Part 3

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Kate's room was a war zone, she was getting ready for that party and had already tried at least 20 different outfits which she new her moms would like non of them. Since in all of them either the short was too tiny , or the shirt was to short. But well, everyone was dressed like that.

Her best friend Kim was picking her up since she already had her license. They had been FaceTimeing all the afternoon trying the outfits. But time flew and it was nearly time.

She heard the voices in the living room of her two moms having wine. She still had no clue how to pass through them in this outfit.

11:45pm and Kate received two notifications
-Kim: I'll be there in 5 minutes~

~Jake: can't wait to see you.

Kate instantly blushed up because of Jake's text. He was 17 almost 18 and had a huge crush on Kate. His best friend was the party owner. So, she new she'd feel welcome at that party.

"Bambina! Come" she heard her mama saying

"I'm not ready yet!" She lied

"Come on! Show us!" Said her mom

Kate walked toward the living room with a hoodie on so they wouldn't see the top she was wearing.

"Ahh ahh, come on show us!"'said carina pointing at the hoodie.

Kate took off her hoodie and both of her moms were just shocked by her daughter.

She was wearing black boots, a black leather short and white short top which showed her stomach and her back

"Wow" said Maya as she broke the silence

"So..?" Said Kate

"So... Bambina everyone knows you're a girl you don't have to prove it" said carina
laughing. "But, you do look gorgeous." Said carina

Maya stood up and hugged Kate

"Mom! No no, the makeup" said Kate

"Ohhh sorry mrs. Makeup. But I'll give you a kiss anyway" said Maya and kissed her daughters cheek "behave" she said looking at her eyes.

"I will" said Kate looking at both of them and as she read her phone left through the door.

Carina and Maya looked each other and carina said "my god. I'm not ready for this" Maya laughed and asked "for what?"

Carina just sipped her wine and said "for her to grow up"

Kim and Kate both arrived at the party and the loud music could be heard all over.
Immediately lots of her other friend were there dancing, suddenly she felt someone's hand on her back. She turned around and saw Jake

"Hey you" he said getting closer and dancing with her.

"Hey! I couldn't find you!" Said Kate getting closer to him.

Kate looked at her friends and realised most of them had a glass in there hand, or a bottle.
Kim looked at Kate and said "hey! Have a drink!"

Kate nervously looked at Kim and agreed so she didn't felt left out

She whispered to Jake "what do I drink? I've never before"

Jake laughed and said "I've got you. Have this first" he handed a bottle of beer and opened it

They all danced as they had beer. Suddenly one of her friends came up with some vodka bottles and poured a glass for everyone. Kate not knowing how tough it was had some glasses one after the other.

Until Kim got closer to her and whispered "Kate, you're drunk, I'm going to some private room with him" and pointed to a guy next to her.

As soon as Kim disappeared vodka kept on coming and Kate kept drinking until she felt again Jake who had come back from talking to his friends.

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now