Part 20

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TW: PTSD episode coming up
"Room cleared. Just us Kate. Just us" said Andy
"She really wanted to die, nobody believed me. Why don't they?" Asked Kate
"I believe you Kate. I do believe you." Said Andy as she placed her hand on Kate's leg "can you lay back for me please?" She said
"We're in a fire Herrera, I can't lay down. I lay down the fire catches us" said Kate
"Bishop?" Asked Andy
"Yes?" She answer.
She definitely thought they were at a fire
"Just turned off the fire" said Andy
"You did?" Asked Kate
"I did. It's out. No victims" said Andy
"That's good. That's good. We need to leave to make the report" said Kate standing up
"Yeah, we just need to get cleared before. Okay?" Said Andy
"Okay for what?" Said Kate
"Just cleared you know. Routine checkup" said Andy.
"Right. Right" said Kate.
After some seconds she just lifted her head and said  "Andy?" 
"Yes?" Said Andy getting closer as she realised her eyes got watery.
"I don't think I'm okay" she said softly
"Kate..." said Andy and got closer
"I'm not okay right?" She asked
"You just had..." said Andy
"Had a attack right?" She said
Andy nodded and held Kate closely and texted Amelia so they'd come in.
The three doctors came in slowly and realised the episode was out.
Arizona came closer and said "Can I see your shoulder honey?"
Kate nodded and laid down in the gurney.
"Can you pull off your shirt?" Asked Arizona
Kate nodded and Arizona helped her with her shirt and started working in her shoulder.
Meanwhile Amelia and Teddy sat down next to her.
"I'm not okay right?" Asked Kate
"You stopped taking medications right?" Asked teddy
Kate nodded
"Can you tell us why?" Asked Amelia
"I took the pills and just it helped but then I just got some burning headaches. I thought they would be a side affect and I couldn't take it" said Kate crying
"What kind of headaches?" Asked Amelia
"Like in being stabbed in my forehead" said Kate
"Kate can we get an CT of your head?" Asked Amelia
"She's a minor, we need Maya's or Carina'a permission" said Arizona
"I'll page carina" said Teddy
"I'm calling maya" said Andy
The three doctors waited for maya and carina outside and Andy stayed inside with Kate
"You know they told me about what you did" said Andy
"Quite stupid" said Kate
"Don't say that. Not stupid. At all" said Andy
"My moms are going to kill me" said Kate and started putting her shirt on
Andy helped her and said "they just want you to be safe. Maya told me about last night" said Andy
"I'm sorry, I mean I'm letting everyone down" said Kate
"Hey no. Let's wait for those results okay?" Said Andy
Amelia and Arizona explained the situation to Carina and Maya quickly drove over to the hospital and she was also explained.
"We did a head CT. I thought we were on a close window. Couldn't wait to ask you both" said Amelia
"No worries." Said carina
"It's perfect" said Maya worried
"It's called a subdural post concussion bleed" said Amelia and carina's face fell down
"Carina there's no way you could have realised" said Arizona
"I yelled at her. I made her feel" said carina
"Carina there's no way you could have known." Said Amelia.
"She's my daughter I should have realised" said carina
"Can someone please explain me, cause I don't speak doctor language" said Maya
"After the concussion, the "bruise" in Kate's brain. Started bleeding." Said Amelia
"That bleed just reabsorbes on its own. Just sometimes if it takes a while it starts messing with the temporal lobe" said Arizona
"Causing what it could look like PTSD" said Amelia
"But It's not" said Arizona
"She doesn't have PTSD?" Said Maya
"She could have. Just this "attacks" weren't PTSD. it's just the concussion never healed"said Amelia
"So you operate?" Said Maya
"Can you relieve the pressure and fix the bleed?" asked carina
"Italian. Course I can" said Amelia
They both breathed out again
"We have to tell her" said Arizona "and I need you both to sign there" she said handing them a form
"She's" said carina
"She's okay now. She is not through an episode. She needs you both" said Amelia
Both of them just walked in the trauma room
Carina sat down on the edge of the bed and maya on the beds end
"Amore" said carina
Kate looked at them both until her eyes couldn't contain the tears anymore "I'm sorry, I'm really. Really sorry" she said
"Bambina, don't, there's nothing to be sorry about." Said carina and held Kate's hand
"Everything I've done" she said between tears.
"Kay, it wasn't your fault" said Maya
"I didn't want it to lead to this" she said as she cleaned her tears
"Mi amore, they head CT they ran." Said carina holding her hands "there's a bleed, it's been bleeding for some days. They need to operate it. It was just something you couldn't control." She said
"My brain is bleeding?" She said
"It is. They'll fix it Kate. They will" said Maya
"After they fix it, will I be okay?" She asked
"You do amazing" said carina
"Has to be today?" She asked
"Yes bug" said Maya
"Okay then, cut my head" said Kate smiling since she didn't want to get her moms sad.
