Bring It Up

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So, it's been a two weeks since the baby got home and Carina is home after being discharged. Kate and Maya are back at work together despite Carina and Maya are sharing their license.

"Morning you" said Maya as she walked over to Kate who was sitting on the kitchen counter and kissed her cheek
"Morning" muttered Kate as she turned around
"Heard we have training today?" Said Kate
"Rumour is right" smiled maya "up for it? Cause you know you can take time to get.." said Maya
"Mom. Mom. Stop" smiled Kate "I'm more than ready" she said
"Fine. Just, we're not telling momma" said Maya
"Secret?" Smiled Kate
"Just don't want her to her worried or stressed or you two picking up a fight" said Maya "now go get changed unless you're planning on going in pijamas" said Maya
"Kate" said Maya
"Yeah?" Asked Kate turning around
"Dinner tonight. 9 sharp here." Said Maya "9?" Asked Kate
"You gotta be ready at 9 I don't want a Victoria secret melt down at 9" laughed Maya "I want the guests not to find you with a towel round your head"
"We'll be ready at 9 Cap" smiled Kate
As Kate walked into her room to get changed maya walked slowly into the room finding Carina with the baby in her arms smiling down
"Morning princess" said Maya as she walked over to the baby
"Tonight is the night?" Asked Carina
"Tonight is the night" smiled Maya as she pecked her lips
"Me and Kate are leaving. I'll be back at 4 to begin the preparations and Kate will drive back later" smiled Maya
"Perfect" smiled Carina "can't wait for tonight" she said

As Kate was ready for work she walked into Carina's room
"Mom?" Asked Kate walking in
"Just left" smiled Carina as Kate walked over to the Crib next to the bed
"Hello baby" she said picking her sister up and smiling down at her.
"How are you feeling?" Asked Carina
"I should be asking that question to you" said Kate smiling
"I'm home" said Carina "with all my babies"
Kate smiled and placed the baby back on the crib and kissed Carina goodbye
"Drive slowly" said Carina as Kate walked out
"Can I drive yours?" Asked Kate
"No?" Laughed Carina
"Oh come on" begged Kate
"My car is scratchless" said Carina
"So is mine" said Kate
"Only cautious drivers get to drive mine" said Carina
"Funny you" said Kate as she walked out of the house and into her car and within some minutes she was at work.

"You're late" said Maya as she walked by her at the kitchen
"No I'm not" said Kate as they both walked into the gym
"Maya. Im gonna beg you now. To have mercy on us" laughed Travis
"The more time we lose the less time we have between reps" smiled maya
"Oh boy" laughed Andy

"Wowow. Windstone stop" said Amelia as she pulled Jake back
"Dr. Shepherd?" Asked Jake
"What's in your pocket?" Asked Amelia
Jake placed his hand on his pocket and said "my pen?"
"Oh really? In a small box?" She asked
"Okay okay" said Jake as he made a sign for her to keep it down
"Oh my god" said Amelia bringing her hands to her mouth "you actually are? Oh my god you are" she said
"Yes, yes. I am. I actually am" said Jake "I need you to keep this to yourself okay?" He asked
"Oh my god" said Amelia
"Amelia?" Asked Jake
"Oh please. I'm a poker player. Amazing liar" she smiled
"Thanks" said Jake

"She" said Vic
"Is" said Andy
"Crazy?" Asked Kate
"Oh no, insane. The word is insane" finished Jack
"Okay team!" Said Maya
"Team is dead" said Andy
Maya smiled and said "shower and see you at the kitchen."
"So..? Can we know?" Asked Andy
"Know??" Asked Kate as they walked over to the changing room
"Come on give us a hint. About the baby's name" said Vic
"I've got no clue." Said Kate "I really don't"
"Sure sure" said Andy
"I mean it I've got no clue" said Kate lifting her arms "I've barely been home unless it's with the baby" she said
"Ohh yeah. Come on. Tell us again. Tell the single woman how amazing your relationship is" laughed Vic

Maya drove back home around 4 to get things ready for tonight.
"I'm home" she said as she walked into the kitchen to find Carina cooking non stop
"Okay. Okay" said Maya walking over "you aren't supposed to be exceeding yourself" she said
Carina turned around with a huge smile on her face "I'm not exceeding I'm just thrilled" she said "and your daughter is looking for you" she said as the baby began to cry.
"Saved by the bell" smiled maya as she jogged upstairs

Kate walked out of the changing room and as she finished getting dressed she picked up her phone.
Jake: need to talk.
Kate: we need to be at 9 at my place. Everyone there
Jake: perfect ;) I'll pick you up at 8:30
Kate: got my car
Jake: I'll drive you tomorrow morning

"Kate you forgot your keys again?!" Yelled maya as she walked downstairs
"Your sister is driving me crazy" said Maya handing the baby over to carina as there was a knock on the door.
As Maya opened the door Jake stood there. With a present bag in his hand
"Jake?" Asked Carina as she walked out of the kitchen
"Hey" smiled Jake as Maya closed the door as he walked in
"Everything okay?" Asked Carina since he looked quite nervous "work okay?" She smiled
"Yeah, work's amazing" he said as he opened up the bag and handing each of them a flower bouquet and some baby clothes
"Oh Jake" said Maya smiling
"You didn't had to" said Carina as she looked at everything "this is so beautiful"
"I need to talk to you both" said Jake as they all sat down at the living room and Carina placed the baby in the crib downstairs.
As she walked over to Maya's side both of them exchanged a look.
"Jake?" Asked Maya with a concerned smile
"So, the thing is" he said as he looked inside his shirt pocket taking out the small box and looking at both of them "I'm in love with Kate. I've always been. Ever since I met her. I know I'll always be in love with her. So I'm here to.." he said as he opened the ring box and Carina took her hands to her mouth.
"Yes" said Maya
"If you're here to ask us?" Said Carina standing up together with Maya "yes Jake. Yes" she said as he stood up

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now