Growing Up

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Andy rushed over to the lockers room "Kate hey! I need your car" she said
Kate laughed and said "what?"
"I really need your car." She laughed "Vic drove me over today cause I had my car washing and now she left and now your mom is calling me to go pick up some stuff for tonight which seems I said I would pick up. She'll kill me"
Kate broke into laughter and said "here." As she handed her car keys over to Andy
"Thank you thank you thank you!" Said Andy as she rushed out of the room
Kate: just lost my car. Can you pick me up? ;)
Jake: you what?
Kate: Andy...
Jake: oh yeah. That makes sense then. I'll be there
Kate: we need to be at 9 at my place of the captains head might blow up
Jake: we've got two hours
Kate: I need to get changed and get my hair done
Jake: oh boy

"Carina?" Asked Maya as she walked into the nursery "what are you doing?" She laughed as Carina was sitting down watching the baby sleep
"He's proposing" she smiled as she got up and walked over to Maya
"He is proposing" said Maya "are you okay?"
"Mmmhm" nodded carina as she tried to hold her tears but a single tear escaped her eye
"Come here" said Maya as she hugged Carina tightly
"She's our baby" said Carina
"She'll always be Carina. He's an amazing man, he loves her so so much" said Maya trying to hold her own tears
Carina pulled apart and said "I know. I know" and both of them walked over and looked down at their sleeping daughter smiling to each other.

"Excuse me firefighter" asked a voice and Kate turned around
"Yeah but you should talk to the front door" said Kate as she turned around "Amelia?" Smiled Kate
"Oh look at you. Awake" she laughed as she got closer "look at this" she said grabbing a extinguisher"
"No no no." Said Kate "no no no"
"You're boring" smiled Amelia "I need to drive you home lady" she said
"Oh boy they'll kill me" said Kate "course I'm late she said looking at her watch"
"Okay. Okay. Let's do this. I'll rush you over to my place. Get showered and changed and we'll drive back to your place and you won't have to get showered there. They won't know you're late" said Amelia
"Nice nice nice" said Kate as she rushed to grab her stuff and both of them jumped into Amelia's car
"Tell me the baby's name and I'll drive faster" said Amelia before turning on the car
"Amelia" laughed Kate "drive the car" she laughed and both of them rushed down the road.

"Ready!?" Said Amelia as she walked into the bathroom
"This dress is so freaking gorgeous Amelia" said Kate
"Yeah. It suits me better but well" laughed Amelia as they both rushed out of the apartment and into the car again
As they were driving Amelia turned around at an incorrect corner.
"Fuck fuck fuck" said Amelia
"Oh damn" said Kate as she looked down at her phone
"It's okay. It's okay. I know a shortcut. We'll be there in two seconds" said Amelia
"No no no, not that one!" Said Kate as Amelia turned incorrectly again "oh boy" she said
"Kate?" Asked Amelia
"Yeah. Incorrect shortcut?" Smiled Kate
"Breath breath it's okay" said Amelia
Kate picked up her phone.
"Jake hey. I'm kinda lost with Amelia who turned out to be my Uber. Not sure where you are but.." said Kate interrupted
"Just turn around" said Jake
"Jake. I don't know where I am. I can't turn around cause I'm not sure where I am" said Kate
"Kate just turn around" said Jake
"Jake what part of not sure where I am don't you get?" Said Kate losing it
"Kate 360 turn. You yourself. Not the car" said Jake
"What are you talking.."
"Kate just. Just do it" he laughed
Kate turned around to see another car parked behind. Jake's Car.
As Kate walked over to Jake she noticed how good looking he was.
"Hey" he smiled
"I don't understand. You said you'd pick me up then Amelia appeared. Now I'm late and.." she said and Jake grabbed her hand
"Come on" he said still with that smile on his face as he grabbed my hand and walked down through the woods
"Jake what it is?" Kate asked kinda scared for all the darkness
"Just..." said Jake as he waited for the moment when the trees lit up.
The lights around the trees lit up and it was just them. Standing there. In the middle of the woods being lightened by the tiny little bulbs around the trees and the huge moon above them
"Kate" said Jake as he got closer to her
"Jake what is all this?" Asked Kate with a smile on her face as she stared all around.
"Everything in my life has changed. Everything has changed for good ever since I met you. You've turned my world upside down, made me a better man"said Jake
"Jake what are.." asked Kate
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you more than life itself and I'll always love you" he said as she pulled out the tiny box from his pocket
"Jake?" Asked Kate as she took her hands to her mouth
"I'd follow you back to Iraq if I had to. I want to grow old with you. I want to have a family with you." he smiled and said "would you marry me?" As he kneeled down on one knee.
Kate was frozen still shocked. As she took her hands off her mouth her huge smile could be seen.
"Yes." She almost whispered "yes yes yes." She said as Jake stood up "yes, I want to marry you. Yes I want to be your wife" she said as she clanged to Jake's neck kissing him deeply.
"Yes?" Asked Jake
"Yes." Smiled Kate as he slid the ring to her finger "yes and a million times yes" she said as she clanged back again to Jake's neck

