As I Promised

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"Just keep on squeezing my hand. As tight as I you can" said Amelia as she looked at Jo
"You'll feel better once you start pushing" said Jo looking at Kate
"I'm... I'm not. I'm not doing this alone" she said turning to Amelia
"Kate this baby is gonna come." Said Jo

"Maya your phone" said Andy as she handed her her phone
"Thanks" said Maya as she grabbed her phone "Bishop here"
"Maya" said Carina over the phone
"Oh hey my love" said Maya and an instant smile popped to her face "what's wrong?" she instantly said as she noticed her worried tone and Carina then explained her the situation.
"Come on 19! We're moving!" yelled Maya as the team began to run over to the engines and dropped her phone rushing over to the engine

"Teddy?" Asked April as she saw someone running over to the tinny window in the door which separated them
"Yes yes yes" said Teddy as she jumped up to try call the nurse and made her signs
"What's she saying?" asked Carina since no one could really understand what the nurse was trying to say
"Can't tell" said Teddy getting frustrated as she desperatly looked for her pager
"They're out of reception up here" said Jake helplessly 
"Yeah, I've tried pagging Bailey a hundred times she won't respond and won't answer her phone" said April as she sat down against the door "the best we can do is stay low and avoid the wind till someone looks at their pager"
"There's a storm going on, in seconds someone's gonna notice three surgeons are missing" said Jake as he tried to reason
The three women nodded as they all stood shocked as a thunder broke close by to them
"Oh my god" said Carina as she almost got up
"no no no" said Teddy
"stay down, stay down" said Jake trying to calm her down
"That one was close" said April
"The more nervous we get the worse it is" said Teddy "We're safe if we stay close to this door" she said as she looked at the sky and saw how the clouds kept on closing on top of them

The 19 engine drove as fast as they could throught the roads as they approached Seattle Grace 
"FD department" said Andy as she rushed inside while the team inspected the situation
"Sorry what?" asked the nurse at the E.D
"I need you to tell us the fastest acces point to the helicopter landing" said Andy serioulsy as Bailey came walking in
"Herrera?" she asked confused
"Bailey, thanks god" said Andy as she explained the situation
"no no, they are in the OR" said Bailey as she looked at her pager to find no paggins
"Bailey they are upstairs" said Andy seriously

"19 go go go!" yelled Maya as the team rushed upstairs as they got to the alternative door
"I'm not sure it is this door" said Maya
"no no" said a mantainance guy "but is the easiest way in" 
"okay thank you, we've got it from here" said Maya as she began to quicly deliver orders trying to hide how scared she was and her desperation to get to Carina
"Bishop the door won't give and bringing it down with this weather isn't the best, wind will..." began Montgomery
"The other entrance" said Maya "we need to get to the other" she said 
Vic and Andy rushed over to the upper floor to the main access door and found it

"Teddy! Teddy" yelled April as she got up as she saw both girls on the other side
"yes Maya yes" said Carina as looked at Andy
Andy and Vic began to try find a way to open without making the wall collapse due to the harsh winds and pressure
"Can't listen to them" said Teddy as she tried to decode what they were saying 
"What about the glass?" asked Jake "can't we break it?"
"considering it hasn't shattered yet?" said April "it's probably not even made out of glass" she said 
"The alternative" said Teddy in a low voice
"the what?" asked Jake
"alternative entrance, there is another one" said Teddy as she crept down throught the floor being followed by Jake 
"here" said Teddy as she pointed to the other door which was some steps down
"yes yes yes" said Jake as he saw all the other firefighters

"where the hell is Maya?" asked Jack
"trying to get hold of the rest of the entrnace mapping, seeing if there is a way of perserving the structure while making a hole" said Dean
"do we have time?" asked Jack
"Andy said civilians are doing okay, as far as the storm doesn't pick up they don't present risk" said Dean
"yeah just probably Maya doesn't like the idea of Carina being out there" said Jack and Dean shook his head
As they turned to the door they found Teddy and Jake standing outside trying to open up
"guys guys" said Jack and finally they could hear something "we'll get you out now" he said "hang in there"
"The other door" said Teddy
"yeah we know, the girls are on it" assured Dean 

As they were waiting for Maya's news Hunt came rushing upstairs
"Teddy?" he said walking over to the 
"Owen" she said as she heard his voice
"Yeah it's me we'll get you out soon okay" he said 
"I'm with Jake, Carina and April are on the other door, go with them" said Teddy since the other two women would be freaking out 
"Jake you said?" asked Owen
"Yeah why?" asked Teddy confused as she looked at Jake
"I heard he was downstaris, Kate's in labour, they said he was downstairs" he said and Jake's eyes shot open 
"Hunt what?!" he yelled rushing over to the door
"Windstone" said Hunt cursing himself for saying that
"Owen!" yelled Jake
"Jake they've got her. You'll be out in no time" he said as he turned to the firefighters

"No no no, Jake" said Teddy trying to grab his arms as he instantly got up and rushed over to the other door running
"Jake stay down!" yelled Teddy as the wind pushed him and he fell down
"Jake!?" said April as he got up once again and rushed to the door where Carina and April were
"Jake! Jake!" yelled Carina as he rushed by her side and headed to the door
"Oh my god no!" yelled April as he began to punch the glass in the door with his bear fist
"Jake Jake stop!" said Carina as she tried to hold him back but there was no way of stopping him 
Andy and Vic trying to stop him on the other side as they saw the glass being stained by his blood
"Jake stop please" said April as she looked at Carina confused
"It's Kate isn't it?" she asked as she got up and closer to Jake who just looked at her and she got it.
In seconds the door dripping blood and the glass about to give both Andy and Vic rushed to shelter since the pressure which was going to come in would have blown them

"BISHOP!" said Dean over the radio
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING UPSTAIRS" said Maya as she rushed over to Jack 

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