Part 16

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Next morning maya and Kate woke up early and left for the station.
Kate had noticed maya was strange with her. Not angry, but she did was kinda strange. As they were half way to the station Kate just had to ask
"What's going on?"she said
"What do you mean?" Asked Maya
"You're being weird" said Kate
"Im not" said Maya
"Right. Except you definitely are" Kate said
There was an awkward silence until Kate broke the silence again
"You're angry right? About what happened last night." Said Kate
"Kate I'm not" said Maya
"Mom you are I know you are!" Said Kate
Maya pulled over the car.
"I'm not angry Kate" said Maya
"You are disappointed?" Said Kate
"You never disappoint me. You don't" said Maya
"Why are you like that then" said Kate
"Kate you'll understand when you grow up" said Maya
"Mom what's wrong" said Kate
"You'll understand when your a mother Kate!" Said Maya
"Why are you being like that!" Said Kate
"Cause I don't want you to grow up!" Yelled maya. She breathed in and said more calmer "I don't want you to grow up Kate. I mean of course I do. I want you to grow and be happy and success of course I do. I just don't want to."
"Don't what?" Said Kate
"Don't want to let you go Kate. You're still my baby, my child. I don't want you to grow up. Cause once you grow up you go to the grownups world where things can be scary and dark." Said Maya
"Mom" said Kate
"Kate I'd give my life, I'd literally give my life for you. My mind all it ever thinks during the whole day, it's about you. About you being safe and about keeping you safe." Said Maya and cleaned a a tear from her eye.
"Mom you are always keeping me safe" said Kate
"I'm scared to death once you go into that scary world you'll her hurt. So I just have a hard time accepting you will at some point go into that world and It just drives me crazy." Said Maya
"Mom, you're always going to be with me, always. I love you, no matter what you'll be there." Said Kate and hugged maya tightly
"Come on we are swapping. You're driving" said Maya and changes of sit with Kate
"Yes!" Said Kate and looked at Maya and asked"mom?"
"Yes bug?" She asked
"Would you come with me to my driving exam?" She said
"Of course I will" said Maya "come on, eyes on the road."
They both drove all the way to the station.
After the training everyone was exhausted
"Nice work 19!" Yelled maya
Vic and Kate had been working out together since it was a partner training
"Oh my, is..." said Kate catching her breath "why? Why do we train like this?"
"Jesus, trainings weren't this horrifying before your mom became captain" said vic stretching Kate's leg
"Why? Like why?" Said Kate with her hands on her face "I've never sweat this much I think"
"I don't feel my arms anymore" said Vic
"I don't feel my body!" Yelled Andy
"Oh men, your mom, it's nuts" said Jack walking towards the girls
"Really? You think so?" Said Kate standing up as Jack held out his hand and helped her up
"My abdomen feels like it's gonna break in two" said Kate
"Oh come on Mrs Abs!" said Andy
"Mrs Abs?" Asked Vic
"If you're feeling that imagine us" laughed Travis
"Who's Mrs abs?" Asked jack
"You haven't seen Mrs abs?" Asked Travis
"Stop all of you!" Said Kate laughing
"Mrs abs? Can we know what that's is?" Said Vic
"Can't believe you haven't met her" said Andy laughing
"Let's meet her" said Vic
"You're not meeting nothing" said Kate laughing
"Oh come on we are all in sports bra" said Andy
"Fine, but I'm showering then" said Kate and pulled off her shirt.
"God girl!" Said Vic
"How many hours do you train them ?" said jack
"Don't be that exaggerated" said Kate
Vic touched Kate's abdomen "oh my god it's like a wooden table" said Vic
"Have you ever like tried to grate cheese?" Asked Travis
"Okay I'm leaving" laughed Kate
"No no come on I want to touch" said Andy
Andy and Vic now touched Kate's abdomen
"You could be an abdomen model" said Jack
Maya came in through the door and laughed
"What's happening?" She laughed
"We are dead, all of us" said Travis who was sitting down on the floor
"Yeah, what are you two doing?" She said pointing at Andy and Vic
"Have you seen that?" Asked Jack
"What?" Asked Maya
"Your child's abdomen. Have you seen that?" Asked Jack in shock
"It's a wooden table" said Andy
"I've seen my daughters abdomen I have" laughed Maya "all of you go shower. We have a meeting in half an hour"

