Part 29

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Kate was already about to get into bed, it was around 11pm she had dinner with Jake at his place and watched a movie since Maya had dinner with Andy and Vic and Andy's place.
"Hey" said Maya as she poked her head in
"Hey mom" said Kate as she got into bed
"Can we talk?" She said
"Sure" said Kate who was kinda confused
"So, I'm leaving in three days" she said as she sat down on the edge of the bed
"Yes?" Said Kate confused
"And I won't be home" said Maya
"Yes? Mom where is" she said being interrupted
"I know you are responsible. I know you are, just you'll be home alone and despite I tell you I can't control things that happen in here from over there" said Maya
"Oh my god you mean? Oh my god mom" said Kate
"Yes. Yes I mean that" said Maya "I know you're not stupid, you're responsible but I'm saying it anyway"
"Oh my god mom. Just of what happened some weeks ago that doesn't mean" she said being interrupted
"You thinking you were pregnant? Yes course I mean that. I know you were responsible I know. Just I'm not gonna be here to control who sleeps and doesn't sleeps here. Andy won't be here to control that all day either. I mean I trust you are going to be responsible. I trust you both are going to be responsible " said Maya
"Okay despite this is a weird conversation" said Kate laughing "I promise we'll be responsible okay? I promise." Said Kate
"I know it's "normal" you told mamma about that scare you had. I mean I would expect you to call me if there was a fire to control. So I mean it's normal you rushed to her since it's her area of expertise. But, you know you can talk to me right? About anything, always. No matter what." Said Maya
Kate laughed and said "of course I know that mom" said Kate and hugged her as Maya hugged her back. "I'm starting fire academy in two weeks. You said mammas paperwork could take up to a month. So, that means you won't be here for the initial ceremony?" Kate asked and seemed to be definitely sad about it.
Maya didn't know what to say. She'd probably wouldn't be there, she knew how important that ceremony is. It did break her heart not to be there.
"Bug..." said Maya.
"Hey, no. It's okay. Andy and all the station is here. Andrew is here and Jake. I've got all the station, my godparents. You focus on getting mamma back" said Kate smiling despite she was broken.
Maya did felt better after listening to that. She did have quite a village here. But, anyway. She was her daughter, she wanted to be there for her. She knew about the first day in fire academy. It's the hardest of all. They make the hardest training in the whole time you spend there. Usually students either breakdown or quit the academy. It was the filter.  And she wouldn't be there. She was taking out of those thoughts by Kate.
"So, I'll wake up, head up to the station. Drive home and study. Same routine and instead of having a mammas hourly phone calls I'll have both of you." She
Maya laughed and hugged her again kissing her forehead.

