Part 24

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"Hey" said Maya poking her head into Kate's room
Kate was laying in her bed watching a movie on her laptop
"Hey" she said not looking at maya
Maya walked over to her bed and sat down next to her
"Mamma?" Said Kate looking at her watch
"She is about to her home" said Maya
Kate nodded and just looked back at her laptop.
"How are you doing?" Asked Maya
"I'm fine mom" said Kate looking at her
"I know, just if you need to talk. I'm here" said Maya
"Mom with therapy talking? I thought that was mammas specialty. Your therapy is running which by the way I prefer" smiled Kate
Maya laughed and said "hey! I mean it's true, but you can always talk to me"
Kate closed her laptop and all of a sudden hugged Maya tightly. Maya hugged her back and stroke her hair.
"Hey, it's okay" said Maya rubbing her back
Kate nodded and laid down with her head on Maya's chest as she stroke her hair and they heard the door get unlock
"You know I'm madly proud of you" said Maya "how strong you are"
"Strong? Here I am crying all over cause my boyfriend left town" said Kate and cleaned a tear 
"Kate that's not..." said Maya getting interrupted by Carina who walked over to Kate's bed and laid down on top of her kissing her cheek.
"Get off me!" Laughed Kate
"Mmm nop" said carina and maya laughed
"You bugged us for months as a crying baby. Now, deal with this" said Maya laughing
"You are crushing me!" Laughed Kate
"Oh come on! Crushing you? You may be small but I'm not that fat!" Laughed Carina and got off Kate and laid next to her and kissed her forehead
"Uh had a long day I missed my girls. What were you talking about?" Asked carina
"Emm, first, second and third degree Burns and fires" mocked maya
"Mmm not wanting to listen to that" said carina
"Gas leak explosions" mocked Kate
"Not wanting to listen to that either!" Said carina
"You're married to a firefighter and your daughter is becoming one. Will you ever get used to it?" Asked Maya
"I don't care about the fire itself. My problem is you two being in them" said carina laughing
"We're kidding we were talking about me crying over stupid Standford" said Kate
"1. Language." Said carina "and 2. It's not stupid. It's only been two days. But, tomorrow is Monday and you'll go to the station and do fire stuff which you love with the bossy Captain and time flies Kay, before you realise everything will be back to what it was." Said carina smiling
"That's why my therapy is running" laughed Maya
"You two are funny" said carina offended and said "funny to mock the Italian?"
"Quite funny and, I'm hungry so I'll go have dinner, you two are welcome to come if you want to" said Maya heading to the kitchen
Next Monday around 6:30 Maya walked into Kate's room.
"Bug" said Maya slightly shaking her
"Yeah?" Asked Kate
"I'm leaving. I have a meeting at the PD mamma is not working today you can go in her car to the station" said Maya
"Cool" said Kate and turned to sleep again
After walking up, having breakfast and talking to Jake as usual she got changed and grabbed the car keys
"We're you going with that keys?" Asked carina who was on her laptop updating charts
"To work" said Kate
"What's that in your hands?" Laughed carina
"Mom said I was supposed to drive in your car" said Kate as she put on her hoodie
"Mmm come here" said carina
"Mamma I'm gonna be late" said Kate
"Come or you don't get my car" said carina
Kate walked over to carina and said "yes dr. DeLuca?"
Carina kissed her cheek and said "drive safe! And not even a scratch on my car"
"Ohh way too fancy car?" Mocked Kate
"Text me when you get there" said carina
"It's ten minutes away mom. I'm not driving to Australia" laughed Kate
"Text me!!" Said carina as Kate shut the door
As Kate arrived to the station she texted carina.
~Kate: Australia here I am
~Carina: haha love you!
Andy came over to the kitchen and handed Kate coffee
"Right no coffee law" said Andy laughing
"Not a law. Just a..." said Kate
"A weird survival method" laughed Jack as he came in
They all laughed and the alarm came on
"Come on kiddo we are up" said Andy
"I'm on the aid car? With you?" Said Kate smiling
"Aww she is thrilled!!" Said Andy
"Just cause she is young" mocked Jack
"Kate's mine for the first fire!" Yelled Vic form the table
"No way. I said that first" said Travis
"Fine she's both of us" agreed Vic
"I said I had her for the first four alarm" said Jack
"You know the Maya is gonna bench you all and keep her to herself" said Ben
"She can't!" Said Vic
"She's her daughter" said Ben laughing
"So? She's our... our Kate. Our provee" said Travis
Andy and Kate rushed to the engines
"You're driving back" said Andy
"I love you" said Kate
Andy laughed as she started the engine and said "mm sorry you're taken"
"Uh damn" joked Kate
They attended a man and drove him to grey Sloan.
"Incoming!" Yelled Kepner and the doctors waited outside.
As they brought the patient into the OR Kate was on top of the gurney doing CPR.
Amelia yelled "that's my brain!!" Followed by Callie who yelled "that's my hand!"
"My hand, my brain" yelled Kate back
"My patient!!" Said Arizona
Kate walked outside of the trauma room after someone took her place.
"Hey!" She said
"Look at you!" Said Amelia "how are you feeling?"
"Better than ever" said Kate
Callie grabbed her hand closed it opened it and said "what a beautiful work I did"
Kate laughed and said "you certainly did"
"Oh we need to ask you a favour" said Arizona
"Sure" said Kate
"Can you go to Sofia's school and give a firefighter talk?" Said Arizona
"I'm not a firefighter yet" said Kate
"You don't have a firefighter costume? Like the one you're wearing now?" Said Callie and Andy came by
"Herrera, she can go give that talk"Said Kate
"To whom?" Asked Andy
"Five year olds" said Arizona
"All yours provee" said Andy
"Remember like almost two years ago? When I don't know I saved your life?" Said Arizona
"Really?" Said Kate
"Your hand, you said it was working beautifully" said Callie
"You two are awful." Said Kate "fine. I'll do it. But, I'm not having another head CT" she said
"Aww you think you get to choose that" said Arizona
"Legally your not my doctor anymore. I'm overage" said Kate
"You can go do all the paperwork now if you want to?" Said Arizona
"Rather not" said Kate
"See you next week for the head CT" said Arizona leaving
"My head is fine!" Yelled Kate
"I'll decide that!" Yelled Arizona back
"Bishop!" Yelled a nurse "You need to sign"
"Sure." Said Kate "date? 20"
"Pf 27 Kate" said Andy
"No, it's 20" said Kate
Andy showed her phone "20 Kate"
That's when everything came to her mind.
Two weeks since Jake left, two weeks since they had been together at his place.
But 20 number 20 was around her head.
20? It was 27. No way.
She was a week late.

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