Part 23

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Graduation day. Every emotion on the table. Literally every emotion.
"Kate stop moving you're hair is not ready" said Kim as she was making Kate's hair
"It is!" Said Kate
"I'm the hairstylist. I'm taking that call" said Kim
After finishing Kate stood up.
"Oh my god!! You are so hot!" Said Kim
"Look at you!" Said Kate and hugged her
"Can't believe we're getting graduated" said Kim
"Gosh I know!" Said Kate "we're leaving school"
"Graduating with honours! Kate that's insane!" Said Kim
"Shh my moms got no clue " said Kate
"When is Jake coming?" Said Kim
"Half an hour." Said Kate
Kate and Kim came out of Kate's bathroom and drove over to school.
As they picked out of the curtain they saw everyone there. Jake was there. Sitting next to Maya. He looked so handsome. And Andy was there too.
"Ready?" Asked the principal
"We're ready" they all said
The ceremony began and everyone was handed their base diploma. After a round of applause. The moment came.
"Pride overwhelms us, as we mention our honoured student. Student who has worked hard through each and every year of school. Reflecting responsibility and pride." Said the headmaster "we're proud to give the honour certificate to "Catherine Bishop DeLuca" whose being graduated with honours!"
Maya's and Carina's face was lit up with pride. Everyone standing up cheating and clapping for Kate. She felt like nothing could ever take this moment away.
After receiving the diploma and hugging her friends, she walked to meet her family.
The first one she met was Andy who embraced her into a hug "I'm so proud of you" she said kissing her top head
Then she saw it. Jake came rushing towards her and picked her up hugging her tightly. "I love you" he said kissing her cheek. Kate just hugged him back. Not wanting to let go.
Maya and Carina came walking towards Kate with pride all over them. The three of them embraced a tight hug.
"We are so, so proud of you Kate" said Maya
"All thanks to you two" said Kate
Carina kissed her top head and said "we love you"
They all headed home were they ahead a dinner with family and friends.
After making a toast for Kate and chatting for hours everyone left and Jake was left.
They were both picking up everything from the table together with carina and Maya.
"So Jake, when's the date?" Asked Maya
"Leaving on Friday afternoon" said Jake looking at Kate who was kinda sad with that answer.
"Three days" said Kate softly
Jake hugged her and whispered "best three days"
It was true. They had been the best days ever.
It was Thursday already. Jake was leaving tomorrow and both of them were watching the sunset cuddling at the beach
"Kate?" Asked Jake
"Yeah?" She said cleaning a tear form her face
"I love you" he said and kissed her top head
Kate turned around and kiss his lips.
As they headed back home singing in the car they started feeling the reality. Tomorrow Jake was leaving. They parked at the driveway in Jake's house.
"Your mom?" Asked Kate
"She's having dinner at her sister's" said Jake as he opened the door for Kate.
As soon as they entered the house both of them just lit up. All of a sudden they were passionately kissing and in a second both of them were shirtless. Kate wrapped her legs around Jake's waist as he laid her on a couch and laid on top. He grabbed her waist against him and with a hand unbuckled her bra.
"I'm just gonna miss this" said Kate between breaths.
"We're here now aren't we?" Asked Jake
"Yea?" Said Kate
"Let's make the most of it." He said and stood up carrying her into the bedroom and laid her in the bed unbuckling her pants as she did the same. Before pulling down her panties Jake pulled off.
"What are you doing?!" Said Kate
"I needed to go get a condom" said Jake
Kate was in despair. Literally in despair.
"I'm on birthcontorls. We are cleared" she said despite knowing what she had been told. To use both.
Jake was kinda in despair also, so as he heard that he laid on top of Kate again and pulled off her panties and pulled of his boxers.
Between moans Jake said "Kate?"
Catching her breath she answered "yeah?"
Jake stood up and in his arms carried Kate over to the shower. He turned in the hot shower and still on his arms and with her back to the wall water fall on them.
"Jake... Jake" said Kate breathless "slow down"
Jake lifted his head and said "yeah. Sorry"
After some seconds Kate said again "don't, don't slow. Keep going"
"Sure?" Asked Jake
Kate nodded and kissed his neck. Jake pulled her up on his arms again and soaked wet directed to the bed again and laying on Kate
"How much you're gonna miss me?" Said Jake to Kate's ear.
Kate smiled and said "mmm not that much"
"How about now?" Said Jake after moving
Kate moaned and said bitting her lips "a little bit more"
Jake smiled and moved even more "now?"
Kate moaned loudly and bit Jake's shoulder to remain her from yelling all she managed to say was "yes"
Jake smiled  and said "yes?"
"Yes. Please yes" said Kate
Jake followed her orders....
They were laying now against the backrest. Kate sitting on top him and with her head on his chest as he drew patterns on her back with his fingers.
"That was" said Jake. Whose breathing was still agitated.
"We're kinda, still in it" laughed Kate
Jake laughed and kissed her head. "I love you" he said
Kate pecked his lips deeply "love you" she said.
After getting showered and changed they had dinner together and were cuddling watching a movie
"What time at the airport?" Asked Kate
"7am" said Jake "I know" he said
"Pick you up at 6:45" said Kate
Jake kissed her and said "you're the best"
"You nervous?" Asked Kate "cause I am"
Jake laughed and said "nervous but excited. and I know will talk everyday"
"Distance is nothing" said Kate
"Nothing at all" said Jake and kissed her cheek. "For us it's nothing"

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