Part 17

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Next morning at 4:45 am Kate woke up, she actually hadn't slept. She just needed some time to rest her body by laying down.
She got up dressed and left for a run. That morning she ran 12 miles, didn't stop once. She was powered by something she had no clue what it was. Around 6:50 she was back home. She came into the house and saw her two moms having breakfast.
"Morning runner" said carina
"Morning" answered Kate as she caught her breath back
"How much?" Asked Maya
Kate looked at her watch and said "12,5 miles"
"Wow" said carina
"Nice!" Said Maya
Kate noticed something which was turning her crazy she wasn't sure what. The she saw it. The coffee machine had vapor coming out of it. She rushed over it and turned it off. Wasn't smoke, just looked like it. She realised both of her moms were looking at her and were looking at each other
"Coffee is ready" said Kate as she realised she was being looked at
"Yeah, thanks hon"said carina putting a smile on her face and looking back at Maya
"It's quite cold bug you should take a shower before you catch a cold" said Maya
"Right. Yeah. You driving to the station?" Asked Kate
"Yep will drive together" said Maya
Kate headed upstairs and into her bathroom to take a shower
Downstairs carina said "you don't think that was?"
Maya nodded and said "I know, you think something happened last night?"
"I'm not sure." Said carina "should we?"
"Ask her?" Said Maya "don't think that's a good idea right now"
After 20 mins Kate came down dressed in the station clothes. She had a black pant and a shirt and hoodie in her hand as she came down in a sport bra drying her hair. She laid down on a couch since tiredness was getting to her now. She started feeling her eyes closing until she heard her mom's coming into the leaving room
"You ready?" Asked Maya
"Yeah ready" said Kate as she stood up
Carina said "I suppose you're going to her dressed to leave. It's freezing outside"
Kate who a combination of half asleep, and exhausted said "oh right yes" as she pulled on her white station shirt and her hoodie.
"You feeling okay?" Asked carina as she placed a hand on her forehead.
"I just may have got a little dizzy after the shower" said Kate smiling
"What did you have for breakfast?" Asked carina
"I don't do breakfast" said Kate as she headed to the door
"12 miles with no breakfast?" Asked Maya "no way you're feeling dizzy Kate"
Carina walked into the kitchen quickly before they left. "Take an Apple you'll pass out" she said
"I don't do breakfast" said Kate and walked out of the door
Maya and carina looked at each other.
Carina wasn't convinced by that, she knew her daughter, something was odd.
At the hospital as she walked through the historial she found teddy and pulled her into an on-call room
"Carina hey!" Said teddy "what's wrong?" She asked realising something was up with her face
"Can PTSD come back? Like despite the medication?" She asked
"No, it can't. Carina what's wrong? Said teddy
"She's got it again I mean she's always gonna have it I mean she is leaving it now" said carina
"Carina is she taking medication?" Asked teddy
"Why? Why wouldn't she? Why isn't she taking it teddy?" Said carina in a worried tone
At the station
"Okay team! Hughes, Miller: aid car." Said Maya and as she said that an alarm went on. "Okay! Come on truck 1 you are leaving!"
As she said that Travis, Jack, Andy and Maya got into the truck
"What are you waiting?" Smiled jack at Kate
"What? Really?" Said Kate in shock
"Come on pop in" said Maya.
They all headed towards a house in fire and Maya started giving instructions as Kate stared at her in amazement. She watched the fire fighters rushing in to the fire and her eyes lit up.
"How's it feel?" Asked Maya
"Just. Wow" said Kate
"That's what I thought" she smiled back
Kate had it under control. She didn't felt that scared. Not until the victims came out. They were all okay but Kate wasn't.
She started pacing around, biting her tongue, and as expected the sweat came.
Andy had already taken all the victims out and realised about Kate. She saw Gibson had already got undressed out of his fire clothes
"Como here" she said and grabbed Kate's arm pulling her to truck. "Get dressed up" said Andy
"Really?" Asked Kate
"Come on!" Said Andy and they both walked towards maya
"Captain you coming?" Asked Andy as she showed dressed up Kate
"Look at you! Looking good. Okay let's go" said Maya
The three of them walked into the house which was out of fire. Maya went in first and Kate froze at the door.
"Come on, we'll be together the whole time. Baby steps" said Andy and grabbed Kate's hand which was shaking
They gave her a tour explaining everything they could see. Kate seemed fine, despite her only thought was to run through the door except her hand was being held tightly by Andy who made her shaking come down.
The three of them came out of the fire and the whole team was there waiting for them and they all clapped as they came out.
"That's our girl!" Yelled Travis
Kate blushed up and Maya hugged tightly realising she was shaking. She said nothing but realised.
"Okay team! Let's get back home!" Yelled Maya and they all headed back to the station
As they got out of the truck Andy pulled her to her side "what's wrong Kate?" Asked Andy
"Nothing's wrong" said Kate
"I don't buy that. I saw you Kate. You were having an episode" said Andy
Kate looked at Andy serious and walked away.
Maya was at her office when her phone rang
"Yeah?" Said Maya
"Looking for a hot Captain?" Said carina on the phone
"Found it" said Maya "you know your daughter was in her first fire call today?" Said Maya
"What? Really?!" Said carina excited and worried
"She was" laughed Maya "there's something we should talk about tho" said Maya
"I think I know so too" said carina "I think she's having some episodes again"
"I've got no doubts. She had one today" said Maya
"Where is she?" Asked carina
"About to leave" said Maya "you think her dosis needs to be?" Said Maya
"Maya she's not taking them, I spoke to teddy, she is not taking medications" said Carina
"She's been moody, she's waking up at strange hours" said Maya
"She's sleep deprived. The coffee machine vapor, the broken glass today spooked her to death" said carina
"She's leaving with PTSD" said Maya "and I got her into a fire today" she said sadly
"There was no way you knew Maya" said carina
Kate headed home and prepared everything for dinner. Since Maya had to give instructions to the next shift and carina was heading home.
After she made dinner she sat down on the leaving room studying. As she heard open and her two moms come in she thought her heart would come out. She stood up in fear and looked at the door as she realised it was her two moms
"Kate?" Asked carina as she walked towards her "it's us" she said softly
"Kate?!" Said Maya and placed a hand on her shoulder
Kate came out of that shock she was and said "yeah, sorry. I just was really focused" she lied
Carina sat down Kate on a douche and they both sat on their sides
"You haven't been sleeping, you are moody, have been shaking, getting scared" said carina
"Andy told me today at the fire..." said Maya
"What are you saying?" Said Kate starting to get up and looking at them as she stood up in front of them
"Why have you stopped taking the medications" spitted Carina out
Kate sighted and started walking to the kitchen
"We are talking to you, you stay here Kate " said Maya
"Stay for what?!" Yelled Kate
Maya stood up and said "don't you use that tone to us. Are we clear?" She said
"And you stay here because I say so" said Maya sharply
"You can't stop taking medications just cause you want to Kate, that's not how things work." Said carina "you've got no clue how dangerous it is to stop taking medications with no indication?" Asked carina
Kate sighed and said "I guess I don't" she said and she walked to her room
"We are talking to you, you came here immediately" said carina standing up
Kate came back with her keys in her hand "I'm leaving"
"Catherine! You come here right now!" Yelled carina
"You're gonna tackle me?" Answered Kate back as she opened the door and left
As she walked out she called on her phone
~Kate: hey Kim, you at the bar?
~Kim: yeah girl. What's up?
~Kate: hold up. I'm on my way.

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