On The Road Again

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"I don't want a 2 year plan surgery" Kate said as Callie walked out of the room to get her scans back
"Okay. Can you let her finish explaining her plan" smiled Jake
"No. Cause. I'm not. You said she told you a two year plan and I'm not gonna be around with this "piece of hand" which doesn't work" she said
"It doesn't work now. Just listen her out" said Jake as Callie walked back in
"Okay. Grumpy" she said smiling "I've got your MRI. It doesn't look amazing"
"So?" Asked Kate
"So you're gonna keep on planning and finding a way" Callie said and Jake's beeper went on
"Go. You're being needed" Kate said
"I can..." said Jake but saw Callie face indicating to go that she'd handle her.
After Jake closed the door Kate looked at her hand.
"You can amputate it" she said
"What?" Asked Callie as she turned around "we're not even close to that" she said
"Yes we are. Callie I can't feel it. What's the point in having it." Asked Kate
"Amelia is coming to see what she can do about the nerve. I'm not going there unless I have to" said Callie sharply
"You saw my scans you saw you can't" said Kate
"Kate. I'm not taking your hand if there's a way I can fix it" she said sharply and Kate nodded

"Hey" said Amelia as she walked into the room
"Dr. Shepherd" smiled Kate
"Ms. Bishop?" Asked Amelia as she walked over and gloved up "okay let's see this. Can you move your hand?" She asked
"No" said Kate
"Can you feel it there?" She asked
"No" said Kate
"Someone's moody today" smiled Amelia and walked over to see the scans "okay."
"I'm not gonna do a two year surgery plan" warned Kate
"Did I suggest that?" Asked Amelia
"No, but" she said
"Okay then" said Amelia and walked out with the scans in her hand
"You're going back to the splint and we'll let you know when we come up with something" Callie smiled as she placed back the splint in Kate's hand
"I don't want more surgeries which won't work" Kate said
"We'll let you know when we come up with something" smiled Callie warmly and both of them walked of the room

"Hey my love" said Carina as she walked through the hallway and saw Kate
"Hey momma" said Kate as she lifted her head from her phone
"How did that go?" Carina asked
"They are planning" Kate sighted
Carina checked her phone and said "I have an ultrasound in the afternoon if you want to meet your brother/sister" she smiled
"Really?!" Asked Kate excited
"Yeah" smiled Carina
"I'll be there" smiled Kate

Kate drove over to the station and parked her car next to Maya's
"Morning Herrera. Looking good" she said as she walked into the kitchen
"Oh my god!!!!" Andy as she rushed to hug Kate "oh my god you're here! You're here you're here!" She yelled "and damn look at you! I should join the army!" She laughed
"Okay stop" laughed Kate "god I missed you" she said
"You look so, despite I hate it. You look so grownup" Andy smiled
"Who said I'd be a sister at 22 years old right?" Said Kate
"Oh boy! I know! It's so amazing!!" Said Andy as they both walked over to Maya's office and knock on the door
"Come in" maya said as both of them walked in "oh it's you" she smiled "what did Callie say?!" She asked
"Happy to see you too?" Laughed Kate
"They are planning the course of treatment" said Kate "okay why would you two refuse on knowing if it's a boy or a girl?" Asked Kate
"Cause that'd ruin the whole thing" said Maya "and they'll come up with something"
"Eh?" Asked Kate
"You want to know?" Asked Maya surprised
"You don't?!" Asked Kate "come on you want to know!"
"No I don't" said Maya
"Yes you do" said Andy
Maya sighted and said "okay I do but carina doesn't so, it'll be a surprise"
"Argh it was obvious" said Kate
"I didn't know with you and yet here you're are" laughed Maya
"Oh thanks. That's nice" smiled Kate

Around 6pm Maya and Kate drove over to the hospital for Carina's ultrasound.
"I'm not telling you" laughed Maya
"Oh come on, I'm just curious about the PD inform problem" laughed Kate
"I'm not telling you" laughed Maya again touching Kate's nose
"Fine. Pretend to be mysterious" laughed Kate as they both walked into the exam room and Carina was already there
"Oh, you made it. Didn't you want to take a bit longer?" She laughed
"Sorry. Sorry. Just, this women here wouldn't let me drive faster than.." said Kate thinking about her answer
"Faster than the speed limit?" Laughed Maya "I find that quite reasonable"
"Fine fine..." said Kate "Jo?" She asked
"She's coming in some minutes" smiled Carina "So, I spoke to Callie"
"Momma I explicitly told you I would handle that" said Kate
"Okay yes, but you're not. She said you're refusing in surgery?" Asked Carina
"Wait what?!" Asked Maya
"No no no, no. I'm not refusing on surgery. I'm refusing a two year plan surgery. Okay?" Said Kate
"No. Not okay?" Said Maya "you need your hand back"
"Okay. But I feel that a prosthetic, in this case. Is better than this thing I've got" she said as she raised her unfeeled hand.
"Don't even joke about it" said Carina
"I'm not joking" said Kate
"You're far away from that." Said Carina seriously
"I'm not." Said Kate
"Before taking any decisions, let's just. Let's just wait until we have more options okay?" Asked Maya
"Deal" said Kate as the door opened and Jo came in.

"Okay. Ready to meet someone?" Asked Jo as Kate walked over to Jo's side to see the monitor
"Oh my... is that a baby? Laughed Kate
"That's your brother/sister" said Jo
"Omg" said Kate with her hand on her mouth
"You've got no clue what you're looking at right?" Whispered Jo
"No I don't" whispered Kate back laughing "but I love it anyway"
As Arizona walked in to talk to Carina about the babies surgery Callie and Amelia broke in after her.
"We've got a plan" said Callie cheered up
"Im not doing a 2 year plan" said Kate
"Just listen to us please" said Amelia 
"I'm not doing a 2 year nothing" said Kate
"It's not a two year. It's one surgery" said Callie
"Okay what are the cons, I mean there's gotta be something. Can't be that easy" said Kate
"Your nerve is now un functioning. So, we'd wait until it's starts to die" said Amelia
"What?!" Asked Kate shocked
"As it's starts to die. It's gonna give us time to redirection the dead part which we would resect then. Leaving the healthy part untouched" explained Callie
"Okay, what's the bad part?" Laughed Kate
"The nerve could not receive the information" said Amelia
"So a painful surgery which could not work?" Asked Kate
"Please do it" jumped in Arizona
"When would the nerve start to die?" Asked Kate
"Two months maybe" said Amelia
"I'd be already here by then" said Carina
"If it doesn't work. I promise, I'll personally amputate your hand" said Callie
"No no no, no" jumped maya
"And I'll do the perfect nerve track so your fit for an amazing prosthetic" said Amelia  "I'll do a nerve blockage, as soon as your out of surgery if you give it a shot. You won't feel a thing" she said
Kate turned around to see her moms
"Seems we'll be hospitalised together" she smiled looking at Carina

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