Part 2

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As usual Seattle was pouring rain. Kate's school was just some blocks apart form the station and the hospital where carina worked. But honestly she rather spend time at the station since she found it more fun.

Around 4pm Kate decided despite the rain she would just run over to the station. She ran and ran she got to the entrance door where Viv and Travis were sitting down.

"Gosh, Kate? Come on in!" Said vic opening the door

"You're soaking wet. You came walking?" Asked Travis

"Yeah, well running" said Kate who was now shivering

Travis and Vic laughed at each other, until Vic looked again at Kate.

"Go to your mom's office and take a hot shower. You'll freeze otherwise" said Vic taking her backpack off her back.

"Where's mom?" Asked Kate heading upstairs.

"She's on a call. She'll be back soon" said Travis "we'll let her know you're here"

"Thanks Travs!" Said Kate running upstairs

"Travs?" Laughed Vic

"She's the only one who gets to call me Travs" he warned Vic.

Kate was midshowering when she heard the door of the office opening.

"Kay?" Said Maya

"Yeah, here" said Kate

"You've got some clothes in my drawer" said Maya as she sat down on her desk.

Some minutes later Kate came our dresses in station 19 clothes.

"That really suits you" said Maya and before Kate sat down she said "ahhh ahh, come here" 

Kate rolled her eyes laughing and walked over to Maya and kissed her.

Maya tried to trick her and pull her on her lap and hug her "aww you remember when you were tiny and you came here and played on my desk" she said kissing Kate's cheek

"Mom! Stop" said Kate laughing since Maya had tickled her.

"You going downstairs?" asked Maya as she saw Kate looking out of the door

"Yeah in some seconds" said Kate

"If you're going downstairs put on a coat, it's freezing cold" said Maya

"Okey deal" she said putting a station 19 hoodie. "Oh mom?" she asked

"Yeah?" Said Maya looking up at her

She sat down on the other chair and said "I am invited to a party tomorrow night. It's just some blocks away from the station"

"Whose party is it?" Asked Maya

"Just some guy from the school" lied Kate

"Right, by some guy you mean an older guy?" Said Maya

"Yes. But mom, my friends are going. Please" said Kate.

"We'll talk about it with mama tonight" said Maya.

Kate walked downstairs angry since "talking later with mama or mom" always meant a no for an answer. She walked into the kitchen and everyone was there.

"Hey there mini cap" said Jack

"Hey Jack, how's Marcus doing?" Asked Kate

"He's great, he really got maths after you taught him." Said jack

"Mi chica!!" Yelled Andy and hugged Kate from behind.

"Hey Andy!" Said Kate happy since she really loved Andy.

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