Part 22

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After a week post op. Kate was being discharged. Despite having to continue a strict bed rest at home.
Around 6am Arizona came to her bedroom
"Morning" she said
Carina lifted her head from her phone and said "morning"
"How did the night go?" She asked
"No pain. I mean she didn't wake up from pain" said carina
"That's great. She's ready to go home" said Arizona
Amelia came slowly through the door and whispered "morning"
"Morning" said carina
She walked over to Kate and checked he pupils and head bandages.
"Beautiful Amelia. Beautiful" she said to herself. And signed the papers "she's free to go as she wakes up" said Amelia
"Thank you both so much" said carina
There was a sound of fingers cracking and Kate said "morning" in a low voice
Before a chores of "do not crack your fingers"
Carina kissed her cheek and asked "how're you feeling?"
"Ready to go home" said Kate smiling
"Strict bed rest. Clear?" said Amelia
"We are clear" said Kate and before Amelia left she said "Amelia?"
"Yes?" Said Amelia turning around
"Thank you" said Kate
"It's a pleasure" said Amelia and winked.
"Oh wait" said Kate "the scar? How bad?" She asked
"My second option was plastic surgery. I did a nice job" said Amelia
"Nice" said Kate
A week had gone since Kate was home. Kinda boring. Just bed rest and walking to the leaving room or dinning room. The only thing that actually was fun were the visits. The whole station had come. Andy spend lots of time there and Jake came over every day to be with her for at least some hours. Kate usually fell asleep and he just looked at her and then talked to maya and carina. He loved speaking to carina since she talked to him about his future and hospital stuff which he loved.
Kate was now just laying in her bed reading her laptop when she heard a knock on her door.
Jake's head came through
"Hey princess" he said coming in
"Hey! I was missing you" said Kate closing her laptop
Jake sat down on Kate's bed next to her and stroke her hair.
"You look better every single day" he said "gorgeous as always"
Kate looked at Jake's eyes, they just made everything better somehow.
"You know my moms are more in love with you than I am" laughed Kate
"What can I say, I'm a charming man" said Jake
"Right" laughed Kate "can you hand me a sweater from my closet I'm kinda cold"
Jake instantly took off his sweater and put in on Kate
Kate just melted down, he was so perfect. He's perfect smell just all over her.
"You didn't have to" said Kate
Jake pecked her lips and said "of course I did"
He had something he had to tell her. Not sure if it was something good or bad. But he had to tell her.
"Have you got a date yet?" Said Jake
"For?" Asked Kate
"You kidding? You're graduating! Graduating with honours Kate. Nobody does that!" Said Jake excited
"Shh! Haven't told the honours part to my moms! Kinda surprise" said Kate smiling cutely.
Jake covered his face with a pillow "that smile, god that smile turns me crazy and you know it" he said smiling
Kate whispered "you mad now that door has to stay open right?"
Jake just broke into laughter and looked at her again with love in his eyes
"You now with are grownups now right? I'm 18 you're 20" said Kate
"What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Jake
"Shouldn't be weird if I do this" said Kate and kissed Jake deeply
Jake finished kissing her and kissed her cheek "I love you" he whispered
He held her and and just said It "I had a reply from"
Kate's eyes opened and said "you mean you got a reply from?"
Jake nodded
"You got a reply from Standford?!!" She yelled
Jake nodded again and Kate through into him hugging him tightly
"Oh my god!!! You got a reply!!" She said and kissed his lips
After some minutes of being hugging each other Kate said "when are leaving?"
"I need to leave in three weeks" said Jake softly
Kate just looked at him not understanding. Just three weeks? How? Jake was leaving. For 5 years.
"Kate" said Jake
"Three weeks" said Kate
"I know, it's not what I wanted either" said Jake
Kate just put a smile on her face. "We'll talk, everyday. And you'll come visit and I'll go visit" she said
"You kidding? I'll want hourly reports of your fire adventures" he said smiling stroking her hand "we are stronger than distance Kate"
"We'll kick distance's ass" said Kate
Jake hugged Kate again. He knew they were stronger. But it was 5 years apart. Not seeing her everyday. Not being turned upside down with her smile. Not smelling her perfume everyday. Not driving over to the beach until the sun came down and drive through the highway singing loudly together. So many things.
Kate just hugged him back. Trying not to break apart despite she knew this was killing her. Her first love, he was the perfect man. She though it was it. They'd be together. She believed in long distance relationships. She did. She just needed him closely. To fall asleep on his chest. To watch movies and bite his hand when she got scared. To call him and knowing he'd come in to seconds and hold her and tell her everything would be amazing. To receive a messages asking if she had already got home. Or if she needed a ride.
They were just meant to be, and 5 years apart is quite a long of time.
After half an hour of watching some episodes of some random series together Jake left. He was congratulated by maya and carina who were really happy for his Standford opportunity and he left.
Kate remained on her bed. Still in Jake's sweater. Just smelling his smell and thinking that not having this smell everyday wouldn't be easy. It would be hell.
After some minutes she heard a knock on her door and Carina came in.
"Hey" she said and came in
"Hey" said Kate as she looked at her trying to contain her tears since she didn't want to talk about it.
Carina sat down next to Kate and pulled her arms around her.
Kate laid her head on her chest and a single tear fell down her cheek, as she quickly cleaned it.
Then everything came to her mind. She was graduating, going into fire acad. Was going to be working at the station she had always dreamed about and Jake was leaving. Leaving for five years.
After some minutes Maya came through the door and sat next to both of them.
She passed her hand through Kate's cheek and said "hey" knowing how Kate was feeling
Kate weakly smiled
"Two weeks for the graduation" said Maya
"Yeah, finally" said Kate
"Can't believe my tiny perfect baby girl is graduating" said carina
"Three months and you'll go into fire academy" said Maya "gosh I feel old"
Kate was so happy I'm one side and on the other she could just listen "two weeks for graduation. One week more and bye bye Jake"
She tried to pretend to be happy until another tear escaped her eye
Carina tightly squeezed her and Maya placed a hand on her thigh
"I'm so so happy for him" said Kate cleaning her tear. "And I feel awful for wanting him to stay" she said
"Kate, time flies. You'll two be here again just like you're now" said Maya
"Five years. It's five years" said Kate sadly
"Five years which yes, they'll be hard on the relationship? Course they will" said carina "but you are both strong and will fight for the relationship and if you both want this. You're going to stay more together than ever"
Kate nodded and laid her head back on carinas chest.
Five years.
Five years.

Okayyy heyy, I'm really accepting any kinda ideas from you! 

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