Tears in Heaven

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"Let me in" demanded Jake
"Dr. Windstone" began the nurse
"Let me in now" said Jake now walking over to push the doors
"Stop stop. Jake" said teddy coming over at a rush "you now there's no way to open up"
"Have you been paged?" Asked Jake trying to push the doors open
"Yes?" Asked teddy
"Check your pager." He said to teddy and turned to push the doors without stopping
"Open the door" said teddy to the nurse calmly
"Dr" said the nurse
"I'll speak to chief Bailey later" said teddy "just, open the doors please" she asked and Jake rushed through as soon as the doors began to open rushing over to the room to be stopped by Callie
"Let me in" said Jake trying to pass over Callie
"Easy! Easy." Said Callie as she tried to block the door "stop!"
"Dr. Torres please" he begged
"It's not looking good Jake" said Callie as she let him in
"How could this had happened?" Asked Jake in a serious tone
"Jake. It was.." began Amelia
"An accident? Is that what you're trying to say? My wi... my is in a coma cause a mistake?!" Yelled Jake holding his head
"She's not in a coma Jake I'm doing everything in my power to prevent that" said Amelia calmly
"Please do not lie to me." Said Jake madly
"I'm not lying Jake" said Amelia "you need to understand the situation"
"Situation?! Course she would have donated her blood till she run out of it! Course she would have! She would have donate her heart if it was necessary! You knew better. You knew better than her." Yelled Jake walking out.
"Jake wait" said Callie
"Let me go" said Jake walking out.
"Amelia?" Asked Callie
Amelia looked down at Kate laying on the bed and as she pass her torch through her eyes she shook her head.
"Anything to do?" Asked Callie
"Praying" said Amelia

"Babies stats are looking amazing" smiled Jo as she looked down at the baby
"Jo?" Asked Maggie as she walked into the NICU
"Maggie hey!! You're a miracle worker come see this numbers!" She said excitedly
"Jo..." said Maggie getting closer
As Jo looked confused Maggie told her everything happened and Jo's happiness slowly faded away
"Maya and carina" said Jo coming out of her shock
"They've got no clue. Kate wanted to keep it as an anonymous donation. We never expected this kind of complication" said Maggie looking up
"We've gotta tell them" said Jo looking down at the baby
"Jo what if she doesn't wake up?" Asked Maggie stroking the baby's cheek

"Arizona. Arizona. Arizona stop!" Yelled Callie chasing after Arizona
"What Callie! What?" Yelled Arizona at the parking lot
"Come inside. It's freezing cold here" said Callie
"I may have just killed someone Callie I'm not interested in cold here" said Arizona
"You've killed no one don't you even say or think that" said Callie seriously
"She saved Sofia, Callie, Kate saved Sofia and now? How do I return that favour? Putting her into a coma" said Arizona
"Arizona. Stop it" said Callie
"I need to tell Carina and Maya" said Arizona

Outside Carina's room Jo and Maggie were standing outside as Arizona came walking in.
"I'll do it" said Maggie comforting Arizona
"It's on me. I'll do it" said Arizona
"No, Arizona. No it's not" said Jo "medical mistakes happen. It's uncontrollable, they happen"
Maggie tried to control and hide her tears till Jo noticed. "How do you break this news?" She asked with a broken voice "they were fighting for her baby to survive. And now? Now their baby is alive and her daughter? Her daughter?" She said and she began to cry into Jo's shoulder.
"Is the baby stable?" Asked Callie and Jo nodded. As she saw the nod Callie walked away
"How can we believe things are good, things are fair. The world is fucking messed up" said Maggie cleaning her tears
"Which news go first?" Asked Arizona

