Coming, Coming, Run, Run

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Week 38 pregnancy:
Grace skipped towards Maya's and Carina's room and jumped into bed in the middle of Carina and Maya
"morning you" smiled Maya as she woke up "someone's up quite early"
"Morning" smiled Carina as she turned around to hug both of them
"When are we meeting the baby?" Asked Grace as she turned to look at Carina
"Two more weeks" said Carina as she fixed Grace's hair
"That's way too long" said Grace
"We want the baby to be fully baked before it comes out" smiled Maya
"But the baby is going to live with Kate. When we'll we get to be with the baby?" Asked Grace innocently
Carina laughed and said "grandma's are gonna make sure we're with all of them always"
"Can we see Kate?" Asked Grace and Carina nodded "not sure if she is awake yet"
"Oh I'm pretty sure she is" said Maya laughing as she grabbed her phone and she FaceTimed Kate who instantly picked up and her face came into the screen.
"Hey there" smiled Maya "there's someone who's quite desperate to talk to you" she said as she placed Grace on the phone
"Hey honey" smiled Kate "I've missed you so much" she said
"Hey" said Grace cutely "where's Jake?" She asked
"Oh. I see I'm being replaced" laughed Kate as she handed her phone over to Jake who was laying next to her. "Mom I'll call you through Jake's phone"
Jake's voice was heard from behind saying "Hey princess!" As Grace rushed out of the room into the kitchen while talking to Jake
Carina called to Jake's phone and Kate popped up
"How're you feeling honey?" Asked Maya
"As if I were a cow" Laughed Kate
Carina laughed and said "no long for that to finish"
"Yeah I know I know. Two more weeks" smiled Kate  "What if I go into labour before?" She asked
"Not letting that happen" said Jake as his face popped into screen
"Go back to your FaceTime" laughed Kate
"If that happened, you're at 38 weeks everything would be okay" assured Carina Kate nodded and said to Jake "see. That's a supportive message"
"I'm not letting him or her come out before time" said Jake as he popped his head in screen making Maya chuckle
"That's my kinda thinking" said Maya
"Exactly" said Jake laughing

Maya looked at her laptop and said "wow"
Carina came out of the bathroom with her toothbrush in her mouth "what's up?"
"There's a five alarm storm striking. Schools are closed" she said
"What?" Asked Carina as she looked at the laptop "wow. I'll call up to the nursery at work. It's probably open 24 hours. Both of us are probably gonna be stuck at work all night." She said
"Yeah." Nodded Maya "I'll get Grace ready to leave with you" she said as she walked into Grace's room.

"You're not staying alone" said Jake
"Jake the storm hasn't even strike yet" said Kate
"It is going to and I'm not leaving you here alone." Said Jake
"I'm not getting admitted two weeks before Jake" laughed Kate
"Kate you're 38 weeks pregnant. You're not staying alone here with a storm going on" he said
Kate picked up her phone and dial Carina
"Mom hey" she said
"Bella I was just about to call you" she said in relief "you coming into the hospital?" She asked
"Mom I'm not gonna be admitted yep weeks before" said Kate
"Kate you're not staying alone" said Carina
"Yeah Jake made that quite clear" said Kate
"Yeah he is right. You can stay in the hospital" said Carina
"I'll get everything ready and be there in some hours" she said
Both Carina and Jake jumped and said
"You're not driving"
"There's no way you're getting into a car"
"I'll get someone to drive me" she said and carina sighted and said "you need to be there before 16:00" Kate ended the phone call
"You're calling me every hour. Or I'm coming" said Jake serious as he rushed out of the house since he was being paged
Kate picked up her phone and dial again
"Hey!" Said Amelia cheery on the other side
"Hey Amelia" said Kate
"Where are you?" Asked Amelia worried
"Home" said Kate
"You coming in?" She asked and Kate said "yeah in some hours after I get everything ready"
"Oh okay okay. Call me I'll go pick you up. I'm quite available before the storm begins to strike" she said and Kate nodded
She quickly began to her her bags and stuff ready for leaving.

"Hey cap" asked Andy as she walked into Maya's office
"Hey" said Maya as she turned around
"You okay?" Laughed Andy
"Kinda nervous" said Maya as she sat down on her chair
"About?" Asked Andy
"Just. Everything. The storm. Kate, the baby, Grace" sighted Maya
"Okay carina's got Grace. She's taking her over to daycare. Kate will be there soon with her baby" said Andy
"I know I know" nodded Maya
"Breath grandma" smiled Andy
"Shut it" said Maya laughing

"Kate?" Asked Callie
"She's gonna be here soon." Said Carina "Jake, Maya and I have to work and we don't want her to stay alone"
"She okay?" Asked Callie
"Yeah she's just..." began Carina
"38 weeks pregnant?" Laughed Callie
"Yeah. That" laughed Carina

There was a knock on the door and Amelia came in.
"Hey" she said as she walked into the lending room
"Hey" said Kate as she carried some bags over to she leaving room
"Give me that" said Amelia rushing over to get the bags
"Thanks for coming" smiled Kate
"You kidding me? I'm not leaving my godchild in the middle of a storm" laughed Amelia placing a hand on her tummy and receiving a kick
"Hey in there" she laughed "yeah it's me" she laughed
"Stop kicking me" said Kate as she received another kick
"Ready?" Asked Amelia as she grabbed all of the bags and closed the door after Kate
Amelia turned on the car and both of them headed towards Grey Sloan.

"You know how we might not even get paged tonight?" Laughed Gibson
"I know I know" said Andy "I'm just. Nervous about the storm"
"Not a fan of wind? Laughed Vic
"Shut up. Not a fan of trees falling. 

"Damn, my patient is being rushed to OR" said Carina as she read her pager "you're in charge Jo" she said as she rushed upstairs.
"Sure. Go" said Jo and carina jogged into the elevator
"Hey" said Jake as he walked over to Jo
"Hey. Almost to be daddy" she laughed
"Two more weeks" he said and was interrupted by his pager. "Uhh, not again" he said and rushed downstairs to the ER

"Your music sucks" laughed Kate as both of them got out of the car
"Shut up" said Amelia as she helped her with all of the bags
"Oh my" said Kate as they both looked at the storm forming in the sky
"Let's. Let's get inside" said Amelia both of them got quickly inside
"The storm is coming" said Kate
"Seems like the storm is here" said Amelia as she looked at the huge mess inside the hospital

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