callie walked over to Jake and placed her hand on his shoulder "I mean it." She began
"Callie don't" said Jake
"I'm not asking" said Callie nicely as she helped him up
"If something.." began Jake
"We will" said Amelia as Jake walked out of the room
"Can't believe how everything happened so fast" said Callie
"When you think everything is okay" said Amelia
"The storm strikes" finished Callie

"Get out" murmured Carina
"It's me" said Maya as she slowly walked into the room
"Get out" said carina again
"Carina it's me" said Maya
"Maya, get out" said Carina in a more severe tone
"Carina.."began Maya
"Get out Maya! Just get out!" Yelled Carina and Jo and Teddy rushed into the room
"Easy! Easy carina easy!" Said Jo laying carina back again and teddy walked over to Maya
"Maya.." said teddy
"Yeah yeah" said Maya as she opened the door and walked outside.
As Teddy walked outside the room she found maya standing with her head buried in her hands
"Maya" said Teddy getting closer
"What have I done?" Asked Maya with tears in her eyes
"Maya you've done nothing, this isn't your fault" said teddy
"Carina definitely doesn't feel that way" said Maya
"Carina is going through loads, just like you. People sometimes just get it out with the wrong person. Specially when there's no one to blame." Said Teddy and maya nodded and walked away
"Maya?" Asked teddy
"I'll go see my daughters" she whispered as she made her way through the hallway.

"Everything is a mess without you" said Maya as she squeezed Kate's hand "you can't even start to imagine how much I miss you" she said as tears sprang down her cheeks "the station is completely off, so is the house. Everything without you is off." Maya took a deep breath and continued "sounds selfish I know. I know it does. But I, I need you to come back. I need you to wake up. I just..- I need you Kate. Your sister needs you, mamma needs you and so does Jake. He's a mess without you. Just like us" she finished saying as she got up and kissed Kate's forehead.
As maya walked out of Kate's room she made her way to the NICU to find her baby in Callie's and Maggie's arms
"Hey" smiled Callie "just wanted to make someone company"
"Thank you" said Maya as she cleaned off a tear and Maggie handed the baby over to maya.
"Hey baby" smiled maya as she looked down at her
"She's got definitely Kate's eyes" said Maggie
"Same look" said Callie
"Yes they do" said Maya as a single tear ran through her face.
"We heard about carina" said Callie
"You can't take it personal" said Maggie
"I try to" said Maya
"It's hard, I know" said Callie.

"Maya?" Asked Andy as she walked into the NICU
"Andy" smiled Maya "come on in" she said
Andy squeezed Maya's arm and smiled down at the baby in her arms
"You're still here?" Asked Maya
"Course I'm here" said Andy "came to see you all"
"Sorry for.." began Maya
"Don't you even dare" said Andy and she smiled down at the baby "I'll go see Kate" she said as she walked out of the room.

"Page Dr. Shepherd now!" Yelled the intern
"She was already paged!" Yelled the nurse back
"Well then you page her again!" Yelled the intern again
Amelia rushed into the room and her face said everything.

"You can't blame yourself" said Teddy "you can't keep on doing this to yourself"
"Was my fault." Said Arizona as she looked at teddy "only someone to blame"
"That's not true" said teddy.
"How can I not? How can I pretend that she is not laying in that bed because of me?"

"No, no no no!" Yelled Jake as he rushed through the hallways
"You need to calm down" said Amelia as she ran next to him
"Jake?" Asked Amelia
"I should never have left in first place" said Jake as they both got to Kate's room
"Breath" said Amelia as she slid open the door
Jake's face was a poem. His eyes were just. Gone
"Hey stranger" whispered Kate as the smile on Jakes face grew bigger and bigger as he rushed to Kate's bed.
"How? H..-how?" Asked Jake as he finished kissing Kate's lips
"I consider myself quite intelligent" smiled Amelia and Jake got up to hug her tightly. "Thank you" he said "thank you"
"You're awake?" Asked Jake again as he held Kate's face in his hands "you know your name? You know?" He said
"Been through that with Amelia already, and a little bit lower please" whispered Kate again laughing
"I've got her Windstone" laughed Amelia
"Thank you" whispered Kate as Amelia squeezed her hand
"No need to" winked Amelia "you're back"
"I'm back" said Kate and after thinking for a moment she asked "how long?"
"Sorry honey?" Asked Amelia as she charted
"How long was I out? The baby. The baby was in distress. The baby was. The storm" began Kate and her heartbeat began to rise up
"Okay okay" said Amelia as she left the chart and got closer together with Jake
"Kay, kay." Said Jake holding her hands "look at me okay? Eyes only on me" he said "breath Kate. Breath"
As Kate took some deeps breaths Jake explained everything that had happened
"So the baby is alive?" Asked Kate looking at Amelia
"The baby is alive. The baby is alive Kate" said Amelia nodding
"But momma she is not?" Asked Kate confused
"There were surgical complications" said Amelia "she's being closely monitored."
"Do they know? They know I'm up?" Asked Kate
"Kate how long ago did you wake up?" Asked Jake
Kate looked at Amelia and answered worriedly "I...- I.. I don't know" she said "I should know right?"
Amelia rubbed her back and said "hey hey, your brain was sleeping for quite a while. It's completely normal that it takes a while in waking up okay? You just, just need to give it time" she smiled. "I'll go get Maya okay?"
Kate nodded
"You do need to rest Kate. I'll be right back. Close your eyes I'll wake you as we're back" said Amelia standing up
As Kate closed her eyes she was instantly out. Completely asleep.
"A word?" She said seriously at Jake
Jake followed her outside
"She just woke up Jake" said Amelia "you can't expect her to act like if she had just taken a nap"
"I didn't mean to.." he began
"I don't care what you meant. People who wake up after a coma need to be calm. They don't need to get overwhelmed, nor stressed nor nothing" said Amelia "are we clear?" She asked
"We're clear" nodded Jake

Amelia walked into the NICU to find Andy holding the baby and Maya sitting down on the armed chair with her face buried in her hands
"Maya?" Asked amelia as she walked in
Maya lifted her head to look at Amelia.
As Amelia was about to talk someone else rushed in.
"Maya?" She asked in an agitated tone. Seems like she had just jogged over.

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now