Red light

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Monday morning.
"Yes sir" answered Kate as she shook her new captain's hand.

Maya woke up and wrapped her hands around carina's waist.
"Baby slept the whole night" said carina
"Couldn't believe it either" said Maya smiling as she looked at her watch
"Monday 6 am" she said
Carina turned around as she traced patterns with her hands on Maya's arm
"It's not too late to talk to her" she said
"Carina" said Maya
"Maya I know how you're feeling and I know this isn't what you want" said carina
"It's not what I want and I can't to anything about it" said Maya

"So they're not talking to each other?" Asked teddy
"I'm over my head here" said Carina "Kate won't talk to Maya, Maya ignores the situation or is way too upset to say anything and me and the baby are just. In the middle of the war zone" she said
"What about the wedding plans?" Asked teddy
"She talks and talks to me about it and when Maya comes by she magically needs to go get showered or sleep or something" said carina
"But she's starting her new job today?" Said teddy
"Yeah" said Carina

"I thought you were kidding" said Jack
"I'm not and let's not mention it that much. Maya will be here anytime soon" said Andy
"What the hell happened?" Asked Jack "and station 23?" He asked
"Yeah" said Andy as she poured coffee
"Isn't that Captain Smith's station?" He asked and Andy nodded
"She's gonna be working under Smith?" He asked shocked "does Maya know that?"
"Course she does that's probably one of the many reasons she is so upset" said Andy "knowing Kate's gonna be working under that irresponsable maniac man"
Both of them shut up as they heard maya walking over to the kitchen
"Morning" she said
"Morning Captain" said Jack
"I wanted to apologise. Apologise for losing it towards you at the fire last week" she said
"Maya there's no need for.." began Andy
"Yes. Yes there is" said Maya "im just sorry" she said
"No worries" smiled Jack as he exchanged a concerned look with Andy

"Okay team up now!" Yelled the Captain as the whole battalion grouped up "being at this station means you're worth something. Been here for a day or twenty years I don't care. Mistakes won't be accepted. Cowards won't be accepted. No rookies. If you work here it's cause I already consider you a firefighter" he said "are we clear?!"
"Yes Captain" said the team all together.
As they were walking out the alarms began to sound.
"Engines now!" Yelled the captain and everyone rushed

Station 19:
The alarms began to sound and the team rushed to the engines.
"Herrera and Montgomery" said Maya checking her phone "aid car required at second street north town" she said as Andy and Travis rushed out into the aid car

Smith paced back and forth as his battalion assessed the situation.
"Sir it's beginning to consume if self" said a guy
Before the Captain opened his mouth the aid car arrived
"Bishop go put them up speed" he said and as Kate heard that she rushed over.
"Hey. Bishop here" she said before noticing it was Andy
"Kate?" Asked Andy "it's your first day what are you doing here?" She asked
"Yeah that seems not be important at 23" she smiled "we're going in frontally there could be victims we're counting 4 maybe" she said
"How many firefighters?" Asked Travis
"Unit of six" she said
"Okay. Three pair firefighter and four civilians" said Andy
"Yeah. Just we're not going in in pairs we're moving individually" said Kate
"What?" Asked Andy
"Smith's decision" she said as she jogged back over to her team.
"In you go team!" Yelled the captain and they all rushed in.

"What the hell?" Asked Andy
"Yeah" said Travis "he's just. Unbelievable"
"Individually? Into a fire? Gotta be kidding" sighted Andy
"At least we're here" said Travis
"Yeah. Just, should we let maya know?" Asked Andy
"The problem is she does. She already knows" said Travis
"But can't say anything" understood Andy "Cause she can't question another Captain" she said and Travis nodded

"You okay?" Asked a firefighter as he patted Kate's back while she coughed
"Yeah" coughed out Kate as she saw other firefighters coming out of the fire coughing the same way she was.
"Nicely done 23! Almost a record" smiled the Captain as almost the whole team was still coughing out the smoke.
Andy and Travis looked at each other in horror as they rushed over to 23
"It's okay it's okay" said Kate as she nodded at Andy who looked at her with a concerned look
"We need to talk" she said as she walked pass Kate and handed her an oxygen mask

