Run to You

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"Want me to go with you?" Asked Jake as he unloaded Kate's bag
"No no, I've got it. I mean I've got to deal with it at some point" said Kate as she grabbed her bag with her healthy hand "you're the best" she said
"Yeah I kinda knew that" smiled Jake as he pulled in for a kiss "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning first thing to see Callie" he said as he got back into the car

Kate walked over to the front door. Found her key in her bag. God she missed using the key. Her home. Something felt odd tho. I mean probably cause she would be facing her moms with this news. A baby. Oh damn.
Something made Kate break out of her thoughts. A yelling. Yelling of her mom.
"Backoff the hell off us!" Of us? Someone was in there with them.
Kate then remembered. Her gun in her belt. Was she really gonna go in with a gun in her hand?
"Let her go!!" Another yell. From her Mamma this time. They had her mom.
Didn't think about it twice. Her right hand was on her belt now, loaded gun.
She slowly opened the door to see what she feared she would see. Things thrown to the ground. Like if someone rushed over.
She carefully but quickly rushed upstairs when she saw her biggest nightmare.
Lane. He had Maya against a wall and Carina in their bedroom crying.
Kate decided not to show the gun yet . She just walked upstairs until Lane turned around
"Let her go" demanded Kate as she stepped on the last step
"Look what we've got here!" Yelled Lane without letting go Maya "we've got Rambo!" He said pointing at Kate's military clothes.
"Let her go" demanded Kate once again. Still only with words
"You know. I think, both bishops have earned a beating up" he said letting go maya and approaching towards Kate
"No! Please no" cried Carina on the floor
Maya stood up again and tried to stand in between them both "No. Please. Don't" she also cried.
"Since when do you cry? Oh I know. Since you're an idiot!" Yelled Lane and before he even got to raise his hand Kate  moved over in front of Maya receiving a punch on the face. Being thrown to the ground.
"No no no!!" Yelled Carina on the floor taking her hands to her mouth. The same way Maya was.
But nothing wasn't on purpose. Before lane was about to pick up his fist again, Kate on the ground grabbed her gun standing up.
"What's wrong lane?" Asked Kate as she cleaned off the blood with her shirt "what the hell is wrong lane?!" She asked again getting closer as lane backed up "punch me now. Punch me again. Come on. I'm waiting my left eye isn't black yet" she said
"You wouldn't dare" said Lane.
Kate loaded the gun
"You're aiming at your own grandfather?" Asked lane
"Oh no no, I'm aiming at your head" said Kate. "Hands on the wall" she said as she picked up her phone and dialed 911.
"You lay feet on my house once again, you touch my family again and I swear to god, the next bullet it's going directly to the middle of your eyebrows" she whispered to Lane
Within three minutes there was a car on the door and a couple of police officers came up stairs taking Lane in it.

"So...?" Said Kate turning around as she closed the door behind her.
Carina was still upstairs since her shock was still all over her.
As Kate turned around maya in tears hugged her so tightly. So tightly as she ever did. She kept on crying.
"Mom" said Kate as she hugged her back "it's okay. I'm okay" she said
"You're here" cried maya "you're here" she kept on crying as she wouldn't let go of her.
"I'm here. And I'm okay" smiled Kate.
"Your eye" said Maya looking at where lane had punched her "and you're hand. What happened?" She asked worried
"It's okay. Everything it's okay. We're all here. I'm not going anywhere" said Kate as she hugged maya again tightly

As she remembered Carina was still upstairs Kate rushed through the stairs to find Carina standing with her hands on her mouth. Just looking at Kate.
"Bambina" she cried
"That'd be me" smiled Kate and instantly hugged her tightly
"You're here?" Asked carina between sobs and tears
"I'm here. I'm here mamma. I'm not going anywhere I promise"
"It's you?" Asked Carina unable to stop crying
"It's me" she said as she lifted her head up maya was there and joined the hug.
"I'm so so, so sorry for leaving." Said Kate "so sorry"
"You're here now" said Maya as she stroke her cheek. You're here now"
"I'm not going anywhere" assured Kate
Carina pulled apart from the hug and grabbed Kate's hand and realised the other "Kate what?" She said as she noticed blood coming out from the splint
"I'll explain later" she said
Carina grabbed Kate's healthy hand and said "Kate. There's something we need to tell you"
Kate smiled and looked at both of them. Before someone could say anything she placed her hand on Carina's belly and there was a flutter. The baby kicked.
"Hey in there" smiled Kate and a tear escaped her eye. "Can't wait to meet you" she smiled and Carina broke into tears and the three of them hugged again.

The three of them walked together downstairs, carina still a bit shaken by everything that had happened she walked with her hand on Kate's shoulder since she felt safe like that and between the three of them they put everything back in place form the "lane episode" and sat down at the leaving room. Neither Carina or Maya would separate and inch from Kate.
She was different. She had changed somehow. She was a grownup. How much both of them hated it. She was.
"Kate, how did you get here?" Asked Maya holding her healthy hand
"Jake. He picked me up" she said "there was an incident over there. We were in some kind of "explosion" not big tho. Whole troupe was our un injured. My hand tho. Payed for us all." Kate smiled
"Kate what happened?" Asked Maya
"My hand broke, and my nerve was exposed. I was operated at Iraq to save the nerve. But, I can't feel my hand" said Kate
Carina's eyes filled with tears again.
"I have an appointment with Callie tomorrow. Seems like she's got a plan" said Kate "Jake picked me up at the hospital there. He told me about the baby. Everything." She said looking at carina
Carinas eyes got sad and she placed her hand on her belly
"Everything is going to be okay" said Kate and placed a kiss on Carina's belly "everything will be alright" she repeated.
"So, ladies. I'm gonna go get showered and changed" said Kate smiling
"Those clothes really suit you tho" smiled maya making Kate laugh.
"I'll get food started" said carina walking over to the kitchen "you look skinny" she said hugging Kate again and placing a kiss on her cheek.
"Not skinny. Shredded" said Maya as she got closer to Kate placed her hand on her shoulder
As Carina got into the kitchen Kate asked "how's she doing?"
"She's holding on. But now, you're back" smiled Maya

Getting showered at home was a whole new thing. Her bathroom. Her clothes, no sand, no dirt and warm water. No nothing. Just her home
As she walked out of her room something called her attention. The office upstairs. It was gone.
She walked and her whole world just. Was okay. The nursery. The crib, a rocking chair, the diaper table. Everything.

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