As carina left to talk to Amelia, Kate phoned Jake and in minutes he was there. "Kate I'm so sorry" said Jake standing by her bed
"You don't have to, you were taking care of me" she said
Jake leaned over and kissed gently her lips. "You'll do amazing. And I'll be here, as soon as you wake up" he said
"You will?" Asked Kate
"I won't move an inch" he said and kissed her cheek
As Maya came in Jake excused himself. She sat down on Kate's bed and held her hands trying not to cry.
"Kate I'm, so, so sorry" she said.
"Mom, I was awful, there was no way we could have known. You can't feel bad about it" said Kate
"I just can't avoid feeling awful about it" said Maya
"Please don't be." Said Kate
Maya laid down next to Kate with her arm around her.
"You know the chief of station 22 called me" she said "he told me there was a mini bishop running around saving people. He told me you'd done something not many people would have"said Maya
"Did he?" Asked Kate
"He did" said Maya "I couldn't be more prouder." She said and kissed her head "is your shoulder okay?" She asked
"Yep, just a burn" said Kate
"You know, if you promise not telling mamma, I've got 5 second degrees burns, we all have some. We call them fire scars" said Maya
"You never told me that" said Kate
"Welcome to the club" said Maya
Kate smiling and looked at Maya "I'm kinda scared." She admitted "what if something goes wrong?" She asked
"Hey, come here" said Maya and she moved closer "you just ran into a burning house and saved a life." She said "mamma was supposed to tell you, but she's gonna be there. In the gallery. Amelia said it was okay. She'll be there the whole time. And I'll be here as soon as you wake up. You've got this" said Maya "I promise, the next fire. We'll go in and out together. Deal?"
Kate looked at Maya and said "deal cap"
"My love bug" said Maya and kissed her top head.
Andy and Maya were talking outside of Kate's room since she had fell asleep.
They were coming to get Kate in some minutes 
She was with Jake who was telling her some gossip about some of their friends
"Jake you don't have to stay, you can come later." Said Kate
"Kate, I'm not leaving. Okay?" Said Jake
"Okay" said Kate and she saw Arizona  and Amelia about to came in to talk to her Jake realised and said
"I'll be here, as soon as you wake up, okay?" He kissed Kate deeply
Amelia and Arizona came in and Arizona looked at them as cute and Amelia broke the silence
"Wow you two, hospital" she laughed
They both pulled apart and laughed
"Sorry, Dr Shepherd" said Jake and kissed Kate's cheek "I love you" he said and looked into his eyes
"I love you too" she said back and pecked her lips
He walked out of the room and Arizona and Amelia looked at her
"Don't" said Kate
"We were not going to" said Amelia
"Yes you were" said Kate
"Yeah we were going to" said Arizona laughing and Amelia checked Kate's pupils.
"We'll get everything and take you upstairs in like 20 mins okay?" Said Amelia
"Ready" said Kate
As they both left carina came in and sat on her bed and carina instantly realised, Kate was scared. She didn't hesitate or asked she just climbed into bed with her.
"Mamma I'm really sor..." she said being interrupted
"Sh sh sh sh no, no no" said carina and held her closely against her chest "you listen to me Kay."
"I'm scared" said Kate and broke into tears
Carina held her even closer now and rubbed her chest.
"I know, I know you're scared. But this is the point where you just, trust us. You let us take care of you. And Kate we've got you. You'll do amazing, and before you notice Kate will be back home" said carina "I'll be right there in the gallery the whole time"
"You'll be looking at my brain?" Said Kate
"Guess I will" said Carina smiling as Kate placed her head back again on Carinas chest. "I love you" she said and kissed her head
Some minutes later they all came in.
"Ready to go?" Asked Amelia
"Let's do this" said Kate
They all walked her until the red line
"Your turn" said Maya to Carina and she kissed Kate's forehead and whispered "I love you"
Arizona, Carina and Amelia continued their way next to Kate's gurney and into the OR
Kate was about to be put under now
"See you in a bit" said Amelia
Kate nervously looked at Amelia and nodded
"I've got you okay?" Said Amelia
Carina held Kate's arm until she started closing her eyes
"Mamma..." she said closing her eyes
"Amore mio" said carina softly
"Okay mama bear up to the gallery" said Amelia
"Right, yeah" said carina
"Carina, I've got her" said Amelia

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