After the shift was over Andy drove Kate to her house since maya had to stay for a meeting.
"Ciao amore mio" said carina from the kitchen where she was cooking.
"Ciao mamma" she said and walked over to the kitchen "damn it smells amazing" she said kissing carinas cheek "how was your day?"
"Quite easy" said carina "I heard yours wasn't, mom told me the training was hard. And if mom said it was hard. I feel sorry for all of you" said carina laughing
"Despite not feeling arms, legs or core?
Everything is amazing" laughed Kate.
"Do you know that meeting how long it could take?" Asked carina
"She should be here in an hour now" said Kate from the leaving room
Carina walked to the leaving room and sat down on the couch "come here" she said to Kate
"What's up?" Said Kate sitting next to her
"Come here!" Said carina and laid Kate on her and kissed her cheek "I miss tiny little Kate who ran around after me in the hospital" said carina
Kate hugged carina tightly and laid her head on her lap.
"If I fall asleep will you.."said Kate
Carina laughed and stroke her back "I'll wake you up don't you worry"
Kate fell fast asleep into Carina. Half an hour later maya came through the door.
"What did you do to our daughter?" Laughed carina pointing at Kate fast asleep.
Maya laughed and kiss carina on the lips "It was just a training. I mean a strong one, I may have exceed them" said Maya
Carina laughed and said "she's fast asleeep. Why didn't you employ this when she was four" said carina
"Uhh the crazy year. Gosh you remember, it was like a tiny walking clock. At eleven pm her energy would just spike up and she would be like jumping all over the place" laughed Maya

Maya headed over to Kate and shook her gently "bug, dinners ready" she said
"Hmmm" murmured Kate "I'm sleeping" she said
"Okay then" said Maya and she threw herself on Kate.
"No no no, let me sleep" said Kate laughing
"Come on sleepy!" Said Maya
The three of them had dinner together and Maya headed to get showered as carina finished the dishes. As carina placed the dishes in the washing machine a glass fell to the floor breaking.
Kate who was in the leaving room studying as she heard the noise stood up in panic. Trying to catch her breath again and walked towards the kitchen.
"What happened?" She asked trying to hide her but breath
"Just a broken glass Bambina" said carina
Kate phone buzzed and she checked it
~Jake: hey gorgeous, you home?
-Kate: here I am
~Jake: got news. Can we talk?
~Kate: going downstairs
"Mamma I'm going downstairs, Jake is bringing my charger I forgot it at his car" said Kate and she went downstairs.
As she waited by the door she saw Jake's car pull over at her entrance.
"Hey princess" said Jake and pecked Kate's lips
"Hey you" said Kate
"You look shaky. Everything okay?" Asked Jake
"I'm just kinda tired, training was quite hard" said Kate "can we hola to your car it's kinda cold" she said
"Sure" said Jake and they both walked to the car.
Something was odd about Kate she seemed shaky, worried  
As they got into the car Kate threw herself into Jake kissing him deeply.
"Wow?" Said Jake smiling
Kate tried to her on top of Jake and to pull he's sit backwards
"Kate, Kate. No no, what are you doing?" Said Jake "Kate is something wrong?"
"Nothings wrong" said Kate sitting back again in her sit "I'm fine. What did you want to talk about?" Asked Kate
"Kate are you okey?" Asked Jake placing a hand on her cheek
"Jake stop. I'm fine. Okay? I'm fine" said Kate and tried to her off the car.
"No no, don't leave angry like that we don't do that." He said
"You know I hate for people to ask me a thousand times if I'm fine just cause I had an accident a year ago." Said Kate
"Kate I'm not asking you because of an accident I'm asking because I care about you" said Jake
"I'm fine Jake I just need for people to stop worrying for every time my face has a twitch" said Kate who know realised her eyes were getting teared up
"Kate?" Asked Jake
"I'll call you tomorrow" said Kate and pecked his lips and left
Jake new it. Something was up with her.
Kate walked inside and upstairs to her room. She went into her bathroom to brush her hair and saw the bottle of pills
"Carherine Stella Bishop DeLuca" that was what the bottle of pills said. She brushed her teeth and went to sleep ignoring the pills for third time this week.

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