Sign Of The Times

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"Bishop?" Asked the nurse "Bishop" he repeated as she shook her a bit
Kate's eyes shoot open and the first thing she did was to look at her hand. Still there. Still there. She caught her breath again. Her hand with in a splint surrounded by gauze.
"Bishop. You're emergency contact is here" he said
"How long was I out?" Asked Kate
"Your hand was operated last night. The surgeon will come talk to you. Do you want me to get your contact in?" He asked
Kate was still confused. Didn't understand a thing. But nodded anyway. Her eyes did closed in seconds until she heard the familiar voice. "Hey princess"
Kate eyes shoot open again and he saw him, standing next to her. Jake.
She instantly clanged to his neck to hug him.
"You're here" she Whispered
"How could I not?" He said hugging her tightly.
"I love you" said Kate not letting go
"I never stopped or will stop loving you" whispered Jake
"You're taking me home?" Asked Kate
"Where you belong" smiled Jake "Callie is waiting for you... she's got a plan. She's gonna fix it"
"I can't feel my hand Jake. It's like if my left hand was gone" Kate said
"It's not. Okay? It's not gone. The surgeon said he was able to save the nerve and Callie, she'll be able to place it back and it's going to work Kate" he said
"When are we leaving?" Asked Kate
A women walked next to them
"So this is Jake?" Smiled sam and shook Jake's hand
"Heard so much about you" she smiled
"They didn't cut it off" smiled Kate
"Over my dead body." Smiled Sam "we've got everything ready for you"

After discharged Kate got dressed as military level one. Camouflaged pants. Military green shirt and armed up in her belt. No way she had to even do migration at the airport and she'd be in Seattle ASAP. They both got into a car and would do a 3 hour drive till the airport.
"Look at you laughed Jake" as he got Kate's bags.
"Not used to this kind of heat?" Asked Kate
"Your heat or the weather?" Laughed Jake
"Get in the car" laughed Kate
"hurts?" He asked pointing at her hand
"Nope, meds are quite up still" she answered and Jake started te engine and Kate said goodbye to her troupe.
"Ready?" Asked Jake
"Never" smiled Kate
After an hour driving Jake realised it was time to break the news. Wouldn't be a good idea for Kate to get home and receive all that info at once.
"I need to tell you something. I need you not to freak out." He said looking at her
"Okay?" She smiled "not sure what could make me freak out now" she said looking at the splint in her hand
"Just. Breath. And I'll tell you" said Jake and Kate did so
"Your mom. Carina." Said Jake
"Jake what?" Asked Kate getting worried
"Carina is pregnant Kate." He spit out "she's five months pregnant and the baby, has a cardiac condition" he finished
"The car..." muttered Kate
"What?" Asked Jake
"The car, pull over. Pull over the car" said Kate and Jake did so. She jumped off the car and was sick.
"Kate" said Jake and she got back into the car
"Just. Let's drive" she said holding her head "so, she's pregnant?" Kate asked
"Yes" assured Jake "she is"
"How far along?" Asked Kate
"Five months" Jake said
"When I left for Iraq" she said cleaning her tears
"Yes" assured Jake
"And the baby is sick?" Asked Kate
"Not sick. But has a condition. He or she will be operate as soon as it's delivered" explained Jake.
As they got to the airport the conversation vanished away. Kate was still shocked about everything.
As expected as Kate was dressed as military grade one they both did migration in seconds and they were on the plane. After five months back home. In 14 hours she'd be seeing her moms again.
Sunday afternoon next day Carina was cooking "Maya there's someone at the door!" Yelled carina from the kitchen and maya jogged over
"Got it" she said as she jogged over to the door and tried to look through the peep whole but so no one.
Door bell again.
"What the?" Said Maya as she walked again to the door and opened.
Lane Bishop
"What? You're not letting your dad in?" He asked
"What are you doing here?" She asked sharply
"That's not the way you talk to me" he said trying to go in
"You're not coming in here" maya announced
"Sorry?" He asked "is there's something you're trying to protect in here? Like let's say your daughter?"
"Go away lane" Maya said
"Oh no, true. You daughter escaped to Iraq. You know what's happening in Iraq? A war. You know what happens in war? People die" he said
"Get the hell away from here" said Maya
"Maya? Whose there?" Asked Carina as she walked over to the door
"Oh there it is. The other guilty one. Nicely done by the way. I thought you were way smarter than my daughter. To know better not to send their daughter to a war" said Lane
"What are you doing here" said Carina.
"I was just thinking what the hell is wrong with you!" Yelled Lane
"You're drunk and you're getting the hell away from here" said Maya
"You kicking me out?" Asked lane
"Yes" said Maya "or you get the hell away from here or I'm calling the police. Up to you lane"
"What? A firefighter Captain can't deal with his father?!" Yelled lane as he pushed Maya and walked in
Maya picked up her phone and called 911 "you're choice lane" she said
"You're not making that call! You're listening to me!" Yelled lane walking into Kate's room and turning to see a nursery next in the room next door.
"Ah ah. What is this?" He said walking in
"Get the hell out" said Maya
"You're pregnant" she said walking over to Carina
"Back, the hell, off" said Maya standing in the middle of them
"You having another child? What the hell is wrong with both of you?" He yelled
"You're getting out walking by your own or by the cops in five minutes" said Maya
"So, you're bringing another child to break it?!" Yelled Lane

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now