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"Bishop! You're up! There's at least 100 men at the end of the valley. 25% are untransportable. A team of first responders are needed" said Nate as they loaded up a truck "you're in charge get the team you're leaving in 5 minutes"
"Yes sir" Kate answered as they rushed to get the bags up the truck.
The heat was unbearable, 40 degrees C. Everyone was sweating and the sun wouldn't give in.
"Sam! You ready?!" Yelled Kate as every bag was loaded
"Yellow team up we go!" Yelled Sam as every first responder got into the back of the truck and Sam and Kate at the front seats.
"Ready?" Asked Sam as she turned on the engine
"Never ready for this" said Kate looking at sam
"Correct answer" Sam answered
"Bishop here, on our way yellow team copy" said Kate over her radio
"Copy Bishop" they said on the other line
"You know, it's been 4 months here. You haven't really mentioned your family" said Sam as she drove
"Making small talk?" Smiled Kate
"Just being curious" laughed Sam
"Parents are, firefighters and doctors" said Kate "not happy with me here" she smiled
"No parent is happy with their child here. Don't take it personal" smiled Sam
"Any clue on how to mend that up?" Asked Kate
"Yeah, chocolate?" Laughed Sam "or maybe flowers?"
"So there's no fixing?" Asked Kate
"Oh yeah. There is fixing. Time heals everything" said Sam.
"Right" smiled Kate

"So, no news?" Asked Andy as they were getting things ready in the kitchen
"About?" Asked Maya
"Kate?" Asked Andy
"No" said Maya
"Baby?" Asked Andy
"No" said Maya
"Have you been sleeping?" Asked Andy
"No" answered maya
"Carina?" Asked Andy
"She's a mess, just like me right now" said Maya "the world is a mess right now"
Andy patted Maya's back and hugged her "I'm so sorry about everything"

At grey Sloan:
"So, Kate doesn't know?" Asked Jo
"She doesn't" answered Jake
"About the babies condition or?" Asked Jo
"About anything" said Jake
"I'm sorry I don't mean to bring back the Kate stuff, I just" said Jo
"It's okay." Said Jake as he packed things away "just want the best for the baby" he smiled

"Four minutes away" said Kate over the radio
"Copy Bishop" they answered
"Can you smell that?" Asked Sam
"We're all sweating so yeah. I can smell that laughed Kate
Kate laughed and said "what do you mean then?"
"We either punctured the wheel or I'm smelling something burning" said Sam
"No." Said Kate "this is gas"
"What?" Asked Sam pulling over
"This, this is gas" said Kate again calling through the radio "yellow first response team 911, we've got a possible gas leak truck"
"Yellow team, hold on, we're sending another unit to you" they responded
"Kate?" Asked Sam
"Yeah?" Answered Kate as she was about to get down from the truck
"There's a mine" said Sam slowly "do not lay a foot down"
"Is the alarm... ?" Asked Kate
"Red? Yeah. Red" said Sam
"Is it..." began Kate
"Tingling? Yes. It is." Answered sam
"Location?" Asked Kate
"Under us, left side" said sam
"Okay. Okay, I'm gonna reach the radio. Cancel that support team or the vibrations could activate the mine" said Kate and she did so
"Hold" said sam "I'm still smelling gas. So, we could burst the mine or anyway" she began
"If this is a gas truck, if won't consume itself. It'll burst" said Kate
"Exactly" said Sam "we've got ten people on the back"
"Okay, okay. So, we can't start the car. Or the motor heat could burst it." Said Kate
"And even if we could. We can't move the car since the realising of weight could activate the mine" said Sam
"Sam. What do we do?" Asked Kate
"I've got no clue" said Sam "pray?"
"Please tell me you've got a plan" said Kate
"Praying?" Asked Sam
"Will the engine start?" Asked Kate
"I mean, yes. Won't take us far tho" said Sam
Kate grabbed her radio and called the guys at the back "copy?"
"Copy" they answered
"Here me out" said Kate "we're starting the engine, moving as fast as we can for 5 seconds. After the five seconds the car is probably gonna burst. So, I'll need you all to jump off the running car. Once your down, stand up and you'll run as fast as you can. As away as you can from the car and from this location."
"No questions asked. You'll follow the order" said Sam "copy?"
"Copy ma'am" was the answer.
"You ready?" Asked Kate
"Never" said Sam as she turned on the engine
"Five" Kate
"Four" Sam
"Three" Kate

"Maya?" Asked Carina
"Yes?" Jogged maya over to the room "carina? Carina what's wrong"
"The baby kicked" she said "come come!" She giggled
Maya rushed and placed her hand on Carina's belly. "Oh my god!" She said as she felt it

"Sam! Sam!" Kate yelled as she lifted her head from the floor. Dust, everywhere like a huge cloud of it. "Saam!!" She yelled again trying to get on her feet
"Kate" said a voice some meters away from her "Kate?"
"Mom?" Asked Kate as she felt her eyes closing.
"Kate!" Said a voice and then she was shaken by someone
Her eyes slowly opened and Sam was the voice
"Sam? You're okay?" Asked Kate as she sat up
"Your plan worked. Everyone is alive but Where the hell are we?" Asked Sam
"No clue. But the auxiliary car we'll be here soon" said Kate looking around
"Kate" asked Sam
"Yeah?" She asked
"Your hand" said Sam in shock pointing at it
"Damn. Seems I broke it" said Kate
"Kate, turn it around" said Sam slowly
Kate did so and the shock from Sam's face was instantly on Kate's
"Kate is that..." asked Sam scared to know the answer
"It's my nerve" said Kate looking at it "I can't feel my hand" Kate laughed probably due to the shock
"okay okay. The auxiliary is coming. Okay? Just. Just stay awake." Said Sam
"Sam. I'm probably gonna be taken over to the hospital. You don't let them cut it off. Don't let them take my hand. Sam. Don't let them cut it off" Kate repeated
"I won't. Okay? They won't" said Sam
"Don't let them cut my hand" said Kate once again before the lights were turned off

"Heard the baby has been doing some kicking" smiled Jo "wanna know If it's a she soccer player or a he soccer player?"
Maya and carina both looked at each other and shook their heads
"Surprise please" said Maya
"Okay then" laughed Jo "secret it is. I'll just surprise myself now. So carina there's no more looking at the monitor for you." She laughed
"I wouldn't understand that even if I wanted to" said Maya jogging over to Maya "aw hey baby" she said looking at the monitor "you're dying to see this right?" Mocked Maya
"I'm a grownup" laughed carina
"Okay. So, Carina. You'll be admitted at month 7 into the hospital" said Jo
"Surgery will be performed by Arizona and Maggie. After I do the C-section" she said

"Bishop! Bishop!" Said a voice walking her up "we need you to move your hand"
"Where am I?" Asked Kate in a sleepy voice
"You're about to be transported to Iraq's hospital" said the voice "we need you to move your hand"
"Is it still there?" Asked Kate
"You can't feel it?" Asked the voice
"Who?" Asked Kate not making sense
"You're emergency contact has been informed." The voice said "you saved your troupe Bishop"

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