What A Night

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Today was the day. Today was the day things changed. Today was the wedding day.
Kate was about to hop into the dress, looking like a princess, her green eyes shooting stars.
There was a knock on the door and Maya walked in looking like a queen. Long blue dress which was only contrasted by the huge smile on her face. "Look at you" said Maya as she took her hands to her mouth
"You better not cry cause you'll ruin your makeup" laughed Kate making Maya laugh
"Won't" she said
"No worries. Mama will" smiled Kate making Maya chuckle
"Gotta get going?" Asked Kate and Maya nodded
Maya helped Kate into the dress and the designer gave the okay making Maya and Kate chuckle.
As they both walked out of the room Carina was waiting next to Andy with Grace on her arms. Grace looked like a little doll. An extremely cute doll.
Andy course had already began to tear up and Carina was somehow holding.
"Look at you" said Andy who was now holding Grace "you're so grownup" she said trying to stop crying.
Carina came over to Kate and held her hands tightly "you look bellísima" she said as her eyes got watery "Ready?" She asked and as Kate nodded they walked outside to find Andrew
"What are you doing here?" Laughed Kate as Andrew turned around
"Im being the bodyguard" he said as he saw Kate "woah" he smiled "you look gorgeous"
Kate laughed and said "thank you" as Andrew and Carina exchanged a happy look.

"Ready?" Asked Carina as she held Kate's right hand and maya held the left one
"Ready" she asked and Kate nodded as the doors opened. Music played. And the people raised.
Kate squeezed both of their hands as they walked down the aisle. Both Carina and Maya with a huge smiled on their faces as they smiled at everyone. Both of their smiles was transmitted into everyone. It was like seeing two queens holding their princess's hand.
As they reached the arbor Jake was standing there looking as handsome as he ever did. His eyes almost melting as he saw Kate walking over to them. His black suit made his blue eyes pop up.
As they reached him Maya and Carina both hugged Jake
"I love you so much bug" whispered Maya as she kissed Kate's cheek
Carina leaned over and whispered "ti amo bella." As she walked hand in hand to Maya as they both sat down in the first row and Andy handed Grace over to them.
"No tears" whispered Andy smiling
"Shut it" laughed Maya as she whipped her tears

"We're all here witnessing the union of Jake Windstone and Catherine Bishop under Gods eyes" began the priest.
As Kate and Jake were holding each other's hands it was like the world around them disappeared. Until Jake was pulled out of his perfect dream
"Jake?" Asked the priest again
He smiled and said "sorry I was kinda. Hypnotised"
There were some laughters at the crowd and he whispered "your fault for looking gorgeous" making Kate laugh
"Do you take Catherine to be your wife?" Asked the priest
"I do" answered Jake as he squeezed her hands
"Catherine. Do you take Jake to be your husband?" He asked
"I do" answered Kate smiling
"By the power confessed by God. I pronounce you husband and wife" said the priest "you may kiss the bride" he said and Jake pulled Kate into a deep kissed as everyone stood up cheering
Maya and Carina's eyes were puffy red and their hands holding tightly both of them looking with love eyes as the newly weds walked down the aisle.
"Time to cry now?" Asked Andy as she hugged Maya congrats and Maya laughed in tears
"Yeah time to cry" she said with a smile as she turned to Carina who wrapped her in for a hug as she kissed her tightly
"Our daughter got married" smiled Maya as she extended her hand so her and Carina walked down the asile after the newly weds 

As everyone walked out of the chapel and through the vineyard until the arrived to where the wedding took place.
A gorgeous huge hotel which was ready for the night of their lives.

"You now I always dreamed of this" said Kate as she danced with Jake their first dance
"Dancing with me?" Laughed Jake as she made Kate spin
"Marrying you" smiled Kate
"I always dreamed with the night after the wedding" said Jake
"You're quite a dirty minded man" laughed Kate
"I'm not!" Laughed Jake "I meant the first night I spend with you calling you my wife. Knowing I'm married to the women I'll spend my life with" said Jake

Carina and Maya made their way into the dancing floor.
"Duty calls" smiled Jake
"What do you mean?" Laughed Kate
"Gotta be the favourite son-in-law" said Jake as he handed Kate's hand to Andrew and made her way to Maya as he asked her to dance "may I captain?" He smiled
"You're charming Windstone" smiled Maya as she danced with Jake
"Thank you Maya" smiled Jake making her spin
"Thank you Jake" said Maya "you make my daughter as I happy as I've ever seen her. That's the best gift you could have ever given to us" said Maya smiling
"I should thank you both. You're daughter is the best women I could have ever known" he said as they both turned to see Kate dancing with Andrew as they smiled to Carina who was now dancing with Jack

The night developed itself as one of the those weddings you don't ever wanna leave from. Music didn't stop for a second. The newly weds didn't stop dancing for a second. Kate dancing on top of her friends shoulders hand in hand to Jake who was on top of his friends shoulders.
19 and grey Sloan people were unrecognisable, Miranda and Ben almost broke the dancing floor due to all the dancing. Amelia and Link standing on the bar as they cheered the newlyweds.
Grace course had fallen asleep hours ago and Maya and Carina were both dancing nonstop.
Kate's friends dancing with everyone they saw on their way.
4am in the morning and seemed like people's energy was never gonna run out.
A party people wouldn't ever forget.
Not only the young ones were still partying hard but everyone was still feeling the emotion. Pretty much everyone sweating due to all the dancing and heat.
Jake's friends got caught of him and the same moment Kate's friends got caught of her and both of them were being carried in the air over to the lake by a huge crowd of friends.
"Where they going?!" Laughed Amelia as she pointed Kate almost floating on top of all those youngsters.
"Seems like someone is going into the water" laughed Andy as everyone followed the crowd
"Carina" laughed Andrew
"Yeah?" Smiled carina who was smiling as she danced on the dancing floor with Jo "no no no! Andrea don't!" She yelled as Andrew and Ben lifted her up at the same time 19 team was lifting up Maya
"Jack don't don't!" Laughed Maya as the guys lifted her up and followed the crowd.
"Maya" laughed Carina from above the crowd
Maya couldn't stop laughing as the crowd who was carrying her stopped and both of them looked at the youngsters crowd
"One!" Yelled the girls crowd
"Two!" Yelled the boys crowd
"Three!" Yelled both crowds together as they threw Kate and Jake into the water
Jake swam towards Kate and picked her up kissing her deeply in the water as both crowds cheered.
"Oh no" said Carina as the crowd began to walk over to the lake "no no I'm not going into that water" Laughed Carina
"Seems there's no much choice" laughed Maya as her crowd walked fast towards the lake
"One" yelled Andy
"Two" yelled Amelia
"Three!" Yelled all together greys Sloan and station 19 as maya and carina flew into the lake.
In seconds everyone ended up in the lake splashing up and down. The first ones in were the young ones but in seconds everyone was in.
Kate swam over to Maya and Carina as she hugged them both floating in the water.
"What a wedding" smiled Maya as she kissed Kate cheek
"It's five am and we've got dr. Perfection Deluca in a lake" laughed Kate
Carina broke into laughter as she kissed Kate's forehead
"Yeah we definitely did it right" said Maya laughing as she slashed water to Carina
"No" said Kate as she placed one arm around each one of them "you both did it as right as it could have been done." She smiled as she placed a kiss on both of their cheeks. "I love you" she said

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now