Part 27

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As Kate opened the door she felt a tense atmosphere. She could here Maya and Carina not arguing, but they were both upset.
"Carina, there's gotta be something we can do they can't just give you that answer it's ridiculous" said Maya holding her head. She looked up at carina and said "they can't give you 24hrs to leave the country they just can't."
"If I don't leave I'm never getting my permanent VISA" said Carina
Kate's heart was just broken. Broken in pieces. 24 hours? Wasn't logical. Wasn't a human thing to do. To ask someone to just leave the country were they are leaving, their family, their job? How could they. She felt the nausea coming again but somehow managed not to throw up. As she left her jacket hanging at the entrance she walked towards the leaving room with a pale face.
"24 hours?" Said Kate just blank
"Kay..." said carina as lifted her head "I promise we'll fix this"
Kate sat down next to Maya holding her head "it's not reasonable mamma" she said
"I know" said Carina as she clutched in front of her holding Kate's head against her chest. "I know" she repeated and kissed Kate's top head
"What time?" Asked Maya as she cleaned a tear off her cheek
Carina looked up with her eyes filled with tears "airport at 6am" she said sadly
Kate just looked at Maya who was feeling the same. She pulled her in to her and kissed her head.
Maya looked at her phone and said "I'll be there in two weeks" she said "I'll call immigration here and bring a letter of testimony over their. The case is stronger if an American relative like your wife is there"
Carina slowly nodded as she sat next to Kate who was just staring at nothing. Just looking at the floor in silence.
"I'll drive you tomorrow" said Kate
Carina just pulled her into her and held her tightly as maya just held her head staring at the floor.
It was the worst night ever, none of them closed an eye during the whole night. Kate got up went to the kitchen prepped coffee and sat down at the leaving room, she looked at her phone, 4am. She should be up in an hour anyway.
In Carina's and Maya's bedroom none of them could close an eye either. They didn't speak either. None of them could say nothing. Carina was just laying on Maya's chest as she played with her hair.
"You'll be back home before we realise" said Maya
"Take care of Kate, and please. Please both of you be careful with fire" said carina
"We will I promise" said Maya
"Just if something happens to one of you while I'm there I'll just" said carina
"I promise carina. I love you, and you'll be back. Okay? I'll be there in two weeks. We'll fight together" said Maya
"I love you" said Carina
Around 5am Kate got showered and changed. As she came out of her bedroom she met both her moms. She was dressed in black pants, a white shirt and a light brown sweater. She saw both of her moms staring at her.
"You look so grownup" said carina
"That's cause I am a grownup" said Kate
"You're not" they both said at the same time
Kate smiled and grabbed her car keys "ready" she said and they both slowly walked down to the garage, the three then walked so slowly it seemed like they weren't moving. Kate who always drove fast, now she drove slowly until they got to the airport.
They got Carinas lounge out of the car and they walked inside. Kate just wanted to cry, and cry her lungs out. But she knew it would kill carina to see her like that. She was being strong, she looked at maya and her eyes were just like hers. About to, but holding not to
5:55am. Five minutes.
It was it, wasn't a nightmare. It was true. It was a leaving nightmare from which Kate couldn't wake up. She saw Carina and Maya hugging tightly as they whispered something to each other ear.
"Mi amore" said Carina as she hugged Kate tightly. She hugged her not wanting to ever let her go. Kate always felt safe in her mammas arms and now, she had to leave.
Carina whispered "I love you more than you could ever imagine. I'll be back home before you notice" she said
The three of them embraced in a hug and carina said "behave and listen to mom okay?"
Kate nodded and as she blinked, Carina was walking towards the departure door and disappeared as she walked in.
Kate was broken. Completely broken. How could it be happening?
They both silently walked over to the car and Kate started the engine. She drove quickly home and as she walked into the living room she felt it. She couldn't hold it any longer. She just broke into tears.
Maya was as broken as Kate. But she knew she had to be strong for her. She wrapped her in her arms as she cried into her shoulder.
"It's okay. It's okay" said Maya as she rubbed her back but realised she was also crying now
"They kicked her out" said Kate between sobs
Maya nodded as she cleaned her own tears
"How could they...?" Said Kate being interrupted by her own tears
"I'm here bug, I'm here" said Maya
After an hour Kate and Maya were on the couch. Kate was laying her head on Maya's lap as she played with her hair.
"What time do we have to go in? Asked Kate
"I phoned Andy last night. She knows. I'll in to sign some papers. You wanna go or stay here?" Asked Maya
"Just wanna go with you" said Kate
"Okay, we'll go in together " said Maya stoking her cheek cleaning a tear off
Around nine Kate was changed and ready and Maya was waiting for her at the door. As Kate came she just suddenly hugged Maya tightly.
Maya drove both of them to the station and they walked in straight to Maya's office where she would do some paperwork, none of them knew what to say. Maya was broken, she just didn't want Kate to see it.

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