Part 28

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That night before driving home she heard Maya talking to Jack, she was crying and Jack had no words to confort her. No words could do anything.
She walked over to the locker rooms and opened her locker to look for her AirPods and get ready to leave.
As she heard steps coming in she turned around and saw Andy looking at her.
"Hey" Kate said as she put on her jacket
"Hey" said Andy and walked over to her
"Mom told you" said Kate
"She did" said Andy "Kate I'm so sorry"
"How can someone do that? How can someone make somebody leave like that? How does mom do it? How can she stay strong? I'm breaking apart and I just don't know how to keep things together despite I try to" Kate said and her eyes became watery
Andy wrapped her arms "break apart. You have the right to fall apart, to break down. Just let it out. I'm here" said
Andy as she rubbed her back "you don't have to play hard around us, okay? With us you have a free pass of falling apart"
Kate just just kept on crying on Andy's shoulder and she tightly hugged her.
"In no time things will get better" said Andy

Kate sat down next to resting her head on Andy's shoulder and said"mom is leaving to Italy in two weeks"
"I know, but, I'm sure with Maya over there. Both of them together they'll fix it" said Andy
"Guess so" said Kate cleaning off the remaining tears
"I know so" said Andy and kissed her top head

Around 7pm Maya and Kate drove home, as they arrived Maya took a shower and Kate made dinner.
Dinner was quiet, none of them knew what to say. They felt the same way, just maya didn't want Kate to see her sad, not falling apart. She new she would be strong for both of them.
Around 10 maya was already in bed, first night without carina. She knew It would be hard. Not for the fact of being alone, but to know why she was alone.

Kate took a shower and changed into her pijamas. She laid on her bed but knew she wouldn't be able to sleep. She got up and headed to Maya's room and stood in the door seeing she wasn't asleep either
"Can't sleep either?" Asked Maya smiling
"How could I" said Kate
"Comer here my bug" said Maya and opened Carina's side of the bed and Kate got in and Maya placed her arm around her pulling her close to her.
"You're leaving in two weeks" asked Kate
Maya squeezed her and said "I'm going there to bring mamma back. You wanna stay here or at Andy's?" Asked Maya
"I'll stay here. Station, home and Andy's I guess" said Kate
"Sounds like a plan" said Maya "you know you'll receive calls every hour right?"
"Yeah I assumed" said Kate Smiling
"And Nora will continue to come every morning to keep the house clean and cook" said Maya
"Perfect" said Kate softly
"Bug" said Maya as she lifted Kate's chin and said "I promise, the three of us will be back here together"
Kate nodded and laid her head back again on Maya's chest and started closing her eyes.

The following days were slow. Kate felt like she had been ran over by a truck. And maya, despite remaining strong she was also blown.
10 days, ten days since carina had left. They spoke to her several times a day, but there seemed to be no good news about nothing. 4 days for maya to leave. Which could mean two things. Either she came back alone for good. Or she'd came back with carina.

Kate woke up and looked at her watch. 5am. She didn't wake up like the other 10 days. Today somehow she had energies. Jake was coming home. After three months. He was home. She got showered and dressed and headed over to Maya's room.
"Mom" she whispered as she stood in front of her.
Maya slowly opened her eyes and smiled as she saw Kate "yes bug?" She asked
"I'm going to pick up Jake from the airport. See you at the station later okay?" Kate said
Maya nodded and pulled Kate into the bed and kissed her cheek "love you. Drive slowly" she said

Kate rushed to the airport. Course she didn't drive slowly. She loved to drive quickly. Specially now that she was in quite a hurry to see Jake.
She stood waiting for him to him off the plain.
She missed him badly. She just needed him more than ever now. Maya was leaving in four days, and the worst nightmare could come. She just needed his embrace, his love. She needed him.
Then she saw him, walking towards her with his bag in his hand. He looked so grownup, so perfect. He smile went form ear to ear and as soon as they were a meter apart Kate jumped into his arms with his legs around his waist. Hugging him tightly.
"Hey stranger" he said smiling
"Jake" said Kate and kissed his lips deeply as he kissed her back.
"You've got no idea how much I've missed you" said Kate and hugged him again.
Jake hugged her tightly and whispered to her ear "you've got no idea how much I love you"
Kate's eyes lit up and she pecked his lips again
They both got into the car still smiling so much there faces began to hurt.
"I'm I letting you drive?" Laughed Jake
Kate smiled and said "you've got no clue how much I've improved in this three months"
"Oh I'm sure of that" mocked Jake
They both drive over to Jake's house where his family was so glad to see him. They had made lunch for all of them and Kate had lunch with them. His family was really funny but it did made Kate sad since it reminded her of her situation.
Around 2pm Kate excused herself to the stations since she had some tasks to do. Since she took the morning.
"So?" Asked Andy as she came in and saw Kate's smile "someone looks happy" she said
"I am. I really am" said Kate as she got changed to her station clothes.
"I'm happy for you." Said Andy
"You'll have to tolerate my boy crises in 4 days" laughed Kate
"Looking so forward to it" said Andy smiling
"Have you seen mom?" Asked Kate as she headed towards the engines
"She was here in the morning. Now she headed over to migration" said Andy "but, she said thinks were looking better"
Kate nodded and began to fix the hoses in the truck.
After having everything ready she texted Jake
~Kate: coffee at my place?
~Jake: count on that ;)
She drove home and got everything ready. Everything she knew Jake liked and waited for him. Maya wasn't home yet. Why would it be taking that long.
Around twenty minutes later there was a knock on the door and a nice smelling Jake waiting outside.
As he came in he's face lit up with the food.
"You make me happy" said Jake
"Me or the food?" Laughed Kate
"Oh yea, you also make me happy" said Jake and kissed Kate's top head
"Haha shut it" said Kate and they both sat down on the couch.
Jake placed his arm around Kate and she laid her head in his shoulder.
"Can we talk?" Asked Jake
Kate looked at him and said "is everything okay?"
"Why didn't you tell me?" Asked Jake. I would have come before if you had told me"
"Jake, it's okay. Really" said Kate as she poured coffee
"Your mom was deported Kate. Course it's not, you know I would have come" he said
"I know, just. I was just a mess" said Kate
"That's why you call me. Okay? You don't go through that and you don't tell me." Said Jake
"I promise, I'll call you" said Kate.
Jake kissed his cheek and hugged her tightly.
As they were eating and talking Maya came through the door.
"Look whose here!" She said as she saw Jake who quickly stood up to greet maya
"Captain Bishop" he said smiling
She hugged Jake and laughed "oh Jake, if you call me Captain again I'm gonna have to kick you out"
Jake helped maya with the grocery's she had and said "Really to hear about Dr. DeLucas news"
"Thank you Jake. Yeah, I'm heading over there in 4 days hoping we can fix that." Said Maya

Thanks for all the support!! 
If there's any idea you have, please let me me know!!!
I read all your comments!

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