Family Of The Year

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"Okay, we're home" said Jake as he opened the door to their apartment and everyone walked  inside. Both news parents being overwhelmed and stressed about everything around them.

"We need to get the crib into our room. We didn't do that yet" said Kate as she walked inside being followed by Maya who was pushing the baby trolley

"I'll go get it now" said Jake as he closed the door behind them and rushed over to the nursery

"I... I need to get the baby-call ready" said Kate as she began to spin around trying to find it. As Carina sat down with her grandchild in her arms

"Kate honey" began Maya looking at Carina

"No, no. I had it in my bedside and I can't find the other part now.." she began and the baby in Carina's arms began to cry loudly.

"Kate" said Carina trying to catch her attention

"Yeah yeah, I've got him" said Kate rushing over

Carina laughed and said "no, no honey. He's just hungry" she said

As Kate was nursing the baby the doorbell rang
"I've got it" said Maya as she stood up and rushed over "Hey" whispered Maya as Amelia walked in loudly smiling

"Hey" smiled Carina who was sitting next to Kate and Amelia walked over

"Oh my god. He's so cute" she said as she looked down at the tiny little thing "how can I help?" She asked

"No worries we've got it under control" said Kate and Jake came around

"Found the baby call, got the crib. Everything ready" he smiled as he walked over to Amelia and hugged her "he's hungry again?" He smiled

"Yeah. Seems like he's like his dad" laughed Kate

As the baby finished eating Jake grabbed him  and walked him till he was asleep.

"Let's get him to sleep" said Maya as she held him and together with Carina walked over to the crib to put him down.

In the living room Jake walked over to Kate and placed and arm around her "we're home" he whispered as he placed a kiss on her head

"How are you feeling?" asked Amelia as she brought over some water and coffee for all of them

"Feeling great" smiled Kate "happy" she said

"You know, out of all the deliveries I've witnessed. Yours was the more exotic one" said Carina and everyone chuckled "I mean it, storm, firefighters, rushing down from ceilings" she laughed

"Let's just mention that the little guy's godmother played quite an important role"  laughed Jake
Amelia laughed and said "wasn't that awful"

"Oh yes it was" said Kate laughing

After some hours everyone left leaving the new parents to settle for the first night home, even tho having people around did make them feel safe. Having Maya and Carina around made them feel safe.

"He definently looks like me" laughed Jake as both of them were standing next to the babies crib

Kate laughed and hugged him from the back "we'll see on that" she said

"Carina?" asked Maya as she looked for her around and walked into Kate's old room "Carina what are?" she asked confused

"Hey" said Carina who was sitting on Kate's bed "I know, she hasn't been living here for a while now" she said

"but you're finally coming around to it" said Maya and Carina nodded

Maya sat down next to Carina and said "you know, I was thinking. We need to transform this room" she smiled

"What?" asked Carina

"yeah, Grace and the baby are only some years apart. And he'll need somewhere to crash after fighting with his parents" she laughed "what better place than his grandma's house"

Carina cleaned her tears and nodded as Maya hugged her tightly

"You ready? said Jake as he walked into their room to find Kate with the baby in her arms

"ready" she smiled as she pecked his lips and walked into the living room

The living room was filled with people, station, hospital, friends. Everyone

In seconds the baby was stollen from Kate's arms by both grandma's who were excitedly showing him to everyone while he peacefully slept in Maya's arms

"you know I still can't believe it?" said Andy as she came over to Kate

"what?" she laughed

"you know, can't acknowledge that you're a grownup" she said and Kate hugged her

"yeah neither can I" said Kate

Jake came over smiling and said "ready?" and Kate nodded "where's our son" he laughed as Maya and Carina walked over

"stolen through the way" laughed Carina pointing over to Amelia, Callie and Arizona who were droolling over the baby

Everyone settled down as Jake and Kate stood up, the baby on Jake's arms staring at him.

"Crazy year" said Kate "for everyone" she laughed and everyone chuckled "the craziness in it tho, brought the very best thing in the world." she said looking over to Jake and the baby "Today with our whole family, since everyone in this room is family to us, it's family to our son." she said "we'd like to call Amelia, our son's godmother" she said and Amelia walked over and Jake handed her the baby over

"hey my love" whispered Amelia as she held the baby in her arms

"we'd like to now" smiled Jake "formally introduce to you all "Thomas Marco Windstone Bishop DeLuca" he smiled

Everyone was everywhere, tears, smiling, huggs. Everywhere.

Jake stood behind close to Amelia and the baby as Kate walked over to Carina and Maya. She picked up Grace from Carina's lap and kissed her cheek "want to go see you're little nephew?" she said and Grace excitedly nodded. Kate made a sign to Jake who came over and picked up Grace

"Hey princess" he smiled "let's go get that little guy" he said cutely as the three women smiled

"So?" asked Kate as she stood next to both of her moms

"so, I think we're both really, really trying not to cry" laughed Maya

"we're just, overwhelmed" smiled Carina "overboard with love" she said

"you're a mom" said Maya and she cleaned off a tear

"and you both are grandmas" smiled Kate as the three of them hugged tightly together.

"kate!" called Jake "pic here" he said and Kate jogged over to take a picture with her little ciricle of three

"We're the best team I could have ever pictured to be" said Maya as she placed an arm round Carina who was looking over at the cutest scene ever. Where Kate, Jake, Thommy and Grace were taking a picture

"We made that" she smiled as she turned to peck Maya's lips

"and I couldn't have pictured something better with the woman I love"

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now