At My Worst

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"Jake" whispered Amelia as she walked in "Jake" she repeated a bit louder and he was instantly up
"Hey" he said as he rubbed his eyes and looked at Kate's monitor
"Go home Jake." Said Amelia
"I can't" said Jake turning to look at Amelia
"Go home. Get showered and sleep for some hours. I'll be here" she said
"Amelia I can't" said Jake "can't leave knowing she could slip away while I'm not here"

"They haven't been to her room?" Asked Jo
"No" answered Maggie
"Haven't been out of Carinas room" said Arizona
"The baby?" Asked Maggie
"Perfectly well" said Arizona
"Spoke to Amelia" said Jo "she thinks it's officially a coma now"
"Can't believe it" said Maggie
"Has someone held the baby?" Asked Jo
Arizona shook her head

"Please. Please. Please" muttered Jake to his inside as he kept on holding Kate's hand next to her bed
He lifted up his head as he heard the door open.
"It's me" said Andy as she walked in slowly sitting on the opposite side
"Have you seen her?" Asked Jake looking down
"The baby?" Asked Andy
"They say she's got Kate's eyes" smiled Jake
"Conquering eyes" smiled Andy as her eyes filled with tears
"Maya and Carina?" Asked Jake as he cleared his throat
Andy shook her head
"The baby haven't they?" Began Jake seeing Andy shaking her head again.
"Jake" said Andy "go home. You're a mess you're not okay. You need to sleep, to eat to be a person" said Andy "I won't move an inch from here"
"I can't" smiled Jake
"I know you.." she said being cut off
"I was going to propose" laughed Jake sarcastically "I was waiting for the right moment. I was waiting to talk to Carina and Maya. I was just waiting for the very best moment" he said "this is what I get for waiting. For waiting for things to be okay. Okay in this screwed up world"
"Jake" said Andy with tears on her face
"Yeah" he said getting up and shaking his hair. "Yeah" he repeated.

Jo knocked on Carinas room and walked in closing the door behind.
As she walked in she saw both of them lost. Completely lost.
Maya was staring at the floor. No expressions on her face.
Carina's eyes where bloody red from crying. Just their were no more tears left for crying.
As she opened the door Maya slowly moved her eyes to see on the tiny opening of the door everyone standing outside.
As Jo closed the door behind them she looked at them both with compassion in her eyes.
"She's got her eyes" said Jo
Maya looked up in confusion
"That what they say. That she's got her eyes" said Jo
Maya's eyes began to get teared up again.
"Those eyes filled with love. Those eyes which make everything look better" said Jo
Carina didn't say a word. She just continued looking at her hands. Not even looking. Just her eyes couldn't focus on anything else.
"She doesn't even have a name" said Maya to herself
"I need to see her" said Carina out of the blue. Just not focusing her eyes. Just said it. "I need to see both of my babies"

"Hey" smiled Amelia as she walked over to Callie who had her eyes filled with tears as well
"I know" Said Amelia
"I saw her. I still can't acknowledge it" she said
"I know" said Amelia
"There's nothing left to do?" Asked Callie
"Her blood is back up again. Her BP bottomed for a while. Her brain probably was low on oxygen for while. Just to wait" said Amelia
"She knew" said Callie
"Come again?" Said Amelia
"She knew she had had surgery. She knew she had lost blood. She knew she wasn't fit for a transfusion. She knew it" said Callie
"She decided to go ahead with it anyway" said Amelia
"She knew she'd have a better chance on waiting for that blood to arrive than the baby would have" said Callie
"Gotta be on her place" said Amelia "I mean, I don't think I could make that decision"
"I guess when it comes to someone you love that hard. You don't really think about your consequences." Said Callie

Their was a caravan of people walking out of Carinas room. Carina being wheeled in a wheelchair up to the NICU. Maya following holding her hand. The wheelchair being pushed by Jo and Maggie following behind.
As they walked into the NICU Arizona was waiting next to the incubator. Standing next to it. Trying to somehow control her tears.
"Here we are" said Jo as Carina and Maya were close enough to see the baby.
As Arizona picked her up and placed it on Maya's arms who couldn't stop her tears from running down her cheeks as she handed her over to Carina.
"She's gorgeous" said Maya through her tears as Maggie walked over to her to hug her tightly as she cried into her shoulder.
Carina wouldn't stop looking at the baby as tears sprang down her cheeks.
Arizona and Jo with her eyes completely soaked from that scene.
As maya and carina looked at each other they both nodded.
Carina with the baby in her arms was wheeled up to the ICU. Maya following behind. This time not that close. It was like if every step she took over to that room was like being stabbed.
As the door slid open Jake turned his head to look at both of them.
Maya's face dropped. Her heart sank. And her body felt like thousands of tons of iron.
Carina just didn't dare to open her eyes. She just tightly squeezed them. Till she was next to Kate's bed.
As maya saw Jake there both had the same look on their eyes.

As carina got to the edge of the bed she slowly opened her eyes. Despite knowing what she's see. She was just scared to hell.
Her eyes opened. And her heart was cut in two.
As Maya dared to grab and squeeze Kate's hand Carina couldn't control all of her emotions.
The tiny little baby in her arms. Soundly sleeping. Healthy and alive. While Kate, Kate was laying unmovable on the bed. After sacrificing her life for her own sister.
Carina was so lost, she couldn't even listen to Maya's sobs. Maya's prayers. Maya offering everything in her power. Just praying for hope.

Emotions played against carina. Course they did. But having a long C-section and that amount of stress? That's not just emotions. That's physical.
BP bottoming. Fainting. Internal bleeding.
Could be a chain of reaction.
Jake's were faster than Carinas actions. In seconds he was rushing over to the wheelchair to grab the baby in his arms as Jo and Maggie rushed into Kate's room.

Maya. Not sure there's a way of explaining Maya's feelings. Not even a word that could describe how you're feeling when you're whole world it's just falling apart in front of your eyes. And you're just a spectator. Watching. Unable to do anything

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