"You are an angel" smiled Maya as she walked through the leaving room with the baby in her arms
"Look at you two" smiled Carina from the door who had been looking at the whole picture and walked over to them and kissed the babies head
"Have you talked to her?" Asked Carina
"She doesn't want to talk to me" said Maya in a baby tone as she smiled at the baby
"You ignoring the situation won't make it disappear" smiled Carina
"Babies are easier" said Maya
"Babies grow up" laughed Carina
"Yeah. And that's so sad" laughed Maya

Andy waited for Kate outside 23 till her shift was over. As she saw her walking over to her car she approached her.
"Not at all stalker" laughed Kate as she turned around
"We need to talk" said Andy seriously
"Need a ride?" Laughed Kate
"I'm serious" said Andy
"What's going on?" Smiled Kate
"Can't you see it?" Asked Andy shocked "you've been here for a day. A day Kate and you've already suffered a smoke inhalation" she said
"Wow." She smiled "not a smoke inhalation" she said
"Can't you see it?!" Asked Andy "going in solo? What the hell!?"
"Andy. I don't get to choose that" said Kate
"You get to say no to it." Said Andy "you and Maya need to get things straight again"
"Yeah that's gonna be quite hard" she smiled as she got into her car
"News travel fast" she said
"Meaning?" Asked Kate
"People already know what I maniac that man you call Captain is" said Andy "but what I saw today? That's just being unconscious about the situation" she said as Kate's car started
"Andy thanks for taking care of me. But I've got it" she said as she drove away.

"Look who is here" smiled Carina as she held the baby and pointed towards the door as Kate came through
"Hello you two" she smiled as she walked in and hanged her coat.
"Heard about the fire" said Carina "everyone okay?" She asked
"Yeah. Everyone okay quite easy" she said "oh. Tomorrow I need you to go with me to see the dress designer" said Kate
"Hmm I'm kinda busy" lied Carina
"Oh. Okay. I can call Andy" said Kate
"No no no" hurried Carina "I'm coming" she smiled "but I can't promise no tears" she said
Maya opened the front door and walked in
"Hey" she smiled and Carina pecked her lips
Before she was even able to talk to Kate Kate was walking upstairs to get showered.
"Not now" said Maya
"Wasn't going to" said Carina
"Liar" smiled Maya
Maya walked upstairs and pass Kate's room. She stopped, counted to three and knocked on the door.
"Yeah" said the voice inside
Maya walked in and Kate was sitting down studying
"I know I know I'm driving tomorrow" she said until she picked up her head and saw maya "hey" she said in a low voice
"Hey" said Maya from the door "heard the fire news" she said
"Yeah" said Kate uninterested
"Sleeping here?" Asked Maya
"No" answered Kate
Maya nodded and asked "need help with that?" She said looking at her notes
"No" said Kate again and Maya nodded and walked out of her room to meet Carina outside
"So?" Asked Carina
"Got three words out of her" said Maya
"That's something" said Carina and maya nodded as she walked into her room.

"Morning" smiled Carina as she walked into the kitchen "ready?" She asked as she poured coffee
"Nervous" admitted Kate
"About?" Laughed Carina
"Noticing this is turning oficial" said Kate as she got up and hovered around till she found her car keys "ready?" She asked as Carina walked over to her
"Stop" smiled Carina "stop" she said as she grabbed Kate's hands "breath or I'm not getting on a car with you" she smiled
Kate laughed and breathed deeply "ready" she said
As they made their way over to the designer. As they walked in the designer came in with Kate's dress after making the last changes
"Okay. I think this one is it" he smiled as he left the dress.
Carina helped Kate into the dress and after some minutes she was ready.
"Okay now turn" said Carina as she finished closing the dress
Kate looked like a model. Like one of those brides you see on magazines. As Kate was looking at herself in the mirror inspecting each snd every inch of her dress while Carina was tearing up.
"So?" Asked Kate smiling as she turned around
Carina cleaned her tears and said "so.. give me a minute" making Kate laugh
"I assume you're using all your wedding day tears now?" Mocked Kate
"Hope so otherwise I'll get dehydrated she said "Bella you look. You looks, just. I've got no words" she said with her hand on her mouth.

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now