"Hello?" Asked Amelia as both of them ran up again to the cars
"Amelia!" Yelled Kate as she approached her
"Okay okay. I'm sorry. Not my intention to get you lost into the woods" she said and second later Kate was hugging her tightly
"Hey" said Amelia softly
"Thank you" said Kate as she cleaned off a tear.
"Always" smiled Amelia and after hugging Kate she moved on to hugging Jake "take care of her. She's a one in a million" she said
"I know that" smiled Jake hugging her back
"Okay. I don't want to be the untiromance but," said Kate
"We gotta run" smiled Jake
The three of them jumped into the cars and minutes later they were parking at Kate's house.
"How do you want to break the news?" Asked Jake
"The more spontaneous the better" said Amelia as she open the door and walked in
"Oh god" said Kate as she walked in hand in hand to Jake
"Together" whispered Jake as he placed a kiss on Kate's cheek
As they walked in everyone was there and Kate course forgot totally the fact she was late since she couldn't stop smiling
"Someone's happy" said Andy as she approached Kate
Kate smiled and said "car keys women" and Andy handed them over
"You're not escaping this one" smiled Andy
As maya and Carina came back into the leaving room with the baby in their arms they saw Kate and their faces lit up.
"You look cheery" said Maya as she walked over to her and kissed her cheek handing her over the baby
"So" said Carina as she stood next to Kate and Maya.
"Name!" Yelled Vic making everyone burst into laughter
"This lady here who gave us all quite a big scare." Said Carina and Maya squeezed Kate's shoulder "the name Kate Jr can't be permanent" smiled Carina and there was some small laughters "we've come around to put her a name which suits her. Which represents her. So, Grace Lucia Bishop Deluca." Said Carina "you've been welcome into the family ever since we find out you were on your way."
Everyone's face was lit up. Kate exchanging looks with Jake as she held her sister. Maya and Carina's eyes were shooting our hearts. Andy course was filled with tears and everyone just in love with the moment.
"22 years ago we made the amazing call of making Andy and Andrew Kate's godparents and god you did a great job" said Maya
"Yeah we know" smiled Andrew
"Today we're making the second call making Kate and Jake Grace's godparents" smiled Maya as she looked at Kate whose face was completely shocked and so was Jake's
"What?" Asked Kate as she turned to Carina
"Congratulations" said Carina as she kissed Kate's forehead and Maya hugged Jake
"Thank you" said Jake
"Thank you Jake" said Maya as Jake moves over next to Kate
"Okay arms are tired hold your goddaughter" laughed Kate she handed the baby over to Jake

After having dinner everyone was sitting around in the leaving room having coffee Andy and Vic playing with the baby and Maya and Carina staring at Jake and Kate
"You go" said Kate
"You gotta be the one" smiled Jake
"Fine" smiled Kate back and as she was gonna stand up she sat down again
Maya and Carina smiled and walked over to them
"You two look weird" said Maya smiling
"Do we?" Asked Kate "maybe cause you took us for surprise" she said "I'll go get more drinks"
"I'll help you" said Jake as both of them walked over to the kitchen.
As they walked out of the kitchen Kate made the decision and grabbed Jake's hand standing in front of them all and said "so, the godparents need to break some news"
"Oh my god" Said Andy standing up handing the baby over to Callie and Arizona making Jake chuckle
"Jake and I" said Kate and Maya and Carina were holding hands as they looked at them both
"We're getting married" finished Kate and everyone in the room exploded. People cheering and rushing over to the two of them
"Oh my god!" Yelled Andy as she hugged Kate tightly and in seconds the whole 19 team was all over them
"Wasn't surprised" smiled Amelia
"You" said Kate as she walked over to them "you're the best" she said as she hugged her. "I swear to God Amelia. You'll be my child's godmother Amelia" she smiled
"Counting on that" said Amelia hugging her back.
After everyone got to hug and be with both of them Jake and Kate walked over to Maya and Carina
"So" smiled Kate and before she could finish maya was hugging her so tightly she began to lose air and Carina was already hugging Jake. As they swapped and Carina cleaned off her tears as she hugged Kate
"You think we didn't know?" Smiled Carina
"You did?" Asked Kate as she pulled out of the hug
"Please. We know everything" said Maya as she walked over to them
"And anyway you're an awful liar" smiled Carina as the three of them sunk into a hug.
"Welcome to the family" smiled Maya at Jake

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now