You & I

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"Morning" smiled Jake as he rolled over and wrapped his hands around Kate's waist
"Morning" muttered Kate
"You ready for this morning?" he asked as Kate placed her head on his chest
"Kinda nervous, never really had an ultrasound, and that was how they found out Grace's heart condition so I'm kinda..." she began and Jake cut her off
"Okay no" he smiled "you can't think like that okay?" he said "you won't be alone I'll be there the whole time with you" he said and Kate nodded
The couple got up showered and dressed as both of them drove together to Grey Sloan Memorial into the OB wing and waited for Jo to come in.

"Hey you two!" she said cheerfully as she walked inside hugging Kate "Congratulations" she smiled as she got everything ready. "So, are we expecting a Mama Bear breaking into my consult room or?" she asked making Jake and kate chuckle
"That's quite a valid possibility" said Jake as Kate laid down
"So Kate seems you're about 6 weeks pregnant which could explain all the nausea you've been experiencing" said Jo as she read the ultrasound
Jake smiled as he began to see the ultrasound and he squeezed tightly Kate's hand who seemed to be quite nervouse.
"So guys I'm gonna try look for heartbeat in the ultrasound" said Jo "but it's only 6 weeks, which means" she said as she was interupted by Jake
"which means there could be no heartbeat yet" he said and Jo nodded "but that means we'll just have to look again in a week okay?" she said and both of them nodded as Jo began to look for the fetal heartbeat
After some minutes of looking, nothing could be found in the ultrasound and despite Kate knowing that was a possibility she felt some kind of empty space. Jake squeezed her hand and smiled at her sweetly.

As Jo continued looking for a litte while the door of the room opened and Carina walked in
"hey" she smiled as she got closer to Jo and squeezed Kate's other hand
"hey" said Kate as Jake winked at Carina to point at the ultrasound and Carina realized what they were looking for.
"Bella you're only six weeks far, it's not a mathematical thing, it can take more or less" she said and Kate nodded
A smiled appeared on Jo's face as she said "seems like the only thing this baby needed to make his or her presence was to listen to grandma's voice" she said as the fetal heartbeat was heard in in the monitor. The fast tiny sound filled the room with joy and love.
Carina rushed to look at the monitor for herself as she fell in love with the tiny little spot on the ultrasound.

Carina was paged and she had to leave before and as kate was getting dressed Jake was paged, as Kate walked out of the consult room she crashed into Amelia who looked at her quite confused.
"what are you doing here?" she asked "had no clue there had been an accident" she asked kinda confused
Kate laughed and said "no, no, no incident" she said
"oh okay" she smiled "everything okay?" she asked
Kate shrugged and said "I need to ask you a favour" she said
"always" said Amelia as she pulled her into a supply room "what's up" she asked
Kate stopped for a second and said "actually it's not me who needs to ask you something" she said and Amelia looked at her even more confused. Kate took out of her pocket on of the first ultrasound photo and a card which said "would you like to be my godmother?" and as she handed both things to Amelia she took her hands to her mouth as she looked at the photo
"Yes! Yes! Yes and Yes! And a million times yes!" she almost yelled as she hugged Kate tightly and couldn't stop smiling.

Around 8pm Carina was putting Grace into bed since Maya had a late shift and she'd be home quite late
"Mommy will be here when you wake up" smiled Carina
"Kate?" asked Grace
"Grace is working, with mommy" said Carina as she tucked Grace into bed
"and the baby?" she asked cutely
"the baby is going to grow in Kate's tummy for 9 months" explained Carina as Grace looked at her
"did you see the baby?" asked Grace
Carina laughed and said "I heard the baby today, I heard the baby's heart" she smiled

"I want a copy!" said Andy
"yeah me too" said Vic as they were all staring at the ultrasound photo
"ha ha I've got the original losers" said Maya as she wrapped her arm around Kate shoulder
"I'll get you all a copy" smiled Kate as she headed into the locker rooms
Andy said "I can't believe in nine months we'll have a tiny you here" and Maya said "God I know"
"You planning on benching her? Aren't you " Asked Vic as she saw Maya's face
"I just don't know how to tell her" admitted Maya
"Maya" said Andy
"I'm not, sorry I'm not risking it" said Maya
"I know. I know" said Andy "just, right now?" She asked
"I mean, not right now. But I'm not happy in sending my grandchild into fires." Said Maya
"What about the aid car?" Asked vic "so somehow she could come with us just not into the fire" she said
"Kate hates the aid Car" said Andy
"Yeah I know just. I'm not bringing it up for a debate I'm just gonna tell her. Sooner rather than later" said Maya

"Hey you" said Jake as he leaned over to Kate and pecked her lips as she was reading her laptop on the couch
"Hey I missed you" she smiled looking up
"Missed you both" smiled Jake sitting next to Kate as he placed his hand on her tummy
"You're hand is cold" laughed Kate making Jake chucked as he got up "I'm on dinner duty?" He asked
"Nope I am" smiled Kate
"Oh damn" mocked Jake as Kate walked over to him to playfully pull his hair and he picked her up walking over to the kitchen

"Hey" smiled Maya as she walked into the bedroom to find Carina in the bed snuggled into a sleeping Grace
"Someone had a nightmare" smiled Carina as she stroked Grace's hair
"Seems we're having a sleepover tonight" laughed Maya as she got changed and into bed
"You look worried" said Carina as she turned to look at Maya
"I don't know" said Maya as she took her hands to her face
"You're just protecting her. Protecting both of them" said Carina
"I know I know" nodded Maya

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