"Amelia?" Asked Jake as he walked into Kate's room
"Hey" smiled Amelia who was sitting next to Kate
"Sorry, for everything earlier" said Jake as he got closer.
"Don't apologise, please" said Amelia
"I can't to this" said Jake sitting down holding his head on his hands
"Come again?" Asked Amelia who couldn't quite listen
Jake looked up and rubbed his eyes "I can't do this. I can't look at her slipping out of my hands. I can't" he said shooking his head.
"You can't lose your faith. You can't do that" said Amelia
"I can't" said Jake "I can't image Maya and carina finding this out, I can't imagine the baby growing up without Kate in her life. I can't imagine.." said Jake who stopped talking bitting his tongue.
"Can't imagine what?" Said Amelia
Jake hesitated and spoke out "I can't imagine my life without her" he said burring his head again in his hands
Amelia cleaned up her tears and cleared her throat "You know patients in comas, it's still a mystery weather they listen or not. Me myself I believe they do. I believe they listen, they feel everything happening." Said Amelia "that's why I keep her company. I believe she's listening to me right now" she smiled "what I mean is, tell her, tell her everything you're telling me"
Jake cleared his throat as he tightly squeezed Kate's hand
"Stupid to think I met you at a party I didn't even wanted to go. Stupid to believe I met the person I love the most in my life getting drunk with a vodka bottle." He smiled "I don't mean to be selfish I promise I don't. I just really. Really need you to wake up. I need you here. I need you" he said "your sister is alive. She's alive thanks to you, she wants to meets you. She wants you to be there for her. She needs you Kate and I need you here. I know it's selfish to ask. I know it is. I just need you to fight this. To fight to come back" he said finishing his sentence with a trembling voice.
"Come here" said Amelia who was standing up next to Jake and hugged him tightly "she loves you" she said and Jake nodded and cleaned up his tears
"Sorry" he said clearing his throat
"Not something to be sorry about" smiled Amelia

"Arizona?" Asked Carina as Arizona just stood in front of them
"Arizona?" Asked Maya worriedly standing up "please don't. Don't." She said
"The baby" began Arizona with a trembling voice.
"No, no. Please" said Maya bringing her hands to her mouth.
"The baby is alive" said Arizona un emotive "the baby is alive. The baby is stable. The baby's stats, the baby is healthy" she said
Maya and carinas eyes were from another world. Both of them had tears on her eyes and couldn't control herself but to let them out.
After minutes of them hugging tightly and cleaning up their tears, Maggie and Arizona were still standing in front of them. With pale faces.
"I...- I don't understand" said Maya with a smile on her face "the baby is alive" she said
"Yes, yes the baby is alive" said Maggie "b.." she began and was cut off by Arizona
"I'm so.. so.. so sorry" said Arizona crying "Arizona?" Asked Carina getting worried "what's going on here?" Asked Maya standing up again
"I'm.. I'm sorry I didn't think about it. I should have thought for a second. Just for a second. I'm so, so, so sorry" she said as she broke down even more
"Tell me exactly was going on" said Carina in a serious tone.
"Carina" began Maggie
"Tell me. Immediately" she barked back
Maggie nodded and got closer "the baby needed a transfusion. A transfusion to change bloods. The baby was suffering from sickle cell anemia"
Carina's face looked confused. The baby was stable.
"Due to the storm, there was no O negative blood here. There was no way of getting blood in here. The baby was crashing" said Maggie
"Maggie?" Asked Maya
"There was an anonymous donor. An O negative person." Said Maggie "the donor donated the whole blood for the baby. In seconds the baby's numbers were up" she said "it was a miracle" her eyes turned watery
"Maggie" asked carina as she began to make up stuff in her mind.
"The anonymous donor had a resent surgery. Had lost blood during it." Said Maggie "we didn't think about it in the heat of the moment. During the end of the transfusion once the baby's numbers were up. The donor collapsed."
"Stop" said carina "I need you not to tell me what I think you'll tell me." She said
"The donor was a direct donor." Said Maggie
Maya's head finally made click. Since she looked at Maggie with her lost eyes and said "don't. Please" she said
"The baby's donor was Kate. She donated her blood, she saved her life." Said Maggie now crying
"Kate is in a coma" said Arizona

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