Part 21

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At the OR gallery Carina hadn't moved an inch. She just walked, sat down, walked, sat down. Amelia had everything under control. She was now relieving the pressure.
At the waiting room, Maya paced back and forth and spoke to Andy who tried to distract her.
Back at the OR gallery Andrew was paged and he had to left. As soon as he left Meredith came by.
"Hey" she said and sat down next to her.
"Hey" said carina at turned to Meredith "you really don't have to stay" she said
Meredith squeezed her hand and said "you crazy? You're looking at your daughters brain. Let us be with you"
Callie came and sat next to carina on the other side "hey" said Callie
"Really bambinas you don't have to" said carina
"If Sofia was there, I'd be breaking this glass crazy. I really admire how strong you are" said Callie
"How can this keep on happening?" Asked carina
"Carina, don't. Don't punish yourself" said Meredith
"I'm supposed to keep her safe" said Carina
"You are taking her of her. Of course you are" said Callie
"She's having brain surgery" said carina
"There's nothing you could have done to now or prevent this" said Meredith.
Back at the waiting room Maya was coming crazy.
"Why's so long? Amelia said an hour and a half. It's been two hours" said Maya
"Maya it's brain surgery okay? It's not something they'll rush" said Andy
Maya sat down again "I suspended her form the station. She was sick and I suspended her form the station" said Maya
"Maya there's no way you could have known. You reacted like you should have"said Andy
Maya nodded and sat down again. As she sat down she saw Arizona coming towards her
"Okay breath out. Or you'll pass out" said Arizona "she did amazing. She's being taken now to the ICU she'll be there some hours until we take her down to her room"
Maya breathed again and said "so she is okay?"
"There was a bleed which was definitely what was messing with her. She did amazing" said Arizona "she's got a nice brain"
Maya laughed and said "thank you Arizona. Thank you"
"Thank you both and thanks Kate. For your services" said Arizona "come on. Let's take you to your mini you"
As they approached the ICU Carina was standing next to Amelia talking and maya came by.
"She did amazing, I was telling carina she's probably just going to sleep it off today" said Amelia
Maya hugged Amelia and said "gosh thanks"
Amelia laughed and said "thank you and thanks to your daughter I'm not afraid of turning on the oven."
Carina laughed and said "she's got a nice brain"
"She really does" said Amelia
"Can we go inside?" Asked Maya
"Course!" Said Amelia "she might have headaches. Or be a little lightheaded but, she's young, strong. She'll heal quickly" said Amelia
"Thank you" said Carina.
"Shall we?" Said Amelia and guided them both in to Kate's room.
Amelia checked Kate's pupils and said "damn good work I did"
As she said that a head popped in the room, Jake came in with a flower bouquet and said "Dr. Deluca, Captain bishop. I just wanted to drop this here."
"Aww I want a Jake" said Amelia
"Is she?" Asked Jake.
"Why don't we ask her?" Said Amelia since Kate's eyes slowly opened and Amelia moved over to her "Welcome you" she said moving a torch over her eyes
"Hey" said Kate softly
"Can you tell me what your name is" asked Amelia
"Catherine Bishop Deluca" said Kate
"Can you tell me who I am?" Asked Amelia
"You are Amelia." Said Kate
"What did Amelia do?" She asked
"You fixed my brain bleed?" Asked Kate
"Fix your brain bleed baby" said Amelia Kate looked around and Amelia said "can you tell me who this gentleman is?" Pointing at Jake
"You're here" said Kate
"How could I not?" Said Jake smiling
Kate looked at her side and saw her two moms.
"How did my brain look like?" She asked carina
"The most beautiful brain I'd ever seen" said carina smiling
Kate smiled and said "I'm counting on that fire captain" looking at maya
Maya smiled and squeezed Kate's hand
Jake left the flowers kissed Kate's cheek and left to the cafeteria to get both of Kate's mom coffee
"You fixed by brain?" Asked Kate again
Maya's face turned her smile into a worried look but carina and Amelia reassured her
"Yes amore, you're brain is fixed" said carina
"Okay supergirl. Despite conversations are amazing you need to get sleep" said Amelia "I'll come back in some hours"
Kate's eyes instantly closed
"She asked the same thing" said Maya
"It's completely normal, her brain was invaded so, she is confused. It's completely normal" said carina
Maya breathed out again "okay okay" she said
Jake came back with two coffees
"Jake you didn't have to" said Maya
"Course I did. It's the least I could to" he said handing them the coffees
"Thank you Jake" said Carina
"If there's anything you need. You call me, never mind the time. Please" said Jake and left.
Maya and carina looked at each other and said "he really is" said Maya
"Charming?" Asked carina
"Nice eye Kate. Nice eye" said Maya laughing.
Some minutes later Andy came through the door.
"Andy" said carina
"How's she doing?" Asked Andy
"She's doing great. She woke up, we spoke for a bit. And then just fell asleep again" said carina
"That's my goddaughter" laughed Andy
"Andy thanks, being here" said carina
Andy sat down and said "wouldn't be anywhere else"
"I should go to the station. I left everything thrown over my desk" said Maya
"Maya, your daughter just undergone brain surgery. Let me go get everything cleared at the station" said Andy
Maya nodded and hugged Andy.
"Good luck tomorrow with that meeting tomorrow" said Andy
"Oh gosh" said Maya
As Andy left carina asked "what meeting?"
"The fire chief of Seattle. He is coming, to 19. We are on the race for upgrading" said Maya
"Maya that's amazing" said Carina
After saying that Kate's eyes slowly started opening
"Hey bug" said Maya squeezing her hand
"Hey" said Kate
"How's that head?" Asked carina
"Hurts but is okay" said Kate and looked at both of them

Short chapter!! But new beggining!
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