Part 6

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At the station everyone was even more thrilled to know Kate wanted to be a firefighter, and Maya's heart couldn't go faster filled with pride. As they both headed home Maya could sense Kate was quite nervous. So she laid her hand on Kate's thigh.

"Hey, you look shaky. You okey?" She asked

"I'm just kind of nervous." Laughed Kate

"Ohh because of your date. Hey come on. No need for nerves just be yourself." Said Maya

"I know I know" said Kate

Kate rushed to her room and got changed into some black boots a black pant and a white sleeveless top.

Once she was ready she headed to the dinner room where she found her two moms setting a table

"Sei bellissima" said carina

"Grazcie mamma" said Kate

Maya came from the kitchen with some plates and said "you're gorgeous. It's time?"

"Yeah it is. You have guest over?" Asked Kate

"Just teddy, Andy and vic" said carina

"That's fun. I'll be back early. Love u" said Kate and headed downstairs

She got into Jake's car and they both drove to the restaurant and had dinner together. After dinner they both walked to the car

"Thank you, for dinner it was amazing" said Kate holding Jakes hand

"Always" said Jake and pulled her closer.

As they reached the car Jake opened the door for Kate and both drove towards Kate's house

"Can you pull over?" Asked Kate

"You okay, of course." Jake said as he pulled over and turn to Kate.

Kate just threw her face and kissed Jake deeply as he kissed her back smiling.

"Wow" said Jake laughing.

Kate moved over to Jakes driving place and sat on top of him as he laid his sit backwards. With his hands on Kate's back and waist as he pulled her closer to him. Until her breasts were next to his chest. Jakes hands went under Kate's shirt and he softly grabbed her breast and unbuckled her bra.

"Is that..?" Asked Jake for permission

"It's perfect" said Kate as she kissed his neck.
They heard a shake on the ground. An quake.

"Jake is that!?" Asked Kate nervous

Jake wrapped his arms around Kate's head and said "it's okey, just a small quake. I've got you"

They heard screeching sound of wheels behind them and a car bumped them form behind. It was a small bump but Kate tried to hold the wheel and twisted her wrist.

"Argg" she cried holding her wrist.

"Damn!" Said Jake checking the car behind them. "You okey?" He asked checking on Kate

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was small" she said

"There's the police" said Jake and got out of the car

After talking to them. They took the other car to the hospital and Jake and Kate followed them to be sure they were okay

As they got to the ER Kate walked over to the receptionist and asked for the other car. Kate's wrist was bruised but didn't hurt that much.
Arizona Robbins came walking as she saw Kate.

"Hey, are you okey?" She asked

"Yeah, we are fine. Just, the car behind us bumped us. We wanted to know if they were okey" said Kate

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