Those three days flew away. Kate tho was kinda happy about Maya going over there since it could be a bigger chance for Carina to come back. But that morning. She didn't feel it like that. She left in the same plane as carina did 6:30 sharp at the airport. Andy picked them up. Both of them.
At 6:15 they were standing in the airport.
Maya hugged Kate for so long both of them were practically out of air.
"I love you so much." Said Maya
"I love you too mom." Said Kate and maya cleaned off a tear out of Kate's cheek
"You call us, every morning and every evening. Okay?" Said Maya
"Deal" said Kate
"Behave, listen to Andy at the station okay? She is the captain this days" said Maya winking
Kate laughed and said "I will"
Maya turned to Andy and hugged her tightly "thank you Andy, thanks for everything" she said
"Hey no, don't even dare to thank me. She is my goddaughter, you're my best friend. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you." Said Andy.
Maya nodded and looked at Kate who was looking at her watch, she looked the. back at Andy.
"Please, look after her at the station. If you go out on calls with her. Just please" said Maya being interrupted
"Hey, hey. Over my dead body I'll let something happen to her. Okay? I'll take care of her just as you would at the station" said Andy
"Just if something happens while we are over there" said Maya
"I've got her okay? You look after you're girl out there. I'll look after our girl here." Said Andy winking and hugging Maya tightly "give Carina my best, and you tell her the same I told you okay?"
"I will" said Maya and turned then to Kate to hug her again tightly and kissed her head. "I love you" she whispered and then heard the speakers
874 to Milan. Last call
It was time. Again in a wink. Maya was gone into the hallways just like Carina did. Kate felt a Deja Vu, an awful one. Seeing her two moms just disappearing into a plane. And not being sure she'll see her again here.
She walked arm in arm with Andy and into her car. She just sat down and felt the same weight she felt with carina but now it was even bigger. It was crushing her down. It was just suffocating her.
Andy placed a hand on Kate's thigh and looked at her. Kate bend forwards with her hands on her face and Andy placed her hand on her back as she felt her breaths. After a minute she lifted her head up and cleaned some tears off.
"You want to go home first?" Asked Andy "you can take the day off honey"
"I wanna do what mom would. I just want to go to the station" said Kate not letting her voice break and swallowing her tears. She would be as strong as maya had been. She wasn't falling apart. She wasn't breaking apart she was going to remain strong for the three of them. She was pulling them forwards. No matter what.
"Okay then" said Andy and turned on the engine.
As they arrived to the station, everyone was waiting at the kitchen. As they walked in they all looked at her with love but sadness in their eyes. Vic was the first one to come over she hugged her tightly and said "it's gonna be over soon"
After being there some minutes she excused herself and went into the changing rooms to get dressed. As she opened her locker she saw the picture of the first day at the station.
It was Kate and maya dressed in their uniforms and Carina in the middle dressed in her scrubs.
At the kitchen it was also silent. Until vic asked Andy"how is she doing?"
"She's talking it like maya" said Andy
Jack walked by the gym and saw Kate working out. He walked in and stood next to her spotting her as she benched lifted.
"You really improved your technique" said Jack smiling
Jack grabbed the bar and hang it and Kate sat up catching her breath.
"Had a good teacher" she laughed and she pass her hand through her sweaty face.
"That hand? Still hurts when you lift?" Asked Jack
"Doesn't, and thanks for not telling that to anyone" laughed Kate
"Secret is safe with me" said Jack
"And, thanks for not coming over here to talk to me about the whole situation. Despite thats probably why you are here" she said
"I know what it is, not to want to talk about something despite is the only thing you can think of" said Jack and Kate nodded "okay, another rep?" Asked Jack and Kate laid back again and grabbed the bar.
After her gym energies were out she had a hot shower shower as she came out of the shower Andy came by "Hey you" she said "I've got a late shift tomorrow, so I was thinking wanna have dinner tomorrow night?"
Kate walked out of the shower and thought "wow, what was that" for a second she felt light headed and felt Andy's arm on her shoulders
"Wow! Kate. Kate" said Andy holding her arms
"Wow sorry. Just got lightheaded from the hot water" said Kate looking back at Andy "yeah! Dinner tomorrow"
"Have you been taking the Iron supplements?" Asked Andy
Shoot Iron supplements, nop. Hadn't taken a single one after the blood test.
"Yeah, yeah, I just got dizzy, working out and hot bath" lied Kate
"Okay yeah. Just stop playing with your BP" laughed Andy "great, then tomorrow night.
Kate headed home and got things ready for Jake to arrive, around 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Jake was here.
Kate walked over there and opened the door
"I know I know. I'm not sexy dressed up" laughed Kate who was in jeans and with a station shirt
"Oh cause I'm so well dressed up" laughed Jake who was dressed kinda similar to Kate
"Brought wine" said Jake "not the one you don't like" he laughed
"You know me so well?" Said Kate laughing
"Yeah kinda" said Jake and pecked her lips and grabbed her waist
"Someone is happy?" Said Kate as she kissed him back
"Mmm well three months away from you it's quite a lot isn't it?" He said kissing her neck
Kate breathed deeply and said "is it?"
Jake smiled and picked her up "trust me it is" he said as he headed over to Kate's room and placed her on the bed throwing himself on top of her
"You've got no clue how much I missed you" said Kate as she unbuttoned Jake's shirt
"I'll make it up to you" said Jake and pulled off Kate's shirt as she unbuckled his pants.
Jake unbuckled Kate's bra and buried his head on her chest as he unbuckled her pants and she grabbed his hair hard.
After pulling off her pants Kate pulled off Jake's boxers.
"How much did you miss me?" Asked Jake as he began to pull down Kate's panties
"I..." she said between breaths "a lot" she said and Jake pulled her panties a little bit more down.
"Jake" said Kate moaning as she grabbed his back
"Yeah..?" He's asked as he continued to pull down her panties "how much did you miss me?" He asked again kissing her chest
"Jake... please." She begged
Jake pulled a little bit more her panties down until they were almost completely off
"Missed you more than you could ever even imagine" said Kate as she ran out of aire
Jake pulled off her panties completely and grabbed her hands tightly
"Oh boy" said Jake laying next to Kate who was breathing fast and heavy
"Oh my" said Kate getting covered with the sheets
"Yeah, that was" said Jake putting her arm around her
"Give me... a second... just to. Catch my breath" said Kate as she laid her head on his naked chest which moved fast.
"Yeah I..." said Jake breathing "I'm quite sweaty" he laughed
"Shower?" Said Kate laughing
"You wanna go again?" laughed Jake
"I just said shower Dr." Said Kate smiling
"You never mean showering, as in showering" laughed Jake
"You might have to carry me over to the shower since I don't believe I feel my legs" laughed Kate
Jake laughed and stood up and picked her up in his arms as she kissed his neck deeply as they both got into the hot shower.
After the second welcome party at the shower was over Jake got out of the shower to get things ready at the dinning room.
Kate remained some more minutes under the hot water and as was about to turn off the tub yelled "hon?!"
"Yeah?" Asked Jake as we was opening the wine
"Can you hand me a towel?" She asked
"Sure" said Jake and headed over to the bathroom.
Kate turned off the water, opened the glass door and walked outside as he saw Jake coming in with the towel.
She had the same lightheaded as at the station.
"Woow. Kate!" Said Jake and rushed to her to hold her
"Wow, got quite lightheaded" said Kate as Jake wrapped her in the towel.
"Yeah, you certainly did. You feel okay?" He asked as he guided her out of the bathroom and to the bedroom
"Yeah. Same happened today after showering at the station" said Kate
Jake placed his fingers on her wrist.
"You're pulse is weak and fast. You cold?" He asked
"Yeah" said Kate looking at him
"You're BP must be on the ground. You taking the Iron dosage correctly?" He asked
"Forgot to take some lately" said Kate
Jake walked into Kate's bathroom and looked into her pills coming out with the supplements
"Kate this is filled up" said Jake
"I know I know. I just forget." She said
"Take two of them now, I'll lit up the fire and food is going get you to feel better, I'll just add extra salt" laughed Jake "it's a pill Kate how can you forget" he asked
"Sorry got a lot going on" said Kate
Jake realised. Damn how could he have said that. She was certainly going through a lot. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

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