Take Me To Church

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"Just, please. Leave me alone" said Carina as she cleaned off her tears.
"Carina" started maya "we have to, we have to make a choice"
"Leave me alone. Please. Leave me alone" begged Carina and Maya closed her door behind her. She stood in the hallway for some seconds listening to carina's crying inside the ICU room and after cleaning her tears up she walked over to Kate's room.
She was fast asleep, Jake by her side asleep holding her good hand.
"Maya hey" said Jake as he woke up with the door opening
"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you" said Maya apologising
"No worries" smiled Jake "I'll leave you so.." he said being cut off
"No no, no." Said Maya "she will want you here when she wakes up"
"Maya, I'm so so deeply sorry for everything's happening" said Jake
"Yeah" nodded Maya stroking Kate's hair "just, Carina is the one who knows how to deal with this kinda stuff. With the messed up stuff and now carina's she's just" she said being interrupted by tears
"Now Carina is..." she said breaking her voice
Jake stood up and walked over to Maya wrapping her with his arms "I know" he said
After some seconds Maya pulled apart and said "I'm so sorry I'm a mess"
"You have every single right to" said Jake "and whatever you need day or night you can always count on me. With anything you need"
"Thank you Jake" smiled maya

"What if they don't make a choice." Asked Maggie
"Maggie" said Arizona
"Arizona I mean it. 24 hrs soon and we need to know what we're gonna do. We haven't come up with a plan yet as this baby I can't.." she said
"That's not going to happen. Not to this baby. That is not happening." Said Arizona
Maggie nodded and said "so? What are we doing?"
"We're making the call. Carina isn't up to making that choice now and neither is Maya." Said Arizona
"We're going in?" Asked Maggie
"We're going in" said Arizona

"So, I know we told you there was no hurry." Said Amelia
"But?" Weakly smiled Kate
"But, we kinda need to start giving that nerve some stimulation" said Callie
"Whenever you feel ready, or with whoever you feel comfortable with" said Amelia
"Let's just get this done" said Kate
"Kate, I know. I know everything sucks right now. Everything is going to hell. I know" Said Amelia. "I know. I also know you want to go home, be there for your family I know that."
"My whole family is literally here" said Kate sadly
Callie stroked her cheek and said "okay, let's heat things up. Let's make a deal" she smiled "If, you manage to move your hand 5 times today. I'll discharge you" she said
"You're kidding?" Asked Kate
"You'll be coming in this days and we can monitor you here" said Amelia
"Not kidding?" Asked Kate and Amelia shook her head.

"Maya!" Yelled Maggie and Arizona and her jogged over to her
"Yeah?" Asked Maya with an exhausted voice
"We need to make a choice" said Maggie
"I-..." began Maya
"No no, Maya. We're making the choice. None of you are fit to make that choice" said Arizona
"We'll do it" said Maggie " we're operating today."
"Today?" Asked Maya tearing up
"We'll do the best we can for today" said Arizona
"What do you mean?" Asked Maya
"We may not be able to complete the surgery today" said Maggie
"What do I tell Carina?" Asked Maya
"You tell her, we'll do out very best work" said Arizona and Maya nodded.

"So, heard about the deal" said Jake as he walked into the room.
"4 Kate 0 Callie" smiled Amelia
"Uh. Doctor Torres I thought you never lost" smiled Jake
"Dr. Windstone you're lucky I really like your girlfriend or you'd be in scut the whole week" laughed Callie "last time Kate" she said as she handed her the small ball again
"You've got it" smiled Amelia
Kate held the ball once again and squeezed it tightly
"Hell yes!" Said Jake high-fiving Callie
"You did it" smiled Amelia and Kate still looking at his hand asked "it works?"
Callie moved over to her and said "it works"
Kate got up from the bed and hugged both Callie and Amelia before jumping into Jakes arms "it works!" She said as she tear up
Joy filled the room in seconds, Amelia and Callie laughing and hugging each other.
"Hate to say so, but, I told you" said Jake kissing her cheek
Arizona walked into the room and the whole joy and excitement from the room contrasted her.
"Arizona it works!" Yelled Kate hugging her tightly. She was already dressed up to leave.
Arizona couldn't hold her smile and hugged her looking her hand with a huge smile and hugging Callie. But after some seconds the reason why she was there came back.
"Kate?" said Arizona
"Yeah?" Asked Kate still smiling and getting everything ready to leave "your wife said I could go" she laughed and Arizona smiled
"There's been some changes. The baby is going in again. Today. In an hour" said Arizona and everyone's face once again turned into that sad expression
"Kate?" Asked Jake as he placed his arm round her shoulder
"I-.. I need my car keys" said Kate looking into her bag
"Kate" said Amelia once again
"I-.. I just need to-... I need to find my car keys" she said again
"Kate. Kate" said Amelia moving next to her

"Carina." Said Jo
"It's my all my fault. It's all my fault" said Carina
"Carina stop" said Jo
"It's all my fault" she continued saying
"There was no way to prevent this, you did everything right. Everything" said Jo
"I can't keep on going this" said Carina
"Carina what do you mean" asked Jo
"I almost lost Kate, twice. Twice Jo. And now? Now my baby is going down the same road?" Said Carina breaking into tears.

"Maya!" Yelled Andy "Maya!" She yelled again until Maya turned around
"Andy you're here" said Maya
"Maya. How come you didn't call me before" said Andy
"Andy everything going down the drain. Everything" said Maya
"Maya don't. You can't lose your hopes now. You can't ever lose them" said Andy
"Kate moved her hand" said Maya with tears running down her cheeks
"She did?" Smiled Andy empathetically
"And the baby is being prepped now" said Maya
Andy hugged Maya tightly not having words to comfort her.

"Kate you can't drive" said Amelia
"I'm going home" said Kate "I'm discharged right?" She smiled
"Kate.." said Jake since he didn't understand how could she be acting like that
"I need to go home" said Kate as she aimed the door
"Kate stop" said Amelia "I know. I get you don't want to have to deal with this but"
"Deal with this?" Laughed Kate "I've been dealing with enough stuff I don't want to be first line here. I'm not watching this movie in the first row." She said as she walked out of the room followed by Jake

"Surgery began" said Jo as she approached Andy and Maya who were sitting in Carina's room who was fast asleep Maya holding her hand tightly and Andy having her hand on Maya's shoulder.

"Let me go Jake" said Kate as she walked over to the parking lot
"Kate... Kate. Kate stop" said Jake stopping
"What do you want Jake" said Kate
"I want you to stop. I want you to breath. I want you to slow down" he said
"I can't okay? I can't" said Jake "everything is screwed up everything is blowing up and I'm tired of watching or being in explosions" said Kate
Jake scooped Kate's face in his hands and said "okay listen to me, please listen to me. I know. I know you've been to hell and back this last year I know. I also know you're a different person now. You're stronger kate and I know this? This is punch in the stomach I know. But the three of you are being punched in the stomach at this moment. Your moms, you haven't seen them since the C-section. They can't do this without you Kate. They can't." Said Jake "they need you. Just the same way you need them."

"We can't keep on going!" Said Maggie
"What do you suggest then?" Asked Arizona "I mean. What do you suggest for us to do"
"I'm lost here" said Maggie
"That makes us two" said Arizona

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